..."The debate between free speech and social responsibility was bound to provoke debate regarding government interference in the matter-- the important question, in this case, is not why government should monitor internet content but how can monitoring internet content lead to social equality that will adhere to American values? The new digital age calls for regulation because it is something that the American people-- that humanity in general, has never experienced before. In the face of this debate, it’s important to note that imminent lawless action plays an important role in protecting free speech. Under imminent lawless action, speech that incites a violation of law that is imminent and likely should not be protected by the First Amendment.The...
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...to the First Amendment, all people have the right for free exercise of religion and speech. So, free speech is unlimited. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out for equality throughout the races, which is an example of free speech. Yet many people, and politically, were not in favor, they eventually ruled the favor for the freedom of African America. The case of Schenck v. the United States in 1919 was ruled by an unanimous court, deciding the concerning enforcement of the Espionage Act of 1917 during World War I. Basically, the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions. The constitutionality of the law, the will of free speech, and the meaning of its language have stayed intact in court ever since....
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..."Privacy on the internet has been a controversial subject since the creation of the internet. People can use it to access helpful information and educate themselves, but it can be used for less positive results. From the chemical formula for bombs to how to kill someone, the darker side of the internet is easily accessible to everyone. Another problem is the kind of people who have access to this tool: infants, teenagers, adults, and even elderly patients with dementia. However, monitoring internet usage crosses several personal barriers and would infuriate the American public. Internet usage should remain private unless a national crisis proves a need for it. Many problems caused by the internet are due to access. Now that smartphones are a staple of American...
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...Net Neutrality Internet users are under threat by the rules and regulations demanded by Internet service providers. The implication of this act is the deprivation of our right to free internet access. Hereafter, FCC Tom Wheeler fought back by releasing a plan to defend net neutrality and preserve our rights. Net Neutrality gives Internet users the freedom to access and enjoy any kind of content on the web and protect free speech without any restrictions or limitations. It provides a platform for innovative ideas, which the internet thrives of. This guiding principle is supported by the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Open Internet Order, which was specifically issued to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISP) from blocking or impeding user’s connections to online content. In defense, without the Net Neutrality, Internet Service Providers would be able to strategize new ways to charge users more for access and services, which would hinder online communication. Without Net Neutrality, Internet Service Providers would be allowed to censor content and speech that does not cater to their taste, reject applications that is in competition with their own offerings and prioritize Web traffic. This paper will be written in the defense of net neutrality, in terms of importance for business and communities of color, etc., and our right to free internet access on behalf of all Internet users. There are a number of reasons why net neutrality is important to us. Net neutrality...
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...Casey Boyle Federal Government Final Mind map: Internet Privacy Law Internet privacy has been a major issue since the movement of the internet into mainstream culture since the early 1990s. We have basically the entire world on the internet now, let alone America itself, and it really is a massive social experiment. We have nothing to compare the internet to throughout history and governments are debating and experimenting on how best to govern this incredible evolution of communication. It is important to remember that the internet really is quite new. The benchmarks we set now are extremely important to the rest of history on this planet because like it or not, the internet is definitely here to stay. The world has rapidly become dependent on its functioning. This is why internet privacy law is so important. We are establishing standards that our progeny will have to live with for years and years to come. The current state of internet privacy is a bit blurry because there are many factors at play here. We have many interest groups, concerns, and legal issues to consider. The legal issues we are looking at when talking about privacy on the internet are primarily free speech, and whether the government or organizations have the right to track your personal information. If they do have that right, how much information can they use and how can they use it? The reason we are dealing with free speech here is because there is a question as to what all can be broadcast in the...
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...right to forbid free expression when the online communication posts are created from a home PC and not school regulated computer equipment? Social-networking websites (MySpace, Facebook, Xanga and Friendster) are extremely popular for instance, "more than 90 million people of all ages are registered users of MySpace good portion of them teenagers. Now granted, majority of online communications is of clean material of favorite things and dislikes but occasionally there will be damaging statements about teachers or a list of classmates to which they want to hurt. Example, five students in Kansas were arrested in April 2006 for a plot to engage in a murderous spree on the seven-years anniversary of the infamous Columbine shootings. The United States House of Representatives passed The Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 which consists of public schools and libraries to block student access to commercial social-networking sites such as MySpace.com Some individuals do not favor this bill because it unfairly blocs learning applications and websites necessary for the students to learn and communicate. In addition, there is already an act that blocks content that is harmful to minors it is The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Students have freely expressed a variety of viewpoints, including criticism of school officials, on the Internet. The First Amendment protects critical speech posted on various forms of media for example computers and the Internet. Unfortunately...
