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Gender Binary Analysis

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1. Gender Binary: Based off of prior knowledge and information from this class, gender binary is described as the two genders that identify with being either feminine or masculine. Though society often believes in this gender binary, we tend to put people into boxes by categorizing them and it isn’t always correct. In the Radical teacher on page 62 this quote sums up some truth and problems, “the mistaken belief that if your body has/does that thing it is a particular gender.”
2. Intersex: An individual who does not have the typical XY or XX body type. These individuals have a mixture of the two. As we saw in the film XXY, Alex is an example of an intersex person. Most people who are intersex often go through medical procedures to for “normalizing”. Society has this way of making these people seen as something that needs …show more content…
Gender/Sex/ Sexuality: Trans Gender History goes into detail about these three definitions. First talking about sex and how it has to do with reproductive potential. Then speaking about gender relating to different kinds of bodies in the system and how political forces are controlling it. Finally, sexuality is how and who we are intimate with. These are important because most people confuse the three. They are all different and it is important to know and understand these terms not only for the class but for furthering our knowledge.
4. Biological Determinism: Biological determinism is the idea that we are destined for certain things due to things we can’t change such as; race, class, gender, etc. In Visualizing the Body: Western Theories and African Subjects, “biology is destiny” is brought up, explaining how Western thought has been based off of biology to explain the trends with in society. This is often seen as an absolute truth even though this idea is a socially constructed one. In the same piece, the example of the police is brought up and how we as a society think of white men. It is assumed and based off of stereotypes certain

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