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Gen 105 Appendix H


Submitted By dannysgirl7412
Words 436
Pages 2
Associate Level Material
Appendix H


SQ3R Worksheet

Selected reading: Social Groups PG. 217 Chapter 7

|Survey |Describe the value of surveying the reading. |
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| |The value I learned from surveying the reading is that It made Me look ahead at the chapter. And skim through |
| |before I actually reading it this way I could prepare what I was going to ask myself |
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|Question |What questions did you ask as you were reading? |
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| |After surveying the reading I looked at the title and asked myself what are they going to talk about? Will they |
| |talk about each social group? Are they going to talk about their behaviors? Will he talk about how they became a|
| |specific social group?

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