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Work Experience Program Course Handbook

Bakersfield College
Updated: 11/15/2010


Welcome and General Information ............................................................ 3 Syllabus .................................................................................................... 4 How to Write an Objective ......................................................................... 6 Examples of Objectives ............................................................................. 7 Employer Guide to Assist with Objectives ................................................. 8 Course Summary Report Guidelines ......................................................... 9 Activity Requirements ................................................................................ 10 Approved Off-Campus Seminar/Activity List .............................................. 11 Employer/Supervisor Letter ........................................................... 12 Course Objectives Form ................................................................ 13 Off-Campus Seminar/Activity Prior Approval Form ........................ 14 Off-Campus Seminar/Activity Form ................................................ 15 Timesheet ...................................................................................... 16 Work Experience Program Survey ................................................. 17 Sample Cover Letter Format and Guidelines .............................................. 18 Resume Tips . ............................................................................................ 19 Sample Resume ........................................................................................ 21


Welcome to the Bakersfield College Work Experience Program
The Work Experience course will help you to integrate your college courses and your career goals. Our staff and resources are available to help you obtain the maximum benefits from your efforts. These are some of the benefits of our program.

• Link education with employment

Earn college credit while learning on the job

Improve work skills through writing, completing, and evaluating on-the-job objectives

Work cooperatively with a Work Experience Coordinator, your work supervisor, and the Bakersfield College program staff to increase employment skills The Work Experience Course Handbook provides the forms and information necessary to meet the course requirements. It also provides a letter to your employer/supervisor from our office. Please present this letter to the person who directly oversees your work. Work Experience is a valuable and significant part of your college education. Please feel free to contact us at any time during the semester for assistance with this course.

Career Development and Workforce Preparation Family and Consumer Education (FACE), Room 16 Phone: (661) 395-4580; Fax: (661) 395-4522


Course Syllabus
Contact information for Work Experience:
Cindi Swoboda, Department Assistant Family and Consumer Education (FACE), Room 16 Ph: (661) 395-4580 -- Fax: (661) 395-4522 Email: Janie Budy, Program Manager Office of Career Development and Workforce Preparation Ph: (661) 395-4023 Email:

It is expected that, as a result of participating in a Work Experience course, students will be able to: • Explore the workforce by work study, internships, or off-campus employment • Develop career-related goals • Apply job search skills, including development of a Resume, to successfully find employment • Communication skills to prospective employers The following steps are the responsibility of the student and are required. All required course assignment forms are contained in this handbook beginning on page 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the Online Work Experience Process Complete/submit an on-line Work Experience application Enroll in a qualified Work Experience course Attend Mandatory Work Experience Orientation Complete and submit Insurance Liability letter

Work Experience Course Requirements:
1. Online process • Must complete online process 2. Online Application • Complete a Work Experience application 3. Attend a mandatory Work Experience Orientation 4. Complete/Submit the Insurance Liability letter, (on campus worksites do not require an insurance liability letter). 5. Job Objectives • Give your employer/supervisor the employer letter contained in this handbook. • Talk with your employer/supervisor and develop your objectives. • Complete Objectives 1- 2 Worksheets during the first meeting with your Work Experience Coordinator.


6. First Meeting • At the jobsite, prior to the 4th week, meet with the Work Experience Coordinator and employer/work supervisor 7. Summary Report 8. Off Campus Seminar/Activity hours required for the semester are based on the number of Work Experience units in which you are currently enrolled. • See qualifying Activity and Off-Campus Seminar list contained in this handbook 9. Work Hours • Track your hours of work during the semester on the timesheet (form). • 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of unpaid work are required for each Work Experience unit you are currently enrolled. • Timesheet must be signed by the student and the employer/supervisor. • Timesheets must be turned in to your assigned Work Experience Coordinator two weeks prior to the end of the semester. • Any change in your employment situation for the purpose of fulfilling this course must be reported immediately to the Work Experience coordinator. 10. Final Meeting • You must participate in a final evaluation with your employer/supervisor to evaluate progress related to your stated objectives.

Below is a chart of required assignments for the course and possible points you may earn toward obtaining a grade.

