...noon, headache in the afternoon, angry in the evening.” (Chinese woman quoted by Wolf, 1985) “Human development, if not gendered, is endangered” (United Nations Human Development Report, 1995) “The undervaluation of women’s work lowers the real value of the national product, undermines women’s purchasing power, curtails their rights to own property and land and to acquire credit from financial institutions, and reduces their already low status” (Ngan-Ling Chow & Lyter, 2002) “The invisibility of masculinity reproduces gender inequality, both materially and ideologically. Thus, any initiative to improve the condition of women must include efforts to involve men” (Kimmel in Cleaver, 2002) Time: Monday 9.00-10.50am Place: Seminar Room 1, Chrystal MacMillan Building Course Convenor: Jeevan Sharma (email: jeevan.sharma@ed.ac.uk) Office hours: Tuesday 10.00-12.00 My office is Room 4.30 in the Chrystal MacMillan Building. Tel: 0131 6511760 This document contains important information about the course, please read through it carefully. Copies are available on Learn at: http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/undergrad/honours/subjects_and_centres/sociology Key dates: Short essay (25 February 2013); Long Essay (29 April 2013) Gender and Development Spring Semester 2013 2 **THIS HANDBOOK IS AVAILABLE IN LARGER PRINT IF REQUIRED** BACKGROUND Gender studies and development studies are both interdisciplinary in orientation, and touch on issues as diverse as work & family...
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...Gender and Development Theories, Wid, Wad and Gad, Their Strengths and Weaknesse In: Other Topics Gender and Development Theories, Wid, Wad and Gad, Their Strengths and Weaknesse INVESTING IN AFRICA’S FUTURE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Name: Chupical Shollah Manuel Reg Number: R 086305 HU Lecturer: Musvosvi, E (Ms) Course: Gender and Development (HSO 306) Question: Briefly discuss the following theories and show the strengths and weaknesses of each approach to Gender Development; WID, WAD and GAD. Gender relates to the social constructions and relations between men and women and it does not simply look at maleness or femaleness. Development is a multidimensional concept but in general it entails social upward mobility and empowerment but not limited to this. In studying gender relations and development it is of great importance to look at the approaches adopted by feminists in redressing and addressing social disparities. There are many approaches but shall give considerable to WID, WAD and GAD and give their contributions to development as well as their strengths and weaknesses. One of the most famous approaches to development was the feminist Women in development (WID). This was adopted in the 1970s in response to women movement in the west. The women in the west advocated for inclusion of women who have been excluded from development policies and programs. Baserup (1979) point out that the...
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...ANTH 2001: Gender and Development. Department of Anthropology University of Witwatersrand ESSAY TWO – DUE 21st OCTOBER 2011 Write an essay on one of the following questions, using the reading material in your reading pack and, where possible, other research and readings that you discover independently. The essays should be typed and between 2,000 - 2,500 words long, at 1.5 spacing and margins of at least 2.5 cm all around. Please number pages and ensure that your NAME and STUDENT NUMBER are on the upper right corner of the first/front page. Choose one of the following topics/questions: 1) With reference to at least two ethnographic examples discuss the relationship between motherhood, militarization and resistance. 2) Batliwala and Ahanraj (2007:21) argue that it is a “gender myth” to assume that giving poor women access to economic resources - such as credit –will ensure their overall empowerment. Discuss what they mean by this idea of “gender myth” with reference to the shifts from Women in Development (WID) to Gender and Development (GAD). 3) With reference to at least two ethnographic studies explain and discuss the significance of heterosexual masculinities and femininities in shaping experiences of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection, treatment, and care. 4) With reference to Robert Morrell’s work on the shifting notions of masculinity (2001) as well as other relevant ethnographic examples discuss the role of...
