...A major theme in my class is to not get caught up in cultural group think. Have the courage and intelligence to think for yourself.” His life philosophy of being a teacher and a student is evident with what Charlie does when not at FRCC. “I love to dabble in art, mess around on the guitar, love to exercise, read. Really, when I get home, I play with the kids, help them with homework.” You can tell that he enjoys being a father and spending time with his family. You will also find him absorbed in the latest book that his wife and he are reading and discussing, sometimes while watching the muted plays of the latest Bronco game on the tv. I was most struck by our talk about following your heart. “I think I made a mistake as an undergrad with not following my heart. I was listening to voices in my life that were saying you got to figure out some way to make some cash. What I wanted to do was try to answer the questions I had about the nature of existence.” The Philosophy program...
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...Generator Facility Rating Methodology Revisions Rev. No. Date Description By Approval 0 6/22/05 New Document JAZ FRO 1 2/22/07 Rev. for FAC-008-1 – Facility Ratings Revised generation capability rating methodology to distinguish between commitment and long-term ratings. Added reactive power capability methodology. JAZ FRO 2 9/29/2008 Rev. to reflect requirements of NERC FAC-008-1 and FAC-009-1. Added specific language to address nuclear units and jointly owned facilities outside FPL’s metered boundaries. Added language specific to communication of ratings. JAZ FRO 3 10/06/09 Added language specific for solar photovoltaic variable generation resource assets. Removed references to Capability Letter. Added statements regarding boundary of generator Facility. Added comments regarding the FAC-009-1, R1 requirement to establish generator Facility ratings per the Generator Facility Rating Methodology. JMG FRO Generator Facility Rating Methodology The purpose of this procedure is to document the methodologies used by FPL (generator owner) in rating its generator facilities to meet the requirements of NERC Standards FAC-008-1, FAC-009-1. This procedure is applicable to fossil, solar photovoltaic and nuclear generator Facilities. TERMINOLOGY Bulk Electric System (BES): As defined by the NERC Regional Reliability Organization (RRO), the electrical generation resources, transmission lines, interconnections with neighboring systems, and associated...
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...INSEAD The Business School for the World Universitet St.Gallen 603-020-1 Sainsbury's (A): Transforming the SupPlY Chain 0l12008-5166 ThiscasewaswrittenbyRegineslagmuldel'AssocialePlofegso!ofAccountingandconirolatlNsEAD.andDanie] coor.n, es"o"iute proressoi ot supity ctrain vanagemenr and Technology ai lhe universrty of st. Galen's KrihneIi is intended to be used as a Insrirute of Logisrics, with assistan;tuom Dan crotl;D, Resealch Associate at INSEAD. siluatron basis for clas;iscussion ralher lhan 10 itluslrate either effeciive or inefrective handling of an administrative Resealch Initiative on High The aulhors gratefuly acknowledge rhe financial suppor( provided by lhe INSEAD-PWC Pedormance Organizalions. Copy ght O 2003 INSEAD/University ot St. Callen, France/Switzerland N, B.: To oRDER coPIEs or INSEAD crsEs sEE DEraL! oN EA.K covER CoPrEs vaY Nor Gitll - v'- the case for learninq ' *:::f:::*'***^ iiliLi:H- :fiiIi"il"., " " INSEAD The Business School for the World Universidit St.Gallen 603-020-1 Sainsbury's (A): Transforming the SupPlY Chain 0l12008-5166 ThiscasewaswrittenbyRegineS]agmuldel'AssocialePlolesso!ofAccountingandcontrolatlNsEAD.andDaniel Kiihnecor"r.n, es"o"iute professo; of supply chain Management anct Technology a.t lhe universrty of st. Galen's be used as a ir"riiri.'.r L"gi"it*, *tth assistan;tuom Dan crofl;D, Resealch Associate ar INSEAD. Ir is inrended to siluatron basis for class-discussion...
Words: 4323 - Pages: 18
...Tijdschrift voor Econoniie e n M a n a g e m e n t Vol. XLI, 4, 1996 A Review of Brand-Loyalty Measures in Marketing by M. MELLENS", M. G. DEIh;ircs. iriight ;-',ISbe easier 2 to zhoose the right decision unit (condition d). They are usualiy based on surveys, and it may be possible to get data from the decision maker rather than the puxchaser by asking questions 410 the righe individual, Finakiy, they give insight into the rnoiivations for the corrsr~mer's cinoice behaviur, and these mativations are less ~ri:eiy to be influenced by random short-run fluctuations: Hoy:ex~er> attitu.dfl:ii measgrcs mqi net be scc-rafe rep;eselltaticn of ~eaiily they are nstbbasea on actual prrrrcmses. A consu-as mer ma.y r~~tionalize choice when questioned by ths researcher, and his make up a~ zvaluaticjn of brands even when no explici! evaluation is made in r e d shopping siiuarions. Moreoverj other variables t h a ~ attitudes are I~aown inRuence actxai purchases. For example. an Into tchwards Porsclle, but still not dividual n a y have a favo.=sbleattit~ade buy it due to hudget .;onsrr:iii~rs. Xenze, the validiijl of attitiid'l~~al q ~ v measures depends on the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship. Furthermore, attituclinal measures are often based on data observed at a sing12 point in time. Their incideiltal n a b r e might be attenuated by collecting attitudillal data on a longitudinal basis, but the costs in doing so may quickly become prohibitive. I~:cii1)r'dzrn!-cirit...
Words: 6741 - Pages: 27