Do you know that there is 1,064 cases of animal abuse in the United States and 33 of those cases are right next to our home towns in Ohio? I would like to accomplish people realizing what is going on with animal abuse and what the innocent animals have to go though. I volunteer at an animal shelter and I see a lot of these cases come in.
In 2010, there were 33 total cases in Ohio and 1,064 cases in the United States for animal abuse. Ohio was the #1 in auto cases. In Canton Ohio, one case involved where a dog got stolen then dragged behind a bicycle why they were trying to get away. The man thought the dog was cute and he can take better care of it. The man was charged with 120 days in jail and 2 years of probation to follow. The dog survived and is back with the owner. Another case in Fairborn Ohio was a dog beaten with a bat then ran over with vehicle. The people who did it said it was out of angry from what the dog did. After they realized what they did, they drove the dog to the nearest animal shelter. The dog survived and adopted by a lady that has 140 acres of land and raised $1,400 dollars to build a fence around her yard. The case is still not close yet. Life cycle of abusers age and genders are mostly male’s age range from 31-40 years. The graph on shows that 9,977 males and 3,201 females were accuse of abusing animals. Males abuse 6,776 more animals then women do. You can find all of these statistics, graphs, and cases near you on
There is a lot of wildlife animal abuse in the World. All tiger subspecies put together currently amount to around 3,200 endangered tigers remaining in the wild. Tigers are being killed for their pelts, meat and body parts. Their body parts are used for Chinese medicine for a range of uses, including pain killers. A bowl of tiger penis soup goes for $320, a pair of eyes for $170 and powdered tiger humerus bone brings up to $1,450 a pound. China is quietly allowing trade in tiger skins. China is the world’s largest market for tiger products. Currently around 6,000 tigers are kept at “tiger farms” around China. Another wildlife animal that is being abuse is the elephants. 35,000 to 40,000 Asian and African elephants are left in the wild. Causes of endangerment are habitat loss and corruption. Humans have been taking over elephants habits to plant crops and livestock. Then the elephants raid them then the people want to kill them. Elephants became prized trophies for their ivory that’s why their being hunted so much. Ivory became very popular when sudden oil shortage. It is more valuable than gold. One inch of ivory can sell for $100 dollars and 7-9 inches can go for $900 dollars or more. There are not 41,415 wildlife species on the red list, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threated with extinction.
There are many ways to help animals. Animal foundations could be one because they are having a lot of bills and petitions on helping animals. One of them are Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions which attracts puppy mill operators from 15 states to auctions in Holmes County. Another one is Senate bill 130 which is to stop puppy mills. You can also donate. Facebook has a lot of pages that help animals. Like the page “Free Tony the tiger”. Where it’s about keeping tigers as pets. Also there is a lot of online foundations and animal shelters. There are commercials on TV saying how you can donate to help. Or you can go to your local shelter and donate your time to help. Some of these innocent animals need your help.
People don’t realize what’s going on with animals. It might be that people have a mental illness, lack of attention, or just don’t care. People tie their dogs up and never let them off the chain. The dog was violent but I would be to if they never let me go. Animals need to be treated as kindly as humans get treated. If you save one pet, it will change the world for that animal. I want you to remember that animals have feelings too. Treat animals like you want to be treated.