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...Gender Identity The origins of gender, like the origins of human nature, are sometimes said to lie in biological determination, sometimes in social construction. Feminist theory began with criticising biological determinism and its portrayal of women, and inevitably emphasised the social construction of gender. However, seeing gender or human nature as wholly or mainly socially constructed seems to deny the biological processes which comprise our physical experiences of ourselves, and it is this omission which has recently led some writers (both feminist and antifeminist) to lay stress on the significance of biology in human behaviour and its development. These two opposing views of the origin of behaviour are still dominant, despite various attempts to emphasise how biology and social context might interact to produce, say, gender differences: this continued dominance of the nature/nurture duality has considerable political relevance to feminism, and has contributed to the rise of the New Right ideology concerning, for example, the natural role of women and the family. Gender-role development is one of the most important areas of human development. In fact, the sex of a newborn sets the agenda for a whole array of developmental experiences that will influence the person throughout his or her life. The often controversial study of the development of gender is a topic that is inherently interesting to parents, students, researchers, and scholars for several reasons. First...
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...DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SEXUALITY NaShawn Edwards July 10, 2013 DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN SEXUALITY A young boy sits and watches children playing on the playground, trying to see which activity he wants to engage in. He sees a group of boys playing basketball on one side and down the way he sees a group of girls playing “double dutch” jump rope. Off to the side of them are some boys watching and talking to them, flirting. The young boy decides he wants play jump rope with them. The young man approaches the girls and they invite him to join them. The young man makes his first attempt to jump in the ropes. As soon as he is ready to jump in, he’s pushed from behind. The push is so forceful that he stumbles into the ropes, tangling them around him and falls to the ground, scraping his knee badly. He looks up and sees one of the boys that was watching the girls play jump rope, had pushed him. He started shouting obscenely things at the young boy and soon begin punching hitting and kicking him. The young boy didn’t know what he did wrong and why he was being treated this way. An adult saw what was going on and ran to stop it. He then took the young boy home with the little boy asking “Why?” See the young boy didn’t know that jump rope was known as “femininity”. He was raised to be open-minded and androgynous. The other boy was raised and taught the masculine gender roles and what he is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Somehow, the other boy felt that the young boy’s behavior...
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...THE STATE OF HMONG-AMERICAN STUDIES (A BIBLIOGRAPHIC ESSAY) By Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD Director, Hmong Resource Center, Saint Paul Editor, Hmong Studies Journal Introduction In the newly published volume Hmong/Miao in Asia, Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, co-editor Nicholas Tapp provides an insightful essay “The State of Hmong Studies: An Essay on Bibliography” which traces the temporal development of research on the Hmong and assesses some of the key works within the interdisciplinary realm of Hmong Studies. Tapp’s essay is very valuable as an overview of the growth of Hmong Studies research based in Asia. Unfortunately, the sections of his piece pertaining to Hmong-American Studies, are, as he himself acknowledges, dated as they are heavily focused on publications from the 1980s and early 1990s. It is the purpose of the present short essay to provide the reader with an assessment of recent developments in Hmong-American Studies and some insights about certain research areas that need further development in the field. Health and Medicine Hmong-American Studies research has grown dramatically since the early 1990s. The Hmong Resource Center library in Saint Paul now possesses more than 150 dissertations/theses and 450 journal articles pertaining to HmongAmericans (as opposed to Hmong in Asia and other countries). The vast majority 1 of these works have been published since 1994. There are certain fields within Hmong-American Studies that have seen very important...
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...Developmental Psychology examination questions Extended responses questions identify how the different elements of emotion - expression, recognition, and regulation - develop across the lifespan Human psychology throughout the lifespan is exhibited through the three important elements of emotion, which include; emotional expression regulation of emotional experiences emotional recognition This essay will discuss each of the three elements in the following life developmental stages referring to biological evidence and well know developmental stages referring to biological evidence and well know developmental theorists where appropriate. The three life stages in this essay will be infancy and childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Emotional expression is a key aspect of learning in which the individuals recognizes how to apply emotions that are socially appropriate and in keeping with the emotional development of that person. During infancy, the use of facial expressions is a key means of communication to establish biological needs. For example crying when to be fed or laughing when defecating. At this stage of infancy usually about the first months of birth, key cognitive functions to express emotions such as smiling is reflexive, independent of external stimuli. With the advancement of age of 2 - 3 months this reflexive motor is replaced by social smiling, typically when the baby sees his or her caregivers face. From the ages of 4 - 5 years, emotional...
