...Genetically Modified Organisms Group E- Chrystalyn Northcutt-Warden LAS 432- Technology, Society & Culture Kira Leavens DeVry University December 7, 2013 Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Political Influences Economic Questions and Considerations Psychological Affects Moral and Ethical Implication Conclusion Works Cited Appendix Abstract Introduction The Hunger Games trilogy dwells upon genetic modification. With genetically engineered animals such as the jabberjay, mockingjay, tracker jacker and wolf mutts, monkey mutts and even genetically engineered roses, the trilogy explores the ethics and consequences of toying with Nature. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms. Also the economic, psychological effect on society as well as the moral and ethical implications that this technology can have on today’s society. History Genetically modified organisms have continually been around but have recently evolved and came to light in the past 10 years. Genetically modified organisms are described as “An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering (www.medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com, 2013).” genetically modified organism (GMO) is used to refer to any microorganism, plant, or animal in which genetic engineering techniques have been used to introduce, remove, or modify specific parts...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms There is nothing more valuable than a person’s health. It is a topic of many conversations, and the very thing that can prohibit or allow a person to live a full life. Imagine if all of the stigmas put on America’s ideas of what health foods are were completely false. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains for example are staple items classified as “healthy” in today’s society. Personally, there have many times when choosing a sala over a greasy hamburger has given a feeling of accomplishment that a healthier choice was made. The fact is that unbeknownst to most of the population that salad contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and in hindsight, may not have been the healthy choice. The US government should have to require all food producers to correctly label all products that contain GMOs to inform the public what they are truly choosing to eat. There has been an unquestioned sense of security that the government and food and drug administration (FDA) are looking out for our best interests, until now. The wool has been over the eyes of many consumers and slowly the truths are being uncovered as to what GMOs are doing to the health of many unaware Americans. Genetically modified organisms, in the most elementary form, are foods that have had specific changes in their DNA to alter the growth patterns and resistance to pathogens. The combination of two (or more) totally unrelated species is against natural scientific theory. ...
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...years, genetically modified organisms has been a never ending debate among many people. Different sides support GMOs, but also many rebut these organisms due to ethical reasoning. Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are organisms that have had their genetic material altered through genetic engineering in hopes to improve its natural state. GMOs first appeared in the early 1970s when scientist discovered that they had the ability to move an antibiotic resistance from one bacteria to another. That gene then became resistant to the second bacteria. They soon found out that they could then alter genetics in plants and animals as well (Diehl). However, there have been genetically modified organisms for centuries. For example,...
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...GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD RESEARCH SUBMITTED BY: DOLORFINO, JOSE NORBIE T. SBGE I -13 Top 10 Genetically Modified Food Products Like humans, all organisms have genetic material. When scientists alter genetic material, or DNA, it's called genetic modification (GM). Genetically modifying foods or food crops can enhance taste and quality, increase nutrients or improve resistance to pests and disease. In some cases, GM foods help conserve natural resources, because the altered version might require less water or energy for processing. The first genetically modified food to reach our tables was the Flavr Savr tomato. Grown in California, the Flavr Savr tomato received Food and Drug Administration approval in 1994, after two years of testing and assessment. Mounting costs made the crop unprofitable, however, and production ceased in 1997. Creation of the Flavr Savr opened the doors for other GM foods to make their way into our kitchens. In the U.S., genetic modification has expanded into almost every area of food production. Scientists can introduce some sort of modification into the genes of crops, dairy products and animals. For example, ranchers and dairy farmers normally feed cattle a GM diet, which is in turn passed on to you when you drink milk or eat beef. Do you need to worry about what's on your family's dinner table? And are there some surprising benefits to GM foods? As you'll see, this subject is one hot potato. 10. SUGAR BEETS The sugar beet is one of...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms Technology, Society, and Culture Table of Contents Technical Aspect of GMO by Chad Dookie Page 3 Moral and Ethical Aspect of GMO by Ronald Claude Page 7 Cultural and Legal Aspect of GMO by Evangelina Ramirez Page 14 Environmental Issues of GMO by Donovan Collins Page 23 References Page 32 Technical Aspect of GMO by Chad Dookie Description of GMOs and the associated science Most of the populations that do shopping in the groceries to buy food for their family are not aware of the “naturalness” of the food. Groceries sell items such as; cotton seeds, rice, soy, sugar beets, yeast, cassava, papaya, bananas, food flavoring, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, oils, beef, pork, chicken, salmon, peas, alfalfa, and honey. Notice that most of the items listed either came from a plant or an animal. Those are the top 20 grocery items that have been genetically modified. What are genetically modified organisms? A genetically modified organism is any living thing that has had their DNA tampered with. This can be mutating, removing, or adding genetic material into the organism. All of the items listed in paragraph one has had their DNA tampered with. Most times when people talk about genetically modified organisms, they mostly refer to plants that are genetically modified. You may be wondering how the animals listed are considered genetically modified. This is because scientists modify the plants that are being...
