Features for setting up a facebook page for business: There are lots of feature in a facebook business page. The features are:
Page: In the business page there is a feature page. In this option we can see the whole page.
Timeline: In the timeline option we can see all about the page. All posts pictures comments and all the thing related of this page. We can also see in the timeline if any customer or anyone post about business.
About: In this page there are a about option. In this option customer can know many thing about the business. In the about option there are * Category of the product or type of business * Name of the business. * Facebook web address are also available there * The joining date in the facebook * The date when the product will release * Little description about the page * A long description about the page * Founded date and founder name * Award achieved this business * Products description * Web site and official page of this business
Photo: In this option we can all the pictures uploaded and tagged in this page.
Like: There are like option in the page. Through this option we can know how much people are like or interested about our product or business.
More: In more option there are video and manage tabs option. Messenger: There is a messenger option in the page. Through this option buyers and sellers can communicate each other. They can communicate easily without using other email option.
Notification: Through this notification option we can easily know, if anyone comment about the product or like the product. Publishing tool: In this tool all the posts are archived here. We can easily find the previous post from this tool.
In the business page we can post any massages or any picture by individual or on behalf of the business.