...Chelsi Modest Christina LaRose English 125-Sec. 6 31 October 2011 The Future of Food As the population continues to grow—expected to reach 9 billion by 2050—the major question is: Will we experience a food shortage? Scientists have developed what they believe is the answer to potential shortages: genetically modified crops. The genetic make-up of these crops is altered, combining genes of multiple organisms such as plants, to produce favorable outcomes such as higher yields. With genetically engineered crops ever-present in our food supply, debates have risen in the media concerning the safety and overall implication of these crops. Conducting research on the topic, I have discovered three different perspectives on the use and implications of genetically engineered crops. One perspective, found in the article “Plant Genetics, Sustainable Agriculture and Global Food Security” by Pamela Ronald, states that genetically modified crops are essential to combat the growing population and other stresses on our agriculture industry. Another perspective, offered in the article “Genetically modified abominations?” by Jakub Kwiecinski, defines these crops as “taboo” and argues that they are ultimately morally unacceptable. The last perspective, presented in the article “Genetically Modified Foods and Public Health Debate: Designing Programs to Mitigate Risks” published in Public Administration & Management, acknowledges that there are risks associated with these crops and that...
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...Keshtkar February 27, 2012 The controversial statement that genetic engineered food may be the solution to hunger in the world is gaining more and more interest by the media in today’s society. On the one hand, supporters of biotechnology believe that genetic engineered food ensures and sustains food security around the world as the population increases, but on the other hand, there are many concerns involved with genetically modified food. In fact, a lot of food that we eat on a daily basis contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our knowledge. Yet, is genetic engineered food safe? Moreover, do we really need genetic modified food? Many researchers do not consider biotechnology the solution to hunger but they believe that poverty is the cause of famine in numerous countries. As a result, biotechnology raises various questions among citizens and farmers since there is the assumption that genetic engineered food is the key to eliminating global starvation (Genetically, 2010). Before weighing the pros and cons of genetic engineered food, it is essential to understand what is genetic engineered food? “Genetic engineering is a laboratory technique used by scientists to change the DNA of living organisms” (What is genetically, 2010). Scientists have learned that there are ways of changing the structure of DNA in living organisms and build customized DNA. Genetic engineered food is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal...
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...argumentative question today is if genetically altered food really the answer to stop global hunger. We ask this question with one purpose in mind and that’s finally a way to feed desperate and starving people in our world. Who would say no to that? According to many researchers however, this may just be on every level a deception. For over a decade, GE or genetically modified crops have been in popular demand. But with every new innovation, there is always a downfall, and that’s GE foods are not only harmful but are on some levels unethical as well. This paper will discuss both positive and negatives points on bringing an end to global hunger, and the impact it will cause our planet. GE crops can range from many different assortments of plants such as rice, soybeans, corn, cottonseeds. GE crops are mainly used for human and animal consumption. Farmers tend to use more GE crops than ever today, because of global hunger, the demand in GE products are at an all-time high. GE altered crops plays a major role in our future. (Mercola, 2011) We have already seen them in our grocery stores and our kitchen. As of 2010, 85% of our corn crops our genetically engineered, 91% of our soybeans, and 88% of cotton. Our government has stated even 95% of sugar beets are genetically enerineered. It has been estimated that over 70% of our food in our stores are genetically engineered; anything from crackers, soups, sodas, and even our condiments. Genetically engineered products is taking one organism...
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...Running head: GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS: THE SOLUTION 1 Genetically Engineered Crops: The Solution November 30, 2013 GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS: THE SOLUTION Genetically Engineered Crops: Solution 2 In order to understand the controversy of genetically engineered crops one must understand what genetic engineering or genetic modification is:“GMO are organisms that are generated by combining genes of different species using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Resulting organisms are then said to be transgenic, genetically engineered or genetically modified (GM). This group of organisms includes... plants.”(Celec et al., 2005) The genetic modification of crops and plants was created so that crops could, “... protect themselves against insects and disease, to feed and vaccinate people at the same time, to flourish in poor soil and drought, or to improve the quantity and bioavailability of individual nutrients.”(Roberts, Struble, McCullum-Gomez, Wilkins, 2006). These benefits may seem to outweigh the risks and in reality they do, however this does not mean the consumer should not be notified of the risks they are taking. The hallmark of our free society demands that the consumer be able to choose whether or not they want to eat something that may have health risks. Labeling that identifies GMO ingredients allows for the consumer to choose a particular product while ensuring that the producer feels more at ease with the way they disclose information and promote their...