Objectives Summary Report Off-Campus Seminar/Activities ** Timesheet Final Evaluation

100 100 100 100 100

** Seminar/Activities hours are satisfied by completing the Job Readiness Academy TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 500


For the purpose of this course, a learning Objective is a goal that you wish to achieve in the workplace. Objectives are developed jointly with your employer/supervisor and require the signature approval of the employer/supervisor. The Objectives that are developed should benefit the student and the business.

Definition of a written Objective:
A specific, measurable goal that is limited to a single definite result, with an established completion date.

Writing an Objective:
Each Objective statement starts with the word "To" and includes an action word, description, measurement, and completion date.

Example of a written Objective: To create a closing procedure checklist to the satisfaction of my supervisor by December 14. (Action) (Description) (Measurement) Gather Illustrate Implement Improve Increase Initiate Introduce Investigate Limit List Maintain Market Merchandise Monitor Organize Perform Plan Prepare Produce Reconstruct Recruit (Completion Date) Reduce Remove Reorganize Repair Replace Report Reproduce Research Revise Rewrite Schedule Select Separate Set Up Structure Summarize Test Train Update Upgrade Utilize

Below is a list of sample action words: Activate Create Adjust Construct Administer Convert Analyze Coordinate Arrange Decrease Articulate Define Assemble Demonstrate Assist Describe Audit Design Build Develop Calculate Eliminate Categorize Establish Change Estimate Chart Evaluate Collect Examine Combine Exhibited Complete Expanded Compose Expedited Compute Explain Conduct Facilitate Consolidate Formulate


Action Example 1
To compute

Description invoices for tools, materials and labor charges correctly

Balancing with the purchase order total

Completion Date by February 28.

To compute invoices for tools, materials, and labor charges correctly, balancing with the purchase order totals by February 28. Example 2
To research and prepare a list of computer workstation costs To be reviewed by my supervisor by February 28.

To research and prepare a list of computer workstation costs, to be reviewed by my supervisor, by May 1. Example 3
To greet by name at least 15 regular customers to the satisfaction of my supervisor by April 15.

To greet by name at least 15 regular customers to the satisfaction of my supervisor by April 15. Example 4
To cross-train in the photo department to the satisfaction of my supervisor by April 30.

To cross-train in the photo department to the satisfaction of my supervisor by April 30. Example 5
To increase my Esprit sales by 10% using displays and suggestive selling resulting in an increased paycheck by May 1.

To increase my Esprit sales by 10% using displays and suggestive selling resulting in an increased paycheck by May 1.


The Bakersfield College Work Experience Program provides students an opportunity to set valuable workplace objectives and to accomplish those objectives. Students will provide employers with these guidelines.

Guidelines for employers/supervisors:
Developing good Objectives is a very important part of the student's Work Experience course. Twenty percent (20%) of the student's grade is based on successful completion of the established Objectives. Employer/supervisor input is essential. The following guidelines will help you and the student develop effective and measurable Objectives. • Objectives should be measurable and achievable within a reasonable, pre-determined timeframe. Objectives should include new learning, growth, and improvement opportunities and should not describe what the student has already accomplished. Develop Objectives that is pertinent to the work environment. For example, if there is a skill that the student needs to improve upon (e.g. reliability, promptness, or communication), design an Objective that will help to improve that skill. Objectives should be specific enough for you to evaluate. a. Example of an objective that is too general: To do a good job at work so that I can get a fulltime job in custodial work. b. Example of an acceptable objective: To write a short report explaining how to handle, apply and store cleaning chemicals by May 1st. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned Work Experience Coordinator.


Follow these guidelines to complete the Course Summary Report
The Course Summary Report must include the following: • Write about what you have experienced this semester and discuss in your paper the progress you made on your stated Objectives. • Papers must be typewritten, double-spaced and 3 pages in length.

Paper format guidelines:
• • • • • Use 10 or 12-point font and make sure the print is dark. Develop a rough draft first. Take your ideas and organize them into an introduction, thesis statement, and body of support. Refine your ideas into a thoughtful, reflective paper. The thesis statement should clearly state the main focus or topic of your paper.

Writing and Grammar:
• • • • Never underline essay titles or use quotation marks around them. Never submit papers that are soiled in any manner. Use spell-check if using a computer and proofread your work. Organization, grammar, content and creativity, as well as the overall layout and presentation, will be taken into consideration when graded. You must have transitions between each paragraph to connect your ideas. Use concrete examples from your experiences wherever possible. Use proper grammar.

