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Fundamentals of Accounting


Submitted By imadshahid
Words 97819
Pages 392
Contents 1.0 Aims and Objectives 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Book- Keeping 1.2.1 Meaning 1.2.2 Definition 1.2.3 Objectives 1.3 Accounting 1.3.1 Meaning 1.3.2 Definition 1.3.3 Objectives 1.3.4 Importance 1.3.5 Functions 1.3.6 Advantages 1.3.7 Limitations 1.4 Methods of Accounting 1.4.1 Single Entry 1.4.2 Double Entry 1.4.3 Steps involved in double entry system 1.4.4 Advantages of double entry system 1.5 Meaning of Debit and Credit 1.6 Types of Accounts and its rules 1.6.1 Personal Accounts 1.6.2 Real Accounts 1.6.3 Nominal Accounts 1.7 Distinction between Book Keeping and Accounting 1.8 Branches of Accounting 1.8.1 Financial Accounting 1.8.2 Cost Accounting 1.8.3 Management Accounting 1.9 Let us Sum Up 1.10 Lesson-End Activities 1.11 Check your Progress 1.12 Points for Discussion 1.13 References

i) ii) To know the Meaning ,Definition and objective of Book- Keeping To study the objectives, functions, importance and limitations of Accounting

iii) To understand the methods of Accounting, kinds of Accounts and Accounting rules.

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1 iv) To study the difference between Book- keeping and Accounting v) To study the various branches of Accounting

In all activities (whether business activities or non-business activities) and in all organizations (whether business organizations like a manufacturing entity or trading entity or non-business organizations like schools, colleges, hospitals, libraries, clubs, temples, political parties) which require money and other economic resources, accounting is required to account for these resources. In other words, wherever money is involved, accounting is required to account for it. Accounting is often called the language of business. The basic function of any language

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For Studies

...1/6/2016 View all Copyright © UCAS   elcome > View all W Please review your application below to ensure that the details you have provided are both correct and reflect your preferences. Please confirm your preferences to receive further information from UCAS and UCAS Media about courses or products and services by ticking "Section completed" at the bottom of this screen. If the details below are either incorrect, or do not reflect your preferences, please change your application. edit  Personal details Personal   Title Gender First/given name(s) Surname/family name Preferred first name Previous surname at 16th birthday Postal address Is your permanent home in the UK? Home address Home telephone number Mobile number Email address Date of birth Country of birth Date of first entry to UK Nationality Dual nationality Area of permanent residence Residential category Mr  Male  MUHAMMAD AMIR HARITH  AFFENDI        NO. 19, TAMAN FARHANAS JALAN PETRA JAYA 93050 KUCHING SARAWAK Malaysia   No     6082 449882  60128495321  27 May 1995  Malaysia  1 September 2016  Malaysian     Malaysia  Other  Reference numbers   Unique Learner Number (ULN) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Number International English Language Testing System (IELTS) TRF Number 1/7 1/6/2016 View all Passport details   Do you require a student visa? Have you previously studied in...

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