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...Cognitive explanation of gender essay (10) When explaining how gender identity and roles develop, the cognitive approach emphasises the role of thinking processes. It refers to how children gather and make sense of information about gender and how their understanding of gender changes over time. It assumes that changes in gender role behaviour reflect changes in how children understand and think about gender. These changes in understanding, in turn, reflect the gathering of information about gender taken from the environment and the developmental changes in the child’s brain that allow them to process information in more advanced ways. Kohlberg has a table to explain his theory of gender development. It says that a child’s understanding of gender strengthens in stages. At beginning, children think in characteristic ways about gender. As the child moves through the stages its understanding of gender becomes greater. The first stage is gender identity, which is usually reached by the age of 2 years. At this stage the child is able to correctly identify its own sex. The second stage is gender stability, which is usually reached by the age of 4 years old. At this stage the child realises that gender remains the same across time. However, its understanding of gender is heavily influenced by external features like hair and clothing. A boy at this stage might say that if he put a dress on he would be a girl. It is not until the third stage, gender constancy, that the child starts...
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...Essay: Evaluate the role of education in society. Consider issue of gender in your response. Also, consider how such factors may impact on a person’s life chances. This essay will examine the role of education in society and an analysis of inequality in relation to Gender. It will discuss briefly education and examine the different theoretical approaches to education followed by an analysis of inequality using information on statistics of inequality in British education in relation to gender and attainment. This essay will Identify and evaluate key policy developments in education provision designed to bridge the gap of gender inequality in British education. The role of education in society has been among the major issues in contemporary sociological and political debate. According to Iannelli and Paterson (2005) education is a major factor that helps determine the jobs and social class positions of individuals in society. As an institution of sociology, education plays a dominant role in transmitting prevalent ideologies of society by providing pupils with the curriculum and hidden curriculum as well as the skills that will prepare them physically, mentally and socially for their life chances (Clark 2005). Educational institutions play a very important role in reducing social inequalities. Over the last century British schools experienced very important changes and moved from a selective system to a comprehensive one in the 1960s and 70s. Much research has shown that the...
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...utilized in order to attain personal, group and organizational goals. This essay evaluates a case study in which the human resource department of SK Holdings, South Korean company, has been recruiting more men than women, a practice that is common throughout the country. This essay finds that the HRM practices in this company do not align with the company’s business strategy, especially during the process of implementation of new technology. The essay further discusses how the hiring of more women would improve the competitive advantage of this company. A recruitment and retention plan for this company targeting women employees is also included. Potential obstacles that the company is likely to face during the process of recruiting more women are examined. Finally, the essay recommends some of the HRM practices that this company could adopt in order to the visibility of women employees. 1. How the HRM practices align with the company’s business strategy According to Lorber (2005), the HRM practical model represents effective solutions for issues related to gender inequality in organizations. The model values all people, irrespective of gender, in pursuit of goals within an organization. It stresses the role played by every individual within a given organization and presents equal opportunities for all. Thus, the diversity promoted by HRM model in valuing people helps in the promotion of gender equality, which is in turn associated with accomplishment of goals of an organization...
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...CLT 209 Final Essay Discuss the impact of media on gender identity. Madalen Smith 11473441 Who are we? Who do we want to be? These are questions that have plagued people globally since the beginning of time. Our whole life is dedicated to developing our identity- one that we are happy with and feel reflects whom we are inside. But what influences our identity? And to what extent? We are constantly interacting with media. Subsequently we are continuously absorbing meaning and information whether we realise it or not. This essay focuses on gender identity and the impact the media can have on it. As individuals grow and seek to cultivate and define their identity, is media influencing their thoughts and views? This essay seeks to show that whilst media does in fact play a vital role in how individuals and society view gender the final decision regarding ones gender identity, is something that comes from within. Media both presents ideas and reflects societies already held values. Media does impact on what we view as acceptable for each gender, and what an individual may feel is the norm for their gender, but only to a certain extent. Ultimately gender is something that is felt within the individual and cannot be manipulated by outside things. Media plays a significant role in contemporary societies everyday life. The rapid technological developments that have taken place during the twentieth century has resulted in media becoming prevalent in almost all daily aspects of...
