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General Biology Lab


Submitted By kevamichelle
Words 1057
Pages 5
Keva Harris
25 February 2016
Biology Lab 27-13 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi
Question 1: a. Are hyphae apparent?
b. Are the cells motile?
Question 2: a. How many species of mold are on the bread?
b. Is pigment distribution uniformly in each mycelium? If not, where is the pigment concentrated in each mold?
No, because the species is not all one color. Concentrated in the sporangium c. What is the adaptive significance of spores forming on ends of apright filaments rather than closer to the protective substrate?
It can spread and disperse easier.
Question 3: a. Is what structure is the dark pigment of Rhizopus concentrated? zygosporangium b. Is Rhizopus reproducing sexually as well as asexually in the same petri dish? How can you tell?
Yes. There were stalks of Rhizopus (asexual) as well as the thick fuzz (sexual).
Question 4:
What is the relative size of Penicillium hyphae compared with Rhizopus hyphae?
The Penicillium hyphae are much smaller.
Question 5: a. Do you see chains of yeast cells produced by budding?
b. How is the structure of yeast hyphae different from that of molds?
Yeast hyphae are short, round, and unicellular. Molds are long and multicellular.
Question 6:
What is the difference between dikaryotic and diploid cells?
In a dikaryotic cell, there are 2 separate nuclei. In a diploid cell, there is one nucleus with 2 sets of chromosomes.

Question 7:
How many spores would you estimate are present on the gills of a single cap of Coprinus? Remember that a prepared slide shows only a cross section.
Many thousands.
Question 8: a. What are the advantages of having an alga and a fungus in a lichen? What could each organism contribute to the partnership?
A lichen us a combination of a green alga (Or cyanobacterium) and a fungi.
The two organisms exist in a mutualistic

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