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...Your health is one of the most important aspects in your life. What if the food you buy from stores threatened that? Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs, might be putting your health in jeopardy. As early as 1953, scientists have been trying to find ways to genetically change the DNA of food. Making the food more durable and longer lasting is apparently much more important than creating a healthy and safe environment for the people. Our very own government is allowing GMOs to be created and distributed among the people. The real question here is, what is a GMO? Genetically engineered food is produced from crops whose genetic makeup has been changed unnaturally to create a specific trait among the produce. This is possible by a method called gene splicing, in witch a gene that creates a specific trait in an organism is identified, then taken out from the rest of the genetic material of the produce. Scottish doctor Árpád Pusztai conducted a study on the effects of genetically modified foods in 1998. During a ten day period, he fed genetically engineered potatoes to one group of rats, natural potatoes to another group, and finally a third group was fed potatoes that were laced with insecticide. After the ten days he discovered that the rats who ate the genetically engineered potatoes were very sick. They had precancerous cells in their digestive organs, noticeably smaller brains, livers and testicles, and damage to their immune system. The other two groups were declared...
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...A great deal of controversy has arisen over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Genetically Modified Food, especially surrounding the production, sale, and consumption of genetically modified foods. Many people are concerned that the consumption of GMO foods may pose serious health risks. The concern is centered around the notion that there could potentially be various different unforeseen consequences due to the consumption of GMO foods. Even though there is a large controversy over GMOs not many people know what and how dangerous GMO’s are. GMO’s are organisms produced from crops whose genetic makeup has been altered through a process called recombinant DNA, or gene splicing, to give the crop a desirable trait (Bren). Genetic engineering is also defined as the copying of a gene from one plant or animal and adding it to another plant or animal. Monsanto is one of the large producers of GMO seeds. Monsanto offers farmers a wide range of GMO corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum and sugar cane seeds. Theses seeds have been genetically altered to produce a pesticide, yields more per seed, and withstand harsher weather conditions. Some of these plants are now, what is called, roundup ready (Monsanto). Roundup ready plants can be sprayed with roundup and not be effected by it. Due to the use of Roundup ready plants farmers are not having to be as careful when spraying these plants and more often then not they spray more roundup on them then needed. Roundup...
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...Genetically Modified Animals SCI 115 Professor Li November 29, 2014 Biological Basis: A genetically engineered animal is an animal that carries a known sequence of DNA fragments that have been joined together in a laboratory. This process involves removing genes from the DNA of one species and inserting it into the genes of an unrelated animal. “The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans.” Retrieved November 27, 2014 from, http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-education. Transgenic refers to those specific genetic engineering processes that remove genetic material from one species of animal and add it to a different species. Due to the high similarity in genetic sequences for proteins among species, transgenic organisms are able to effectively assimilate and express these trans-genes. These genetically engineered animals are also known as “transgenic” animals. This process may be called Genetic Engineering or Genetic Modification; they are one in the same. Genetic engineering enables animals to produce useful proteins and are being produced to assist with human medicine such as biopharmaceutical products. Some of these include, antibodies that can be used for the treatment of infections, cancer, organ transplant rejections, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Gene technology has only been possible since the 1960’s due to the greater understanding of DNA and how it functions following the discovery...
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...Genetically-modified food are food in which its genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. This allows certain desired genes to pass to its “offspring” and also allows cross between those that are not from the same species. Researchers from the Food Policy Institute at Rutgers’ Cook College found that only 52% of Americans realized that genetically modified foods are sold in grocery stores and only 26% believed that they have ever eaten genetically modified foods. (WebMD) Genetically-modified are being developed because of the perceived advantages they are being portrayed to the producers and consumers of the food. Initially the purpose of genetically-modified was to improve the crops protection versus insects and insecticides as well from plant diseases. According to Scientists and U.S. government regulators genetically engineered crops are safe and can provided much needed food in starving nations. But if you talk to biotechnology critics and other scientists though they would disagree with believing that there are not enough testing and regulation on genetically-modified food that we do not know if it’s safe or not. In the European Union they dislike genetically-modified food and prefer the healthier organic food. They believe that only the biotech companies that are creating the product are benefiting and that there are no health and environment gains from genetically-modified food. There is quite a few foods in the US food market that...
