Gender Stereotypes In Firminger's Is He Boyfriend Material?
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The author’s motivation for writing “Is He Boyfriend Material?” is, “teenage girls’ magazines play an important role in shaping the norms of the millions of girls who read them.” (Firminger 298) Also, the author’s motivation for writing this article is to show the audience how magazines can “shape the norms of expectations during a crucial stage of identity and relationship development.” (Currie 1999, Firminger 299) The main argument of this article is, how are males and male conduct depicted in well known adolescent girls' magazines? The author wants us to be able to understand what male focused content entails & female focused content entails within a girls’ magazine. Firminger says, “articles on boys delve into boys’ culture, points of…show more content… For example, “To assess how males are represented, I coded content across male-focused feature articles and “question and answer” columns. These articles contained the most general statements about boys and their behaviors, motivations, and characteristics.” (Firminger 303) Basically, the author supports her argument by showing us that males are stereotyped within girls’ magazines. This argument is significant because girls all over the world read these articles and automatically assume the articles are accurate representations of men, and how they should view themselves as women, and handle certain situations. These magazines try to shape the norms of these young women, and their outlooks on not only themselves but men as well. This article is significant for both girls’ and…show more content… This article relates to “Bros before Hos” because, in this article the author talks about how most men are ‘emotionally inexpressive’, which means “the inability or unwillingness to open up, and share their feelings.” (Firminger 305) In “Bros before Hos”, something that Kimmel expressed was that men never show emotions or admit to weakness. Which also relates to the, “real guys top 10 list” in the Kimmel article, this is referring to #1 “Boys don’t cry.” That would conclude my example on how this article relates to the article by Kimmel. How this article doesn’t relate to Kimmel is, because in “Is He Boyfriend Material”, the author states that “boys are displayed as afraid of rejection.” (Firminger 305) Whereas, in Kimmel’s reading it states “women in men’s minds have a low status on the social ladder.” Also, Kimmel mentions that men aren’t worried about impressing women, they are more concerned with impressing other men. Meaning that boys aren’t afraid of rejection from women. That is an example on how this article doesn’t relate to “Bros before Hos” by