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Formative Assessment

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According to Chappuis (2005), although teachers are the responsible for creating learning experiences, students are the ones who determine their capability for learning, and thus formative assessment information is just as important to them. Through research, it has become evident that formative assessment produces a high level of achievement when used by students. For students to flourish as learners using formative assessment they need to be able to answer three main questions. In order to help students, answer these questions, the author gives us seven strategies in which she describes as a way to aid students in comprehending their learning goals, identifying their skill levels in relation to the goals, and having them be responsible …show more content…
The first of which is, where am I going? Students should be informed of that learning outcomes of expected of them at what level. Learning targets should be shared with students in a way they can understand what is expected of them. Chappuis (2005) suggested two strategies to be used to help students answer this question. In strategy one, the learning target should be clearly identified and explained to the students before instruction begins. A scoring guide can also be provided to the students when more complex standards are being taught, when a performance assessment is needed. Strategy two suggested to use examples of strong and weak work. (Chappuis 2005) This will provide the students with examples of what exceptional and low performance is. To accomplish this, you can give the students samples of both strong and weak work along with a scoring guide and ask the students to assess the work. Once they have completed that task, you can then have a discussion with the students in regards to how they scored the work given to them. This will aid the students in developing their self-assessment …show more content…
(Chappuis 2005) To help students close this gap, the author describes three imperative strategies. Strategy five suggest that teachers create lessons which focus on one aspect of quality at a time. (Chappuis 2005) By doing so, learning targets are broken down and become more manageable for students. With this strategy the teachers can give the students a scoring guide. This scoring guide will aid the students in acknowledging which are strong and weak examples of work as well as give descriptive feedback and self-assess. The sixth strategy is to teach students focused revision. (Chappuis 2005) This will give the students ample opportunities to revise their work before being graded on it. During the process of strategy six, you can also incorporate strategy two as well as strategy five. The students can also work in groups to assess one another’s work and thus create a revision plan to aid one another in improving their work. Strategy number seven as described by Chappuis (2005), includes having the students engage in self-reflection. The students can also document and share their progress with their classmates. If they students are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have done and see the progress they have made, they will be even more motivated to continue such progression. Chappuis (2005) suggests that if it is a skill-based

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