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Gatsbys Greatness


Submitted By pitman45
Words 296
Pages 2
josh hernadez
Mrs. Pontes
English 11
24, February 2014
Gatsby’s Greatness “He hadn’t once ceased looking at Daisy and I think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her well-loved eyes” (97). This quote from Nick says a lot about how much Gatsby really cares about Daisy. Everything Gatsby had ever done was to impress Daisy and give her a reason to be with him. When he saw that Daisy was really impressed with his things, he knew he deserved her now. The only thing he needed to do after that was convince Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him. With the look in Daisy’s eyes, he knew she still loved him and he finally won her. This makes Gatsby really great because Nick knew that everything was for Daisy and this made him respect Gatsby. He had a goal and didn’t stop until he had gotten his dream. His determination alone made Gatsby “great” to Nick. “He did it without smashing up things and creatures and retreating back to the money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made” (9). Nick thinks Gatsby is so great because everything he has, has been earned without hurting anyone. Tom and Daisy both don’t take responsibility for the things they do. To Nick, if you don’t earn what you have, you will never be a great person, no matter how much money you have. Gatsby was able to take the blame for Daisy’s murder, and she would not do the same for him. Daisy would not even attend his funeral. She just left with no explanation to Nick or anyone else.

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