• • •


Off-Campus Seminar or Activity hours are required, based on the number of units you are enrolled in. An approved Activity list is on page11 of this handbook. To fulfill this requirement you may choose from:

1) Any item(s) on the Seminar/Activity List, AND/OR 2) Any Off-Campus seminars/workshops/training that is pre-approved by your Work Experience Coordinator (see Prior Approval form on page 14). Work Experience units you are enrolled in: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Required number of Seminar/Activity Hours: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

**Seminar/Activity hours can be satisfied by completing the Job Readiness Academy.


Cover Letter: See Sample Cover Letter in Course Handbook. Additional help is available in the Job
Placement Office in the Student Services building, Room 178. DUE: Two weeks prior to the end of the semester Activity Credit earned: 1 Hour

Resume: See Resume instructions, worksheet and sample in this handbook. Additional help is available in the Job Placement Office in the Student Services building, Room 178. DUE: Two weeks prior to the end of the semester Activity Credit earned: 2 Hours

Computer Guidance Program (Career Center, Student Services Building Counseling Department):
1) Career Exploration: Use one of the computerized programs, Eureka or Discover. Only 1 Hour can be received for Career Exploration. Submit specific documentation of your career exploration. 2) Internet: Use bookmarked sites to explore financial aid, school information, and career guidance. Submit Specific documentation of your research to your Work Experience Coordinator. DUE: Two weeks prior to the end of the semester Activity Credit earned: 1 Hour

Informational Interview: Information Interview Summary Report: Report must be at least 2 pages in length, double spaced. Explain what you learned during your interview, your view of the profession/career and if you would reconsider pursuing the profession. Explain why or why not. DUE: Two weeks prior to the end of the semester Activity Credits earned: 4 Hours

Off Campus Seminars/Activities: Obtain Work Experience Coordinator approval in advance for all off-campus seminars (see page 14 of Course Handbook). DUE: Two weeks prior to the end of the semester Activity Credit earned: Maximum of 6 hours per activity.

Work Experience Orientation: Mandatory attendance - check the Work Experience website for scheduled dates. Students will be dropped from their Work Experience course if this requirement is not met. Activity Credit earned: 1 Hour After completion of Seminar/Activities, submit the completed Seminar/Activity form (page 14 of Course Handbook) to your Work Experience Coordinator.


Greetings Employer/Supervisor:
The employee delivering this letter to you has demonstrated an interest in enrolling in Bakersfield College's Work Experience course. The purpose of our course is to help the student obtain on-the-job training and provide a practical education that supplements and enhances classroom theory. The program gives you an opportunity to make a contribution to the employee's college education in a way that will directly benefit you and your organization. Your participating in this process includes: • Active involvement in selection of the student's objectives. • • • One meeting with the Bakersfield College Work Experience Coordinator and employee/student. Evaluation of the student's objectives. Verification of employee/student work hours (a requirement of the course is that student complete a specified amount of work hours per unit they will earn in the course)

In order for this contribution to be documented for college course credit, the course requires that learning objectives (identifying new learning which is validated by the employer) be written at the beginning of the semester. Objectives are written with the intent of the student progressing and becoming a more valuable employee. Please discuss the learning possibilities with your employee, accepting only those objectives that meet this intent. The student/employee will provide you with additional information contained in their course handbook which may assist you in this process. The student is required to fill out a worksheet of objectives. A Bakersfield College Work Experience Coordinator will contact you to review these objectives. The objectives will be written in final form by the student and you will be provided a copy for reference and evaluation. The student will work to achieve the objectives during the semester, which will be used as a basis for evaluation at the end of the semester. You will be asked to verify the employee/student hours at the end of the semester. The student will provide you with a timesheet for your signature. The student may also be attending Work Experience seminars as part of their course. Thank you for your cooperation. Your support of our Work Experience Program is appreciated. Please contact us if you have any concerns, questions or comments. Regards,

Janie Budy, Program Manager Office of Career Development and Workforce Preparation Family and Consumer Education (FACE), Room 16 Phone: (661) 395-4089 Fax: (661) 395-4522 Kern Community College District
1801 Panorama Drive ● Bakersfield, CA 93305 ● ● Fax 661.395-4241 ● Phone 661-395-4011


Student Name: ________________________ ID: _______________ Semester/Year: ______________ Work Experience Coordinator: __________________________Worksite: _______________________ If you are enrolled in 1-3 Work Experience units you are required to complete two (2) Objectives. If you are enrolled in 4-8 Work Experience units you are required to complete four (4) Objectives. This form must be completed and signed by the student, the employer/supervisor and the Bakersfield College Work Experience Coordinator during your initial meeting with you supervisor.