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...rhetorical_triangle Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/res-111-presentation-essentials-unit-1-db-rhetorical_triangle/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Use the Internet, library, and unit resources to research each of the following four approaches for developing a presentation: a speech or lecture a workshop a discussion a group activity You are expected to do the following: Explain the reasons why or when you would use each of these approaches. Describe how the three attributes of the Rhetorical Triangle (speaker, audience, and situation) are utilized in each of the four approaches LAYOUT OF PAPER: Part 1: A speech or lecture - Begin this section of your paper by explaining how, why and/or when you would use a speech or lecture to develop a presentation. - Then you should explain how the three components of the Rhetorical Triangle (i.e., the speaker, the audience, and the situation) operate within the dynamics of a speech or lecture. Part 2: A workshop - Begin this section of your paper by explaining how, why and/or when you would use a workshop to develop a presentation. - Then you should explain how the three components of the Rhetorical Triangle (i.e., the speaker, the audience, and...
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...Censorship a Contravention to Freedom of Speech During the 21st century, one of the most important concepts known to people around the world is the freedom of speech. People coming from different countries, having diverse religions and living in dissimilar backgrounds talk about it every day. In some countries people do solicit for it as their right. But the question is, “Is there something called freedom of speech in the first place? Or is it just a fantasy that can never be accomplished? Or are we even talked into thinking that we do possess it?” In the midst of all this bewilderment, the notion of censorship pops up to clarify the image. The word censorship is familiar to people, for everybody has heard about the governmental censorship...
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...HUM 186 Week 4 – The internet Ethicial and Legal issues Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hum-186-week-4-internet-ethicial-legal-issues/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) HUM 186 Week 4 The Internet: Ethical and Legal Issues The “Information Superhighway”, or Internet, is a powerful medium for today’s information driven society. From its humble beginnings as a series of networks established to help the military and government share resources, it has become a place for people to engage in commerce and also for people to interact socially in both business and personal faculties. Along with the excellent opportunities for meaningful communication in this new atmosphere, the Internet has evolved as an open, democratic cyber society marked by free speech and volunteerism. It is a community gathering place for people to share ideas, concerns, stories and opinions, and to give help and assistance to one another. (Mills-Scofield) There has also arisen a series of problems. Whenever any major development in society is conceived, such as when telephones were introduced, problems ensue. The Internet, because of its modern nature is not really well dealt with when it comes to existing ethical and moral issues...
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...Case: Google withdraws from China John Herkins For years, China’s government has been oppressing the freedom of speech to all of its citizens and reporters. Since the introduction of the internet and the service that it holds, China’s government created its own internet which many analysts say has been intended to control what their citizens can read. Many reporters who have investigated on China’s government and police corruption, propaganda, and censorship are barred out of the country and not let in. Those who have successfully entered the country and get caught investigating sometimes end up in the Black Jail, where they are detained without trial, and forced to leave the country. Google is a huge face of freedom of speech and the providing free information without censorship. A few years ago, congress tried putting through the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) which created an out lash towards the American Government and an American’s citizen’s right for a free web. Many websites such as Google took part in an internet blackout that informed those of what was going on and how SOPA violates freedom of speech. Google’s China’s domain Google.cn is now redirected to its new website Google.hk. Google is no longer censoring information from the Chinese citizens because of their belief in a free web. The fact that they are standing for what they believe in and taking action in doing so shows their commitment to the cause. China is a large market in which the Google Company...
