...The Dead by James Joyce was a short story published in 1914. The story takes place in Dublin, Ireland during a holiday party. There are many principal characters in this story. Our assignment this for this week’s paper was to choose and analyze two or three characters in the reading. I have chosen to focus on Gabriel Conroy and Gretta Conroy. Gabriel Conroy Gabriel Conroy is the main character in this story, a great majority came from his point of view. He had many faces throughout the story. He was short tempered, socially awkward, and had an acute class consciousness. He is an intelligent, middle aged professor and book reviewer. He sees himself intellectually and culturally elevated in comparison to the rest of the people that are attending the party. To his aunts, has was a loving family man, he brought a cheerful presence to the holiday party and preformed man like duties, like carving the goose for the dinner. While he is loving in the eyes of his aunts, he has troubles making a connection with the other ladies in the story....
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