Premium Essay

Gay Marriage


Submitted By wendi661
Words 988
Pages 4
Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a very controversial issue, though I know where I stand having a gay sibling , I fully support two people of the same sex being able to get married.
Through my personal experiences and research, I can support my views on this subject.
Many people are against gay marriage because they think that being homosexual is wrong, evil or it’s a sin. Others believe that accepting gay couples getting married would be a threat to the society’s values and weaken what marriage is defined as.
Many years ago, African Americans, for example, did not have the same equality like white people did I think gay marriage has a similar issue. We are all humans and we all should have the same equality and right no matter if we are gay, straight,white,black,Latin, Asian or any other race,Therfore gay marriage should be legal. Many young children in America are killing themselves for being victim of abuse,bulling or discrimination in school from other kids that believe that being gay is wrong . Bullying is an intentional aggressive behavior that is often applied to people that have or express a different behavior or preferences that are not consider “normal” or average behavior than most of the people. They may be bullied for different reasons, by the way they dress, how they speak, or even because of the race they are.There are many types of bulling physical bullying (punching or hitting). Verbal bullying is a very common bullying, examples of verbal are name calling or mockery . Cyber bullying is where insulting or negative messages are sent via e-mail or text messages, and emotional or social bullying is experienced by exclusion, an example of this is when people from a specific group do not let you be in the same group as them. Gay bullying is often seen in schools of the United States, and all around the world.

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