TO: ______________ ________________________ ___________________ _____________
Action Word Description Measurement Completion Date

TO: ______________ ________________________ ___________________ _____________
Action Word Description Measurement Completion Date

TO: ______________ ________________________ ___________________ _____________
Action Word Description Measurement Completion Date

TO: ______________ ________________________ ___________________ _____________
Action Word Description Measurement Completion Date

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Employer/supervisor Signature: _________________________

Date: _______ Date: _______

Coordinator Authorization I have met with this student’s employer/supervisor and approve of these objectives. Print Name: ____________________________ Signature: ________________________

Date met with employer/supervisor: _____________________________________________


This form must be submitted to your Work Experience Coordinator for approval prior to completion of off-campus seminars and activities. The activity item(s) must be over and above work done on your job. You must provide documentation for each activity/seminar (e.g. a flyer, a description, an agenda, a certificate of attendance, etc.) Student Name: ___________________________________ BC ID: _____________________ Work Experience Coordinator: ____________________________ You may earn up to 6 hours maximum activity hours for off-campus activities, seminars, training, and workshops related to your goal.
Requested Activity/Date: ____________________________________________________________


Hours Requested: _____

Backup Provided: yes


Coordinator's Initials: ____

Requested Activity/Date: ____________________________________________________________

Hours Requested: _____ Backup Provided: yes no Coordinator's Initials: ____

Requested Activity/Date: ____________________________________________________________

Hours Requested: _____ Backup Provided: yes no Coordinator's Initials: ____

Requested Activity/Date: ____________________________________________________________

Hours Requested: _____ Backup Provided: yes no Coordinator's Initials: ____

Requested Activity/Date: ____________________________________________________________

Hours Requested: _____ Backup Provided: yes no Coordinator's Initials: ____

You must list the approved and completed activities to the Seminar/Activities form (page 15) to ensure credit for completing each activity. Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________


Please complete all information on this form and submit it to your work experience coordinator. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Student Name: _______________________________________ ID: ____________________
Last First

Work Experience Coordinator: __________________________ Semester/Year: ___________


1) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 2) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 3) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 4) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 5) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 6) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 7) ____________________________________________________________

____________ 8) ____________________________________________________________


TOTAL HOURS COMPLETED: _______ POINTS EARNED (maximum allowed 100): _______


Student Name: ________________________________ ID: _____________ Semester/Year: ________ Worksite/Business Name: ____________________________________________________________

_ Number of Work Experience units enrolled in: __________________ Work hours required to complete this course: __________________
To complete this timesheet: 1. For each month you work, enter the month in each shaded area below the column marked ‘Month’. 2. Enter the total number of hours worked for the corresponding day of the month. 3. Enter the total number of hours worked for each month. 4. Enter the total number of hours worked for the semester.
Month Day of Month 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total hours worked per month Total number of hours worked for the semester: ____________ Student and employer/supervisor signatures are required and certify that the student did complete the number of hours indicated on this timesheet. Incomplete timesheets will not be accepted. ____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________ Student Signature Date ____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________ Work Supervisor's Signature Date Month Month Month


Name ____________________________________ Semester: ________________________ Complete and email this survey to or drop it off in the Work Experience office, Family and Consumer Education (FACE) building, Room 16. Reason you enrolled in this course (check all that apply):
___ Required course ___ Earn credit toward a certificate or degree ___ Qualify for financial aid ___ Recommended by my work supervisor ___ Earn units transferable to another college ___ Self improvement ___ Other:

How did you learn of Work Experience (check all that applies)?
__ On campus news publication __ Off-campus news publication __ Postcard __ Class Schedule __ Friend/BC student __ BC Counselor __ BC Instructor __ In-class presentation __ Poster on campus __ BC Website __ Other _________________

Program evaluation (circle yes or no): yes yes yes no no no After completing an Orientation, did you understand the program requirements? As a result of writing Objectives, did you learn new skills on the job? Was completing the Summary Report helpful in identifying what you accomplished?

