...Final Draft Gender Discrimination DeVry University Gender Discrimination against Men The one question I will ask is: Why is discrimination against men left unseen or barely heard? Gender discrimination in the United States has not changed. Gender Discrimination has been a big issue for years, and it does not only affect women. This is an ongoing issue that affects the world. Gender discrimination is mostly paid attention to when a woman is being discriminated against. Though I am a woman, I care very deeply about Gender discrimination against men. The intended audience is people in the professional field of education. This includes but is not limited to professors and university administrators. My secondary audience will be intended for other men who feel they were discriminated against. The article I chose is about Gender discrimination against men. In the articles I read, I found a lot of interesting information: Christopher Niebauer was a psychology professor at Slippery Rock University in Pittsburgh, Pa in 2000. He filed a complaint against the Psychology department claiming that he had been discriminated against, because he was a male. The article also highlighted the problems that were going on in the campus offices. It also stated he was being bullied at work and basically was pushed to the side. He filed the proper complaints, and it was all ignored even down to him filing a lawsuit. (Lord, 2014) The psychology professor claimed that he filed the complaint with...
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...is a modern phenomenon, it would not be possible without the pioneers of the Women’s Rights Movement; however there are still challenges women face, such as gender discrimination. Gender discrimination is treating individuals differently in their employment specifically because the individual is a woman or a man. Currently the federal law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, protects individuals from discrimination based upon sex or gender. This law makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate against individuals because of their gender in the following actions: hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employments, such as promotions, raises, and other job opportunities. Title VII covers all private employers, state and local government, and educational institutions that employ more than 15 individuals. Even though gender discrimination is illegal for companies to discriminate against, it seems to still be an issue in the 21st century. The focus of this research paper is on gender discrimination in the technology industry in Silicon Valley as recent news scandals by companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter have made mainstream media, the reasons why women are behind in the technology industry and how companies manage or should manage their operations in order to prevent gender discrimination. It is an unfortunate fact of life that much of Silicon Valley and the technology industry is...
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...5/18/11 Final Paper: Gender Discrimination in HR Gender discrimination has been an issue for many years in our society. Gender, is referred to “the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male” (Macionis, 2008). Throughout history and till this day, there has been unequal distribution of power, wealth, and privilege among men and women especially in the work place. A functionalist might say that there is a function for the gender differentiation. There are jobs that need to be done, where some are more suitable for men than women and vice versa. On the contrary, a conflict theorist would reply that women have low status because they have been exploited by powerful men for the work they do and the children they provide. The difference between male and female is socially created and defined by numerous types of cultures. In our society, males are sought to be as the provider of the household who work to support their family, maintain control, they’re “active,” and “competitive.” Therefore, men are encouraged to hold leadership positions and play sports. Whereas women are the caretakers of the children and family, they do the housework, they’re more “submissive,” “passive” and “emotional.” In turn they’re expected to stay home, be supportive helpers, and be quick to show their feelings, as stated in the textbook. According to Martha C. Nussbaum, in her book, Women and Human Development, she states that women “are treated as mere...
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...Gender Discrimination Aura Lemus, Sophia Wells, Taneka Johnson RES/351 November 20,1994 Jean Wilson Gender Discrimination Recent research shows that workplace discrimination continues to be an impediment to gender equality (Gorman, 2005). This research project aims to identify the prevalence of discrimination in the food industry. This will be done using business research as well as, through researching any other reports of workplace discrimination. Throughout this project, the purpose as well as a hypothesis, and the methodology will be explained in detail. There are several factors that will need to be considered during this research project, such as biased information, or mathematical processes etc. However, at the end of this project, the following questions should be answered: how prevalent is workplace discrimination in the food industry? What are some reasons why discrimination is not reported? Discrimination is described as the “making or constituting of a difference between; the act of differentiating” (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity commission, 2013). Despite laws, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity laws, which prohibit discrimination based on religion, sex, color, etc., as well as protecting men and women that perform equal work from wage discrimination that have been passed, gender discrimination continues to be a major problem (U.S Equal Employment Opportunity commission, 2013). Gender discrimination in the fast-food industry is offensive and biased...