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...Comparing and Contrasting Essentialist Approaches to Social Psychology with Social Constructionist Approaches to Social Psychology. A widely recognised definition of social psychology is “an effort to understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behaviour of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others” (Allport, 1985). However, how to measure this, the research methods to be used and what constitutes useful evidence has caused much debate in the history of social psychology. This essay will compare and contrast the two epistemologies of essentialist and social constructionist approaches to social psychology and the research methods of quantitative and qualitative used in each approach. Essentialists’ view of the world is that the properties possessed by a group are universal in that group and do not depend on context. However, a member of a group may possess other characteristics that are not required to include it as a group member but, it must not have characteristics that preclude it from being a member of the group (Burr, 1995). For example, essentialists believe that personality consists of a number of traits and personality of an individual is established by the level of each of these traits. Essentialists also believe that these traits remain more or less stable over time and it is our personality that influences behaviour (Maltby, 2010). As essentialists are able to classify groups as such, they use quantitative research...
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...This essay is going to expose the extent to which development has taken place in Zambia under the Patriotic Front (PF) government. Development in this essay will be looked at according to Dudley Seers’ definition. As we proceed looking at the current extent of development in Zambia in view of Seers three pointers of development, recourse will be made to a number of authorities, such as books written by renown authors and or any other valid sources to support the argument. The essay will be concluded by making a summary of the whole essay and suggest possible way in which the government may deliver or even improve on the delivery of development to its people. Before proceeding to look at the extent of development in Zambia under the current government, it is important first to understand what “development” is according to Dudley Seers. According to Seers, (1969:5), to consider whether development has taken place in a particular country; you need to ask what has been happening to poverty, unemployment and inequality. He further states that, “If all the three of these have declined from high levels, then beyond doubt this has been a period of development for the country concerned. However, if one or two of these central problems have been growing worse, especially if all the three, it would be strange to call the result ‘development’ even if per capita income had doubled” ibid. Hence, the truth can be deduced from the aforementioned that ‘development’ according to Seers, is the...
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...The museum offers a space to the public for education, meditation, reflection of the self and others. The issue of gender challenges, if not simply questions, an institution with a profound sense of power in deciding what makes history, what is representative of culture, and how individuals can be identified among a greater scheme of social construction. Feminist critique reveals museums to be generally colonising spaces of the female body. In a profession now largely occupied by women, there appears to still be a gender disproportion in directorial and curatorial positions. ‘The women’s movement has largely bypassed museums’ (Glaser & Zeneton 1994). Even with noticeable changes to gender perspectives in Western society, women have much to remodel in a museological world that is still dipped in a long-established and well-governed androcentrism. Museums are extraordinarily powerful institutions across the globe today. They present the past and present in ways that rule entire schools of thought, dictate truth and notions of common sense, and shape the ways in which people perceive and interpret meaning through culture and history. In assessing the status of modern museum culture, it is important to understand the politics by which an institution runs and governs itself. This issue is often overlooked in museum studies; historically museums have acted at their own discretion without much, if any, cultural, political, or social supervision; thus, despite a reputation for being...
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...term of “gender” was widely used in the academic literature and public discussion to differentiate the gender identity and biological sex. By definition, the term “biological sex”represents the true meaning of an individual sex status. Gender, on the other hand, has multiple interpretations between men, women and what comes in beetween through social development and “nurture” of cultural adoption. Money and Erhardt (1972) suggest that biological gender is what a person perceives or assumes to expose and reveal that “he” or “she” has the sexual status of being male or female. Gender is more than that. It has more complexity that represents way of thinking, ideas, styles, patterns, habits, and many other aspects beyond biological sex status. One notion argues that gender in an essence is natural, stable and something given by God, which means that gender cannot be changed. Most scholars would perceive such theory as Gender Classification by Nature. Other argue that gender is a result of modification and influence of the shape of social institution that constructs and develops its profile on an individual. Thus, gender is based on social-view perception instead of being given and determined biologically. Gender also is recongnised as being derived from Nurture (Nurture Theory). This essays attempts to discuss the application of the above mentioned theories and ideas related to the writer’s social environment and cultural background in Indonesia, where gender is considered...
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