The Work Experience Coordinator was (circle yes or no): yes no Readily/easily available yes no Responsive yes no Helpful in providing information regarding Objectives yes no Prepared and punctual yes no Clearly explained expectations for completing this course yes no Fair and objective in evaluating coursework
Name of Coordinator: _______________________________________ Number of visits to your jobsite by the Coordinator: _______________ Additional comments or recommendations for improvement of this course or program: ____________________________________________________________

______________________ ____________________________________________________________

______________________ ____________________________________________________________



Your Address City, State, Zip Date of Writing Name of Person, Title Name of Company Street Address City, State, Zip Dear ___________: Tell why you are writing; name the person, field, or general vocational area about which you are asking - be as specific as possible. Tell how you heard of the opening or organization. Summarize your qualifications - those which you think would be of greatest interest to the employer, slanting your remarks to their point of view. Cite relevant experience. Sincerely state your interest in their organization, location or type of work. Make reference to the application or resume that you are including. Request the next step in the employment process. Indicate that you are looking forward to discussing your qualification with the employer in person. "Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon." Make sure your closing is specific. Sincerely,

(Your handwritten signature) Typed Name Enclosure


Place the most important information near the beginning. Focus on skills and experiences that correspond to the requirements for the job you are seeking. In most cases, you should go back only ten years in your work history. Before you can write an effective resume, you need to know what kind of job you want. • Your resume should be visually appealing; it is your advertisement for a job. • Proofread to ensure you resume contains absolutely no errors (no typographical errors; no grammar, syntax, or punctual errors, no factual errors) • Target your resume to your goals • Spell out numbers under and including ten • Use numerical form for numbers over and including 11 • Use phrases rather than full sentences when phrases are possible • Start sentences with verbs • Vary words - do not repeat a verb or adjective twice in the same block • Include nouns that describe your skills and experience (key words)

Length - Be concise. One page is preferred by most employers. Although no definite rule exists about a resume having to be only one page, common practice has been to limit a resume to one page when possible. However, avoid crowding too much information on one page. Use two pages if you need more space to highlight your experience and qualifications and to demonstrate your ability to do the job.

Paper - Print your resume on high-quality paper in neutral tones such as buff, white, offwhite, light tan, or light gray. If you use qualify-watermarked paper, be sure the right side of the paper is used. Hold the paper up to the light; you can see a watermark and 'read' it if the right side of the paper is facing you. Never use paper with a background (pictures, marble shades, etc.)

Type, Size and Style - Use a serif font such as Times, New Century Schoolbook, or
Garamond for greater readability. The font size should be between 10 and 12-point. You can make headings slightly larger for emphasis. If you choose Times or Garamond, then use 12point because these fonts are smaller. Be careful about misusing typefaces.

• • • • • • • The word 'Resume' at the top of the resume Date of resume preparation Unnecessary passive voices such as 'responsible for' or 'duties included' Personal data or photo (unless job-related) Hobbies, interests, and professional associations (unless relevant) Reasons for leaving other jobs Negative information 19

(Resume Tips - continued)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Long, wordy paragraphs Use of the first-person and possessive pronouns such as I, me, my, myself Name of supervisor Grade point average under 3.5 Introduction Artwork/borders Abbreviations (except for those commonly known) Unrelated industry jargon Lies or misrepresentations of facts Exaggerations of your skills References (these should be submitted on a separate sheet and only upon request by the prospective employer) References to religious or political affiliations (unless job-related) Salary information Full addresses and zip codes of former employers

Many rules and precautions apply when preparing an electronic resume or scanable resume, or when placing your resume on-line. Visit the Bakersfield College Career Center for additional handouts and books on this topic. There are excellent websites than can assist you with the writing of your resume. Check out these websites for additional information on resume-writing and job search: • • (a comprehensive site with valuable tips and links to other websites) (focuses on career and job search for the college student)

You can also make an appointment with a Bakersfield College Job Development Specialist by calling (661)395-4550, or drop by the BC Job Placement office on campus, located in the Student Services building (upstairs, adjacent to the Financial Aid office).