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...LD, Blind and Visually Impaired. • Worked for or with the following companies: Texthelp Inc, Cambium Learning, Optelec, EVS, AiSquared • Self proclaimed lover of technology Different Types of Assistive Technology Standalone Systems • • • • Work on their own Do not need Word / Outlook / Browser Single task / Simple use Examples: • Clicker • Boardmaker • Simple AAC software Accessibility Layer Systems • Simply put…they help you to do something else. • • • • • • • Jaws Read&Write Gold ZoomText Hal Supernova Braille Output Devices Co Writer How Accessibility Layer Systems Work USER Screen Readers Word Prediction Braille Output Input Devices Magnifiers Etc. Accessibility Layer ( provided by OS ) MS Word Internet Explorer Outlook Firefox Open Office Safari How has computing changed? A few years ago there where only a few viable platforms to develop AT in. Today there are many and the list keeps growing! What does “more platforms” mean? • For AT Companies • More platforms to develop for • Same size budget • Decisions about what to support • For AT Users • More cool platforms to choose from • Sometimes patchy AT support on new platforms • Less choice of AT on new platforms In the real world for AT people…. • There is no way to do accessible Flash on mobile devices • There is no public accessibility layer on Ipad or IPhone or Itouch • Even...
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...------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION TO THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION 7_4_2014 The idea is that there must be a tension between the different branches of the State power. This differs from the European style system because when you think about the normal situation where you have a prime minister, the reality is that in most countries, the PM becomes PM because he holds the majority in the legislative branch. So almost necessarily, the party who has the majority in the executive power also has it in the legislative power. In fact, Americans typically LIKE divided governments. If you want an example of that, just look at the last presidents of the US. Bill Clinton e.g. was a member of the Democratic Party while the congress was held by the Democratic Party as well. However, interestingly enough, that situation lasted only 2 years, after which the Americans decided to elect a republican president: Bush. The same happened more or less to Bush, and after that to Barack Obama. This is called the Fundamental Split between political parties. As part of that, what happened is that American people were able to express their ideas. They often like to have one party at power in the Congress and another party at power in the Government. What if a third party develops himself? One of the two parties will try to move towards the same ideas. They do have third party candidates in Congress, but their power is very small. It’s an idea that is embraced by the American...
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...is Kevin Rios and I am going to talk about internet censorship. Anyone what is your favorite song of this year?. Its okay raise your hands! This massage means that you are not allowed to view all the results you wsih to see because. What was once known as a the free domain is now filtered for our protection. If you believe this issue doesnt affect you think again. According to the 2010 US consensus, there are 274.5 million americans us the internet. That means 87% of the nation uses the it daily. Now that we are all on the same page together we will look at the fact that freedom of speech would restriced by cencorship, parents responisibilty over thier childern, and previous laws have failed. The internet alows us to inform others According to google, censorship is defined as the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government. The first words of this definaition alone go against the words of out founding fathers. ACLU professor David Goldberger states that, “Free speech, is communication that flows into the marketplace of ideas that allows us to decide what we think is right and wrong, and truth is and how to best govern the country” So why would we let the governement decide what we can and cant see? It should anger every American that our government would so publicly try to abridge our freedom. The freedom of speech has been a symbol of American society since...
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...not the most, well known Amendment. The freedom of speech, petition, religion, press, and assembly is important to all Americans. However, the government feels that they hold power to monitor content on the internet, on a federal, state, and local level. This has become a recent controversy with Net Neutrality being in danger of being removed, the growing social media industry, and internet filters that are being put in place by school districts. There are implied powers involved in the Constitution, but with the creation of Net Neutrality, there should be no need for the use of any implied powers. A line that has been drawn, and no level of government should cross that line unless there is someone who is truly suspect as to being a threat to the safety of the citizens of the United States....
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..."To monitor and limit what content may and may not be seen by internet users could be seen as a good thing, a form of protection--protecting the innocent minded against graphic images or cyberbullying; however when practiced these restrictions can not only protect innocents, but ignorance too. These sort of restrictions create a gray area that can potentially result in impeding on a citizen's’ right to free speech. Allowing government moderation and censorship of the internet creates a realm of ambiguity as to what can and cannot be said or seen on the internet platform, and ultimately may restrict citizens from learning about “controversial†topics (which are important to discuss in a society so the individual can form his or her own opinions on the matter and create their own personal ideologies) and keeping people in the dark in regards to what is happening in the world around them--for you and I both know the world does not censor itself for the public eye--can be seen as a blatant injustice done to the public. And the provoking question that is the source for all the controversy surrounding all the arguments for and against...
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