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Free Narrative Essays: How La Loteria Changed My Life

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It was a Saturday Morning in the middle of May, the sun peeking through the curtains doing what it does best by trying to wake me up. I toss and I turn in my pink comforter trying to ignore the bright light. Nothing. Now I’m no longer sleepy.
I was an only child in 3rd grade so I had no one to bug in the morning and nothing to do because my parents were asleep. I suddenly feel this emptiness in my stomach, I’m hungry. As I walked into the kitchen I pulled a chair over to the cabinets to help me get the cereal I wanted. I carefully opened the cabinet so it wouldn’t make a loud creek noise. Skimming through the ones we had I finally spot my favorite, cookie crisp. The next thing you hear is the creek noise from the cabinet and a loud bam! I then …show more content…
I was so happy to be in a house full of people to keep me happy. All the women were inside the house talking while the men were outside grilling hamburgers for lunch. In the mean time, all of my cousins and I were outside just having fun.
By 3 in the afternoon, my aunt, mom, grandma, and great grandma were sitting on the front porch playing a traditional Hispanic game called La Loteria. La Loteria is similar to bingo. My cousin Cynthia and I were playing tag with each other while my two other cousins, Erick and Eliezer, were riding bikes going up and down the hills of my driveway and the front lawn. My uncles were inside installing a fan in my bedroom.
I then notice that my uncles had left and then my dad asked me to help him. I walk over to my room and ask my dad where my uncles went to. So it turns out that my uncles left to go to the hardware store to go get some tools they needed for the …show more content…
Being that my dad was the only man at the house, he had to help the best he could. I was trying to see what happened but my grandma moved me away from the bloody scene. I sat on the porch waiting for them to make their way to the porch and into the house but all they were doing is look for something on the gravel driveway. When they finally gave up they walked over to the porch. I noticed that my cousin Erick was bleeding from the top of his head and my cousin Eliezer was bleeding from his mouth. Following them into the bathroom hallway with all the adults I noticed a train of blood. It wasn’t

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