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...Female Discrimination in China’s Enterprise’s Graduate Recruitment and Selection Practices: A Case Study. 1. Introduction: 1.1 Background of the topic and the research significance 1.1.1 Background According to China National Radio, more than 7,490,000 college students in China will graduate and enter the job market in 2015, which makes this year “the hardest job-hunting season ever for graduates”. In the overwhelming news coverage, media mainly focus on the largely increasing number of graduates, the contradiction between limited demand from job market and redundant labor supply and the status quo in job-hunting. Less attention is paid to female college students who are encountering gender discrimination in job-hunting. According to All-China Women’s Federation, 91.9 percent of female college students responded that they felt the existence of gender discrimination against women in job-hunting (Ye, 2012). Another survey by Guangzhou Women’s Federation revealed that 71.9 percent of female college students had encountered gender discrimination in job hunting (Feng, 2014). In addition, a report by China University of Political Science and Law indicated that 68.98 percent of recruiters were involved in gender discrimination in employment. (Ye, 2012) Female graduates are well educated group and are important human capital However, the advantage of them as a human resource does not fundamentally change the fact that female candidates are often discriminated when finding...
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...Gender Discrimination: Abstract: Gender discrimination is a non-tradition security threat to Pakistan and it has implications for Pakistan security. Pakistani women are more than half of the total population, but women are treated inhumanly within their homes by their husbands or dominant males through different ways like Domestic Violence, Sawara, Vani, Karo Kari, Honour Killing, Acid Throwing, Forced Marriages etc. Gender discrimination is also deeply rooted in Pakistani society in education and employment sectors. The security of a state like Pakistan is connected with the security of whole population and a country cannot be considered secure until its whole population feel secure. For the progress and prosperity of a country there is needed to eliminate the discriminatory attitude of the society towards the women. There are multiple ways to improve gender balance in the country which will reduce gender discrimination. Key Words: Gender Discrimination, Education Sector, Employment Sector, Gender and Human Security. I. Introduction This study discusses gender discrimination as „non-traditional security‟ threat to the country. It argues that women are more than half of the population and the security of women is associated with state security. This is so because no country can be secure until its whole population feels secure. Pakistan needs to empower its women for the progress and prosperity of a country. Balance has been maintained by...
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...Gender Discrimination Gender discrimination often occurs in the workplace. It involves actions or statements that take place against an individual because of their gender. Individuals are protected against discrimination by state and federal laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 sets regulations for employers so that decisions made in the workplace are not based on race, skin, color, age, gender, religion, or national belief (expertlaw.com). Decisions such as hiring, promotions, or job assignments are to be non-bias and based off employees ability. Gender discrimination within the workplace can have a negative affect on the workplace environment. It interferes with the quality of learning, performance, and other activities of the job. Allowing gender discrimination can cause low morale and self esteem for a person, which can have a negative impact on career advancement within the company or promotions (www.amwa-doc.org). Within the workplace federal and state law prohibits any behaviors or conduct by an employer that can be recognized as discrimination. It is illegal for employers to exclude people of a particular gender from positions, which they are qualified for and only hiring a one gender for a particular job is illegal. An example of this would be only hiring female for a secretarial position or refusing to hire a man for a daycare position (www.expertlaw.com). By federal law employers are to have a non discrimination policy and complaint procedures. When...
