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Fit Day Diet Analysis Examples

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The rate your plate analysis supplemented the Fit Day study by providing an in-depth breakdown of Carbohydrate, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Energy Balance, and Fitness. These additional worksheets gave me the opportunity to perform my own nutrition calculations based on my diet and enabled me to critically scrutinize the foods I ingested. I choose to analyze my data from Wednesday, March 9, 2016 because I consumed more Calories and had Track and Field practice. For me, this represents the sequential meals I typically consume on weekdays. In addition, I could apply more accurate RDA breakdowns for my diet using Fit Day for one day verses using the weekly average needed to account for nutrients consumed on both Wednesday and Saturday. …show more content…
Therefore, I was surprised when Fit Data calculated 53% of my Calories came from Carbohydrates, whereas my calculations of 299.3g x 4/1965 revealed 60.9% of my diet was carbohydrates. As an athlete, this discrepancy is extremely problematic. I learned from the Sports and Fitness page that a minimum of 60% of my Calories should be carbohydrates. If I use the Rate Your Plate guide my diet was adequate, however, the Fit Day numbers indicated that I did not consume enough carbohydrates to achieve peak perform. Despite the percent carbohydrate discrepancy, I was relieved to learn that both programs determined I met my dietary fiber requirement. My health issues require me to consume a “higher fiber” diet, therefore eating 37.2g of fiber of the recommended 25-38g was …show more content…
According to the Rate Your Plate Mineral intake guide, I am not deficient in any mineral. This agrees with the Fit Day analysis. However, most of my folic acid came from my multivitamin, therefore I should add beans and spinach into my salads to increase my natural uptake of this B vitamin. As for minerals, I was relieved that I met the RDA for both calcium and iron because these are essential minerals for a female athlete. Both programs determined potassium was the only mineral which was deficient in my diet (98% of my RDA). After researching good sources of potassium, I will add potatoes, avocado, and kidney beans into my diet. As an added benefit, my increased potassium intake should eliminate the leg cramps I have experienced during track practice. Finally, I learned I do not consume enough water. I consumed approximately 8 cups of water daily, however 9 cups of water are recommended. In addition, as an athlete, I should exceed this minimal requirement because of water loss during exercise. The brain is nearly 75% water, therefore if I want to perform my best academically and athletically, I need to drink more water throughout the day and after

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