Premium Essay

Gender Inequality


Submitted By Budden1
Words 366
Pages 2
Courtney Budden
Professor Walker
ENG 101-06
Essay 3
October 26, 2015
Williams, Bronwyn T. "Girl Power In A Digital World: Considering the Complexity of Gender, Literacy, and Technology." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 50.4 (2006): 300-307. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Oct. 2015. Williams starts with a relative advocate but mention a wife in the kitchen and a husband on an out dated computer at the kitchen table. The wife is admiring her loving husband. While the husband is staring intently at the computer. William states that computers are more often than not portrayed in the media as a “guy thing”. But he says women are certainly portrayed as users of technology in the larger culture. What I get from this William is trying to portray that men are being stereotyped as computer geeks when in this society women are the voices for technology. “What changes are needed in the computer culture to improve its image, repair its deficits, and make it more appealing to girls and women?” (iv).
"Gender Studies." Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. Ed. Bryan S. Turner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Credo Reference. Web. 26 Oct 2015. Turner starts with informing the readers that this topic has many subtopic to go with it which means more information on it. Turner then goes on by telling the readers other subtopic that can go with such as gender in feminism, women’s studies and many more. Turner moves on in to a sociology stand point and defines social constructionism. Turner says “Sociologists are concerned with understanding how people do, rather than have, gender . . .” Turner also mentions and example. Masculinity is itself not a uniform expression of male identity. To back up turner’s example he brings in one of his sources. In Gender and Power, R. W. Connell (1987) has argued that masculinity and femininity are normalized gender

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