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...INTRODUCTION Gender discrimination is the act of preferring someone based on their sexuality and ignoring the other sex. For instance, a manager at a workplace may clearly prefer only males and therefore, may be overlooking the credentials of the women as a result. The women may not get a job at that organization. It is women who suffer the wrath of gender discrimination most of the times. Women have difficulty reaching higher positions in their work sphere because they are mainly seen as unproductive and also non career oriented persons by their bosses. Sexual violence is also a part of gender discrimination. METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS The hypothesis is that women face gender discrimination at a workplace. This project has been undertaken to measure gender discrimination in a workplace. The method used in collection of data was the survey method. A self made questionnaire was used for collection of data. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions, which cover aspects of gender discrimination at a workplace. There were ten samples ranging from ages 25 to 40; and all samples were women. The answer categories were ‘Always’, ‘Sometimes’ and ‘Never’. The samples were instructed to tick the option applicable to them and give reasons for each statement. For questions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 scores allotted were : Always : 3 Sometimes : 2 Never : 1 DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA Scores of all samples: Sample number Score 1 26 2...
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...Gender discrimination Gender discrimination refers to the practice of granting or denying rights or privileges to a person based on their gender. In other hand, Gender discrimination is the difference between male and female in respect of enjoying human rights. It is severe in Bangladesh where it starts at birth. Despite having achieved gender parity in primary school enrolments, Bangladesh still has a long way to go to achieve gender equity, access to quality education for all girls, completion of basic education with acceptable competency levels and relevant life skills and equal roles for women and girls in society. Some of the key issues which must be addressed are as follows: Perceptions of lesser value and limited roles of girls: Gender discrimination starts from birth and continues throughout life in Bangladesh. The perceived lesser value and limited roles of girls and women are embedded in the socio-economic system. Girls’ education, very broadly defined, can play a part in changing these norms and practices. The issue must be addressed both within schools and in the broader society, starting from early childhood and continuing through adolescence. Quality of basic education: As the statistics illustrate, neither girl nor boys are receiving an education of an acceptable standard. By age 11 only just over a quarter have achieved the expected minimum competencies of primary school. Besides low academic achievement, there is little scope for developing relevant life skills...
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...I. Introduction Although the federal government enacted laws to eliminate gender discrimination in the workplace, it remains an issue on several levels. Specifically, women find themselves the victims of discrimination simply because of their gender. Although there are anti-discrimination laws in place, many employers still find ways around them. Currently, the courts simply award monetary compensation to those women who sue current or former employers. However, businesses found guilty of committing the crime of gender discrimination must endure stricter operating sanctions. The author was witness to the unethical and illegal treatment of a former elderly female employee whose work ethic was exemplary. The former employee (Shelly) received constant positive feedback from clients, students, and peers. She was employee of the year for three consecutive years because of her innate ability to settle disputes amicably. Shortly after her promotion to Assistant Director, the department hired a new instructor who was also an alumnus. He made it very clear that he disagreed with Shelly’s methods and relationship with the students and clinical coordinators. Overtime he demonstrated his ability to build a rapport with the coordinators and other program official; he was very ambitious. His relationship with Shelly bordered aggression and antagonism, but she remained professional and focused. However, when the coordinators began complaining about her performance to the Director...
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...Gender and development- historical background ‹ Definitions up Mainstreaming gender throughout the Project Cycle Management (PCM) › Gender and development- historical background The United Nations Charter of 1945 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 established the first official worldwide recognition of women’s equality and non-discrimination on the basis on sex. However up until the late 1960’s the focus was on women’s reproductive roles, as women were seen as wives and mothers and their main issues were supposed to be obtaining access to food, contraceptives, nutrition and health care. The 70’s and 80’s marked a new phase in which the debate moved beyond women’s equality and the domestic sphere of women’s role as wives and mothers onto the global stage where the role of women was promoted as an aid for economic development. The important events such as the First World Conference for Women held in Mexico 1974, the UN decade for women “76-85” and the promotion of the Women In Development (WID) approach emphasised women’s right to development, recognition of women’s economic role in national economies and, most significantly, gave a voice to women in developing countries. Some of the shortcoming of the approaches such as the WID applied in the 70’s were that they fell short of improving unequal relationships, and a significant number of projects were unsustainable as development projects failed to consider the multiple roles carried out by women,...