Robert Dunsmore
1601 Lucky Drive Wasco, California 93280 (661) 322-7121

Seeking entry-level accounting position

Bakersfield College A.S. Degree, Accounting Anticipated Graduation: May 2011 3.5 GPA

Accounting Skills:
• • • • • Cash Handling Payroll Quick Books Quicken Sales Inventory Personal Finance

Office Skills:
• • • • • Bilingual, English, Spanish Typing (25 NWPM) Word, Excel, Access Multiple phone lines Customer Service • Leadership Skills

• • •

Able to take charge and work independently Self-motivated and an excellent manager of time Cooperative as a team member • • • Enjoy working with people Honest, reliable and productive Maintain a positive attitude

EXPERIENCE: Student Assistant Bakersfield College Student Academic Center August 2008 - present
Instruct students in computer lab; help students log into the computers, set up e-mails, assist with computer applications, customer service. Awarded Student Worker of the Year Award.

Sales/Cashier Big Five Sports, Bakersfield, CA April 11, 2007 - May 4, 2007
Cash handling, sales, answered phones, provided customer service, translated for customers, stocking.

Delivery Driver Chief Auto Parts, Wasco, CA Oct 2006 - Jan 2007
Cash handling, sales, answered phones, provided customer service; receiving and stocking. Translated for customers, heavy cleaning and delivered product to customers.

Parts Sales Manager Auto Parts Central, Wasco, CA June 1999 - Nov 2005
Cash handling, customer service, balanced cash settings, change orders for A/T pick up. Opened and closed, provided sales assistance, shipping and receiving, inventory control, gave out work-orders. Delegated shift assignments to employees, disciplinary write-up when necessary or termination requests, trained new employees. Installed parts for customers, recruited new customers.

References Available Upon Request


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Five Guys

...Contemporary Business October 28, 2012 Professor Rhonda Evans Strayer University Describe how Five Guys’ philosophy sets it apart from other fast food chains.       Five Guy’s philosophy sets apart from other fast food chains because of their ideal burgers.   “Five Guys goal is to sell the best quality burgers possible.  To sell the best burgers possible they focus on quality, service, and cleanliness”. (Elan, 2007)   When a customer leaves Five Guys the aim is for them to really find the products and services irresistible.  The high quality food does all the talking.   Another way they differ from other food chains is they don’t invest a lot into advertising.   York (2009) points out that Five Guys’ invest in an intensive secret shopper program where restaurant crew members can earn additional pay by getting high scores from secret shoppers.   Also, a wide variety of topping choices for their burgers is offered. Welch (2010) explains how they “prepare their fries by soaking them in water so that when the fries are pre-fried, the water boils forcing steam out of the fry”. While visiting Five Guy’s Burgers and fries for the first time back in 2003, during a brief conversation with the friendly cashier, I was amazed to find out that they use coolers instead of freezers. The truth is, I had never heard of that being done before in a restaurant. Another thought that I have that makes Five Guys’ different from other food chains is the way they execute the processing of the orders...

Words: 2339 - Pages: 10

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Five Guys

...Five Guys Evelyn McAllister Strayer University Contemporary Business BUS508 Dr. Ruether October 27, 2013 Five Guys How Five Guys’ philosophy sets it apart from other fast-food chains. Five Guy’s philosophy focuses on creating a quality product that customers will appreciate. They make sure to focus on the customers and their employees. According to Boone and Kurtz (2012), Five Guys has focused on quality by ensuring that its meat is 80% lean, keeping its plants clean, ordering its quality potatoes from Idaho instead of purchasing cheaper potatoes from Florida or California, soaking its fries to avoid them from absorbing oil, making their burgers to order and ensuring fresh bread gets delivered to each franchise daily (Boone & Kurtz, 2012). Customers appreciate the Small details such as cooking their burgers to order. Each burger is made when the customer orders it unlike most other burger chains where the burgers are already made and sitting in a bin. They do not offer a wide variety of food products like other burger chains. In an interview for Inc. magazine, Five Guy’s founder Jerry Murrell stated, “Sell a really good, juicy burger on a fresh bun. Make perfect French fries. Do not cut corners” (Welch, 2010). That has been the business plan since they opened the first store in 1986. Five Guy’s has built its business on burgers and fries. Many other burger or fast food chains tend to cut corners. They use frozen products because the cost may be a little...

