Premium Essay

Function of Education System


Submitted By jessicamadueke
Words 2026
Pages 9
Examine the different functions perform by the education system
Different theories try to explain the function and role of education in society. Some look at the positive side of education and others the more negative side due to some pupils only being exploited in the education system. Despite all having different views that can be related to, they also all have their advantages and disadvantages meaning some arguments are stronger than others.
One group of sociologists, the functionalists, believe that education has four main functions to help society. One role of education is to create social solidarity. It is Durkheim who believes that this is essential for the survival of societies. He believes that it helps to bring people together as it enables students to share similar beliefs, norms and values. Education helps to bind the members of a society together as there are essential similarities that help people to unite and all feel a sense of belonging. The way schools helps to allow its students to feel apart is by making all students wear a uniform enabling everyone to have something in common and to feel apart of a community. Lessons such as history, CPSHE and R.S help to weld the diverse mass of people into a nation as we realise we have much in common with each other.
The second function is to allocate people to the role and job by testing students to discover talents and then develop the talent to enable them to find a job that will best suit them in the future. It is Parsons who believes that this is one of the main functions of education as he describes schools as a bridge between the family and adult roles of society. Parsons believes schools are meritocratic enabling the best and able students to rise to the top due to their talents and not because they have been born into a position.
Another function is to provide people with necessary skills.

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