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...How does the representational system of music constructs gendered subjectiveness? How does the construction of gendered subjectiveness effect women who would like to pursue careers as conductors of major orchestras? (Minimum 250 words) Natasha Bedingfield’s Single has expressed her views to the stereotypical society we live in by exhibiting that she does not need a man to complete her. I believe that this video is conclusion because she is taking a feminist approach to being single instead being attached to a man because society wants a women to be completed by a man when men are not always needed to live and survive in the world. From her clothing to the club scene, Natasha shows us that she is independent and can handle herself in situations. Dating back to the initial exclusion of women from the church as singers-“Let women keep silent in the church”, women have been perceived to be “more nurturing and emotional”. Women were “incapable” of higher learning because men thought that the women (female) society is mentally and physically inferior to the male-dominated society. This gives women less rights to be involved in higher musical positions regardless of how qualified women may be for a job; men would get the job over women just because they are women and do not possess the skills that men have to do certain jobs that require an authoritarian role. The representational system of music constructs “gendered subjectiveness” through degradation of the women in society...
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...Literature Review Women in Pakistan, to the social and cultural conditions, have more disadvantaged than the women in modern western democratic societies. Educated and professional women in urban areas, who are from upper class of the society, enjoy much better status and rights than illiterate women in rural areas. In rural areas, women are discouraged in attaining higher education just for the sake of avoiding the time when women can lead man while in urban areas, women are encouraged to get educated, so girls energetically join the technical courses but after getting technically or professionally qualified they are not granted permission to work, this is the reason we don't find girls at offices as much as we find men. In villages, girls are usually not asked whom do they want to marry; parents just fix wedding dates of their daughters to the groom of their choice. Such injustices discourage females at higher level. If education does not prevail, the problems of Pakistan will reach at a stage which will make this country very vulnerable. Statically, Pakistan has made reasonable march since independence in many fields including education. Less than one million students were enrolled in schools at the time of independence, and, astonishingly, 12 million school- age children are enrolled. But more than 12 million children are doing job, putting their lives in danger and missing quality education. As a matter of fact, full enrollment at primary education is still not a reality...
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...Brandon School & Society 8 December 2014 Race And Gender Discrimination The issue of discrimination has been the cause of raging debates for a long time in the history of the United States. Such discrimination may be based on race, gender color, ethnicity, or any other basis that distinguishes people and tends to favor specific groups over others. During the history of America, the American people have observed discrimination on many fronts and especially so against black people and the minority. The concepts of race, gender, and class have had a tremendous effect on children’s experiences through the American education system. Different children and people have different life experiences as well as different backgrounds. As such, one cannot wish away these elements of race gender and class in an education system that has real people from real societies. As such, a society can only hope to find ways of reducing the distinctions and the discrimination associated with those elements in the schools. The discussion in this paper will analyze the modern forms of racial and sexual discrimination, which affects access and treatment of students in schools. It will propose an argument for ways of creating racial and gender equality in schools in the United States. Equality of education in American schools refers to the provision of similar opportunities, expectations, and support in education for people from both gender as well as for people from different backgrounds (DeMarrais...
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...Jones October 11, 2013 Abstract The purpose of this literature review is to identify, discuss, and address gender discrimination in the workplace. Due to the broad spectrum of research regarding gender discrimination, this paper will primarily focus on women and pregnancy discrimination. This paper will attempt to uncover the obstacles and challenges experienced by women as they are subjected to the employment process and, if accepted for employment, what could await them within their workplace once they begin working. The statistical data collected and compiled within this literature review will attempt to support and prove that discrimination still exists today. The laws and regulations enacted within the United States to protect employees from the discriminatory practices of employers and whether they are adequately enforced will be discussed at length. Introduction There are thousands of discriminatory cases each year brought against corporations and employers by their employees and/or formal employees. The discrimination against individuals on the basis of gender is most prominent within the employment process, but also exists in the workplace after the acceptance of employment. Gender has been the subject of workplace discrimination and litigation for many years and recent data indicates that this trend is continuing. These types of discrimination are spread widely to include the assignment of roles, responsibilities, pay rates, and promotions just to name a...
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