Words: 1335 - Pages: 6

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Five Guys in the future. One of the most well known fast-food chains, Five Guys Burgers and Fries, started its business in 1986 in Arlington, Virginia. Jerry Murrell and his sons opened four other locations over the next 13 years. As years went on, Five Guys started to franchise. Now, they have more than 1000 stores with approximately $483 million sales as of 2009 (Five Guys, 2012). The reason why Five Guys is growing so much is because it has philosophies that set it apart from other fast-food chains, such as, their recipe, and quality and customer.       The Company has had strong business philosophies since its origin. Two of the main ideas that separate Five Guys from its competitor are its quality and recipe. Aside from their juicy hamburgers and fries which appealed to the masses; Five Guys also have a unique recipe and fresh marketing tactics to appeal to the market. The recipe in itself differentiates the product from that of its competitors; the major ones being McDonalds; Wendy’s and Burger King. The company does not serve frozen or dehydrated products to customers which sets its taste apart from the other companies' products (Inc, 2013). Today, it is showing everywhere how frozen food are unhealthy and should not be consumed. The company also makes their fries from real potatoes that make the taste better and healthier. Therefore, people who care about eating healthy and fresher food prefer to go to Five Guys to eat. Besides this, the company sells burgers; only what...

Words: 1089 - Pages: 5

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Five Guys

...Entrepreneurial Leadership: Five Guys Burgers and Fries At the heart of every entrepreneur is a drive and motivation to take an idea and see it evolve into a fully functional and striving business. To see a business progress and be successful there has to be vision, fearlessness, determination, and resources. When these things are in place a dream can become reality. A true entrepreneur knows this and will do what it takes to bring the vision to pass. “Treat that person right, he'll walk out the door and sell for you." This statement embodies the belief and philosophy of Five Guys Burger and Fries owner Jerry Murrell. From the beginning Mr. Murrell wanted the focus of the company to be on producing a quality product and customer satisfaction. In a world where there is a fast food restaurant on every corner, there has to be something to make one establishment stand out from the others. Five Guys’ stance on quality and satisfying the customer has gotten them many awards and recognition over the years. They have proven to be a grade above most of their competitors. From day one Five Guys has stayed simple by sticking with the basics. The company was founded on the principles of quality, great customer service, and cleanliness. The company wants the place so clean the floor could be eaten off of. As reviewed in “Five Guys Burgers and Fries: Ingredients for Success”, they take pride in cooking fresh meat and having their fries grown in Idaho which is considered...

Words: 1195 - Pages: 5

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Five Guys

...Entrepreneurial Leadership Contemporary Business October 27, 2013 Five Guys is a large fast-food chain restaurant that stands out among the rest. They have different philosophies that set them apart from other fast-food companies. Many of the values that Five Guys started with have made them succeeded and are still a huge factor in their success today. After being around for seventeen years, Five Guys decided to start franchising the company, which lead to a large success in such a short amount of time. We will also discuss the ethical and social practices that Five Guys have that are a part of their company. Five Guys have a few different philosophies that set them apart from other fast-food chains. The first is that they are not a “fast-serving restaurant,” they take pride in their burgers with having a quality burger, and it being fresh made to order. In the past years they had signs in their restaurants that stated “If you’re in a hurry, there are a lot of really good hamburger places within a short distance from here (Welch).” A second philosophy that they believe in is “their best salesman is their customer (Welch)”. They feel by just treating their customers with respect that that is all the advertising that they need. The original values of Five Guys were “Sell a really good, juicy burger on a fresh bun. Make perfect French fries. Don’t cut corners (Welch).” They use 80 percent lean...

Words: 1158 - Pages: 5

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Five Guys

...Five Guys Ingredients to Success Danielle Rush Dr. Etta Steed BUS 508/ Contemporary Business October 24, 2013 Five Guys How it Started In 1968 Jerry and Janie Murrell gave their four sons a proposition; the four Murrell brothers had to either start up a business or go to college (Five Guys Holdings LLC, 2012). The boys decided that the restaurant business was the journey to embark upon. With the guidance of Jerry and Janie the first carryout only burger joint was opened in Arlington, Virginia in 1986 (Five Guys Holdings LLC, 2012). It cost the Murrell family $70,000 to open up the first Five Guys with the company being ran by Jerry, and his three sons: Matt, Jim, & Chad, while his wife Janie did the books (Burke, 2012). The Murrell family had one mission and that was to ensure the customers would be getting top quality burgers and fresh cut fries. The Murrell family knew that with good quality food and great customers the burgers and fries would speak for themselves and start to attract a crowd. Over the course of a few years the family found the recipe for success and what it takes to make a consistently great tasting burgers and fries time after time. Throughout the course of this paper the five guys philosophy, values, success, and the ethical and social practices of five guys culture will be discussed. Five Guys Philosophy Jerry Murrell and his sons maintain a focus on the freshest and high quality burgers and fries the customers can buy. Through taste...

