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Gender Bias In The Court System Essay

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Bob Enyart had once said “ It is not a Justice system, it is just a system.” This is incredibly true for today’s court system as it is unfair. Many people are wrongly put away or go free even though they are guilty as a result from different prejudices. This has always been an issue but it seems to be getting worse rather than better. The United states court system does not treat each other equally based on gender, race, and age. To begin, genders are not treated equally in the court system. Females and males will have different punishments depending on the crime, rather than have the same sentence. Sometimes the male gets the better end of the punishment and sometimes it’s the female. In fact many places in America still have gender biases: “In the last decade, more than 30 states have produced studies …show more content…
This is more of a modern day issue and it’s a new controversial topic. More specifically this age bias is a problem with minors or teens who commit crimes. Not only do most people not know how to address this problem but, the court system also struggles with this. A recent case has happened in the last five years where a 16 year old was drinking and driving and he had killed four people. When this case had gone to court his defense had blamed his behavior on his parents, the proper term affluenza. The argument used in court was that “Couch grew up learning he should be able to do what he wanted, whenever he wanted and noted that Coach’s father Fred Couch made millions of dollars thanks to his successful sheet metal business”(par 6, Dooley, Valiente). The defense claimed that his behavior and lack of responsibility was because his parents never held him accountable for his actions. While many parents do not hold their children accountable for their actions, a teen should have enough independence and know right from wrong by now and not have their parent’s influence their decisions

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