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Free Speech and National Security


Submitted By leannealmon
Words 805
Pages 4
Free Speech and National Security
Harlan D. Almon
HSM 305
Instructor William Barker
May 20, 2013

Free Speech and National Security
We, as a nation, have prided ourselves as a country with many freedoms. Freedom of speech being probably the most important. It allows us to say or print what we are feeling about a subject and not have to worry about consequences. Although living in a society that allows free speech is great, it has its consequences as well when it comes to keeping our nation safe. During war time, there have been times that our freedom of speech has been curbed.
One could say that freedom of speech could actually help professionals in the Homeland Security field. Because we are a country that allows freedom of speech, radical terrorist groups could be found and stopped before they could carry out their attack. This is possible because they can become a suspect through the web through chat rooms, Facebook or any social media that you can find on the internet this days. They can even start their own websites. This makes coming up with suspects easier for the DHS and other law enforcement individuals. They can spend more time trying to stop these individuals, instead of trying to find out who these individuals are. In the First Amendment, it states, “Congress shall make no law [. . .] Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press [.]” (Howington, 2012) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 19 says “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” (Howington, 2012). Within these basic rights, several problems could arise. Such as a person lying about another person or idea in order to gain personally or to gain money, they could convince a person or a

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