Words: 1575 - Pages: 7

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...The book Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a book on the experiences of World War Billy Pilgrim, the main character of this book happened to be among the military soldiers participating in this war. As a soldier, not adequately trained appears in various events that surrounds his life in Dresden. The of the book, Kurt Vonnegut organizes this events in an abnormal chronological way as he fragments the events in relation to time, characters, and the structure to combine his nonlinear story. From the book, Slaughterhouse-Five, the initial details that the readers get about Billy is that he pays unsystematic visits to every event during the war period (Bloom 11). The experiences that Billy goes through are episodes that do have chronological obligations. This reflects the structure of the book that has the beginning, body and the conclusions, not placed traditionally. The author of the book says that Billy has, “come unstuck in time.” From this phrase, the author turns the time from something intangible to something tangible and therefore uses this as a fix to his own purpose (Federhen 44). The use of the word “unstuck” by the author implies that Billy is free. Apparently, Billy and Vonnegut achieve a certain level of freedom. In other words, Vonnegut and Billy have no limitations with time and the author, Vonnegut can place the character, Billy in a period of his choice. This makes the book have an effect of collage that makes the pieces and bits of the life that Billy has...

Words: 1199 - Pages: 5

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Slaughterhouse Five

...Insanity is generally described as being mentally deranged. They are unable to make conscious decisions on their own therefore they are placed in a psychological state that prevents normal behavior and perception. Slaughterhouse-Five explores the life of the protagonist Billy Pilgrim in a series of arbitrary events. As his life progresses, his insanity begins to progress and reveal more. In Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut introduces Billy Pilgrim who is ‘unstuck in time’ and creates Tralfamadore for his positive reinforcement, as someone insane due to the trauma and causes of his war-time experiences. After Billy remarkably returns from World War 2, he is unable to let go of the war experiences he suffered in, which were very traumatizing, He is institutionalized with post-traumatic stress disorder and this was the source to him feeling very isolated and lost. While Billy was being treated in the hospital: “Everybody else thought he looked fine and was acting fine. Now he was in the hospital. The doctors agreed: He was going crazy”... “They didn’t think it had anything to do with the war” (Vonnegut, 100) Everyone but the doctors believed that he was a fine patient. Billy lives through horrible conditions during the war for example when people started dying on the box car and many soldiers in the war often had hallucinations, diagnosed with many problems because of all the traumatic images seen during that time, and must have lost any type of motivation for life and...

Words: 884 - Pages: 4

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Slaughterhouse Five

...Slaughterhouse Five Chaplain's Assistant Billy Pilgrim is a disoriented, fatalistic, and ill-trained American soldier. He does not like wars and he is captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. The Germans put Billy and his fellow prisoners in a disused slaughterhouse (although there are animal carcasses hanging in the underground shelter) in Dresden. Their building is known as "Slaughterhouse number 5". The POWs and German guards alike hide in a deep cellar; because of their safe hiding place, they are some of the few survivors of the city-destroying firestorm during the Bombing of Dresden in World War II. Billy has come "unstuck in time" and experiences past and future events out of sequence and repetitively, following a He is kidnapped by extraterrestrial aliens from the planet Tralfamadore. They exhibit him in a zoo with B-movie starlet Montana Wildhack as his mate. The Tralfamadorians, who can see in four dimensions, have already seen every instant of their lives. They say they cannot choose to change anything about their fates, but can choose to concentrate upon any moment in their lives, and Billy becomes convinced of the veracity of their theories. As Billy travels—or believes he travels—forward and backward in time, he relives occasions of his life, real and fantasy. He spends time on Tralfamadore, in Dresden, in the War, walking in deep snow before his German capture, in his mundane post-war married life in the U.S.A. of the 1950s and early 1960s, and...

Words: 421 - Pages: 2