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...Pollan maintains that the American food chain is in need of reform, but can biotechnology be its savior? Crops like New Leafs, a potato genetically engineered by Monsanto to produce its own insecticide, “can protect themselves from insects and disease without being sprayed with pesticides” (Pollan). Monsanto, an American multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, is leading this new version of sustainable agriculture but they just might comminate organic farmers who established sustainable farming. Pollan doesn’t trust his genetically altered seed because genetically engineered foods are unpredictable, untested and unlabeled. At the same time that I believe the biotech revolution is a great idea and may be helpful at making farming more sustainable, I also believe that consumers need to have information about the foods they are consuming. What are these biotech crops really all about? Is Mr. Potato Head now a reality? Will augmented carrots now be able to help stranded castaways in spotting rescue ships? Not quite. These biotech seeds, which at the time this article was written were planted on 45 million acres of American farmland, have been designed to combat herbicides or generate their own pesticides. Pollan suggests that according to the biotech industry “these plants… will make farming more sustainable, feed the world and improve health and nutrition.” However there are critics, who have objected to genetically modified foods sometimes referring to them as “frankenplants”...
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...GMOs and Irradiation Most people know very little about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the process of irradiating foods. We have little or no knowledge about how they can affect our bodies. Having done some research on both subjects, it’s time to share some truths about GMOs and/or irradiation, including the lack of information on either subject, the near media blackouts of what is more truth than fiction, it would be wise to eat the real thing, not just fruits and vegetables that look like the real thing. What is Genetic Engineering? Genetic engineering of our food supply takes place when a gene from another source is inserted into another plant to create a plant that’s supposedly better than it was before the process took place. It doesn’t seem that this can be better than the original, but the corporations that now own the patents on those GMO seeds are cleaning up based on faulty or disgraceful science. There are two routine types of genetic engineering of food crops that involve weed and pest control. Plants, such as soy, are genetically engineered to withstand pesticides and herbicides such as those used by farmers—kill the weeds without killing the soy seedlings (Decuypere, 2014). Sounds like a great idea until you understand how dangerous the process really is and what it’s doing to our bodies and the environment. Creating GMO seeds makes the plants resistant to pesticides and herbicides and increases profit for Monsanto, the...
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...Genetically Modified and Engineered Products Panacea or Poison? If you think you know everything about the foods humans consume on a daily basis, what you will come to find out might make you think twice about purchasing and consuming certain food products. The documentary “Panacea or Poison” is an informative documentary film about the ways in which scientists have found a way to alter the DNA (the blueprint of life) and produce a crop that is potentially stronger, and can fight the harmful diseases that it is exposed to on a daily basis. Although the scientists in this documentary believe that the genetic engineering of crops could potentially resolve the problem of world hunger, many people are beginning to question the health concerns of these products and the threat it puts on our environment. While some scientists are all for genetically engineered crops, some are totally against it because the industry has neglected to perform a single study about the ways in which these foods are safe for the population. This puts question on whether or not we are being used as experiments as we consume these bio tech nutritional supplements. Therefor the question throughout this film and in my mind, remains unanswered: What are the effects and risks of these genetically engineered and modified crops? Most people who are consuming genetically engineered products are not even aware of it because most of these products are not labeled because the Food and Drug Association do not require...
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...high that these foods contain some sort of genetically modified ingredients. Americans’ lack of knowledge about genetically modified foods was clear when a survey was conducted by the Pew Initiative on whether they had eaten them: just 24% believe they have consumed genetically modified foods (“Pew Initiative”). In the United States, an estimated 60% of processed foods now contain genetically engineered ingredients (Fox 12). With such ubiquity of genetically modified foods, there is much to be discovered about the risks and consequences of their entrance into our food supply. How do we know we are asking the right questions regarding genetically modified foods and crops? The honest answer: we don’t! To fully understand the issue at stake, we must take a look at what questions are currently being asked by delving deeply into the realm of genetically modified foods. The typical American now eats up to 34% of calories away from home; most often in the form of fast food, which is notorious for being high in fat, calories, and sugar (Spake 1). Busy Americans often do not have time to consider the specific ingredients being used in food, and most are not even aware of how widespread genetically engineered ingredients are in society today. In fact, knowledge concerning genetically modified (GM) foods remains low. In 2001, 44% had heard something about GM foods; in 2003, that number dropped to 34% (“Pew Initiative”). Even for those who do wonder if the food they eat contains...
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...(DesJardins, 2013). Genetically modified organisms are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially changed in a laboratory through genetic engineering ("Non-Gmo Project", 2015). In recent news, there has been controversy over the use of GMOs. Since the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Flavr Savr tomato for sale on grocery store shelves in 1994, more GMOs has since came on the market (GMOinside, n.d.). Does GMOs have inherent value? INHERENT VALUE Inherent value is a quality attributes to every creature that has a life that matters to it (Regan, 2004). According to DesJardins (2013), inherent value is to have value in and of oneself. Objects with inherent value are ends in themselves, not merely means to some other end (DesJardins, 2013). CONTROVERSY REGARDING GMOs There are two main problems that concern GMOs. GMOs have no boundaries and do not have labels. Once a genetically modified organism is planted they are in risk of contaminating any regular crops planted nearby (The Non-GMO Report, 2005). A survey reports that in the Midwest, where there are millions of acres of GM corn and soybean crops, up to 80% of organic farmers reported direct costs or damages resulting from genetic trespass (The Non-GMO Report, 2005). Unlike the organic food, there is not a GMO-free label on food products. In fact, products are not required by law to state whether or not they contain GMOs. In a world where 92% of the soybean crop is genetically modified and...
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...SHOULD GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD (GM FOOD) SHOULD BE BANNNED | SHOULD GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD (GM FOOD) SHOULD BE BANNNED | SHOULD GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD (GM FOOD) SHOULD BE BANNNED Nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. GM foods are genetically modified using biotechnology. More and more GM foods appear on our stores and supermarkets. GM foods are designed for greater resistance to viruses and pests, higher nutritional value and longer shelf life. Food crops have been genetically modified for several reasons most of which produce a financial benefit to farmers and the chemical companies that produce the GMOs. In nearly all cases, these benefits are achieved indirectly by increasing crop yields through resistance to diseases and pests or by allowing them reduced use of herbicides to control weeds and unwanted plant growth. However their safety potential risks are still being debated.GM foods ensure that these foods are safe for the human consumption but critics argue that effects have not been studied long enough. First argument for banning GM foods is that it was badly affects our health and well-being. Some studies have linked consumptions of the GM foods to liver and kidney problems. The antibiotics and hormones given to cows and chickens are found in our bodies and we don’t know yet the extent to which these cause chronic disease. Moreover genetic...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms Technology, Society, and Culture Table of Contents Technical Aspect of GMO by Chad Dookie Page 3 Moral and Ethical Aspect of GMO by Ronald Claude Page 7 Cultural and Legal Aspect of GMO by Evangelina Ramirez Page 14 Environmental Issues of GMO by Donovan Collins Page 23 References Page 32 Technical Aspect of GMO by Chad Dookie Description of GMOs and the associated science Most of the populations that do shopping in the groceries to buy food for their family are not aware of the “naturalness” of the food. Groceries sell items such as; cotton seeds, rice, soy, sugar beets, yeast, cassava, papaya, bananas, food flavoring, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, oils, beef, pork, chicken, salmon, peas, alfalfa, and honey. Notice that most of the items listed either came from a plant or an animal. Those are the top 20 grocery items that have been genetically modified. What are genetically modified organisms? A genetically modified organism is any living thing that has had their DNA tampered with. This can be mutating, removing, or adding genetic material into the organism. All of the items listed in paragraph one has had their DNA tampered with. Most times when people talk about genetically modified organisms, they mostly refer to plants that are genetically modified. You may be wondering how the animals listed are considered genetically modified. This is because scientists modify the plants that are being...
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