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...different species creates a special species that does not occur naturally. Scientists believe that the use of GMOs as they are commonly referred to, is the way forward for governments and other organizations that are concerned with food security issues (Nelson 58). Scientists believe that GMOs can feed everyone in the world. However, this can only be achieved if governments embrace the use of this new technology to create genetically modified foods. Recent research has shown that the use of GMOs can lead to increased food production (Freedman 18). Using this technology, scientists have been able to create plants that are resistant to pests, weeds and other diseases that farmers have been complaining about over the years. Farmers are able to avoid the use of herbicides and pesticides. Food produced using this technology is highly nutritional and is believed to have better texture than the naturally grown food. GMOs also have a longer lifespan and do not go bad as quickly as the naturally grown food. Through this technology, scientists have been able to genetically engineer plants that can be used as vaccines to immunize people against various diseases (Nelson 37). There has been increased need to come up with plants which can grow in deserts and other areas having conditions that are not suitable for germination of plants. It is important to note that through this new technology, scientists have been able to come up with plants that can withstand adverse weather and soil conditions...
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...GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS _____________________ A Position Paper Presented to Mr. Jesse R. Songcayawon, Ph. D. History Department Adventist University of the Philippines _____________________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course General Philosophy _____________________ By Krishnalyn Precious Jewel Castro Rosedelle Colot Jedd Fabroa Dean Carlo Fajilan Joan Mary Hidalgo Julius Anthony Hiphip Myrtle Magalang Mark Anthony Mayorga Ruiz, Mike I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND As the population of the world continues to increase, it will be accompanied by an increase in the demand for food. Food is one of the most vital needs of the world we live in. In the old days, ancient people kill for food to survive. Today, some people mark it as piece of extravagance and whatnots. Food feeds our hunger and in turn, gives energy for the daily activities we humans need to do in order to get through the day. Also, it forms connection within another human being for it is shared along the dinner table and have food as the topic of the night. Basically, food is the demand and supply which runs the world: be it in the developed country where food is made even luxury and be it in the developing country where food is seen as a staple for survival. Since the total acreage planted is no longer increasing, unless new production technology is adopted, such an increase in demand that is unmatched by an increase in supply in the world food market will raise...
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...GMO-Pro Essay Have you ever wanted the most delicious and juicy fruit without any seeds in it? That can happen with GMOs.Genetically Modified Organisms(GMO), have many advantages and disadvantages, but this is all about the advantages of GMOs. GMOs are done through genetic engineering. Genetic Engineering can produce medicines and improve food crops. GMOs are also useful because Genetic Engineered bacteria produce a protein that is very useful to people with diabetes. This also lets you choose what kind of traits your offspring will have. Genetic Engineering also lets people insert human genes into animals. One type of Genetically Modified Organism, Genetically Engineered bacteria, produces a protein called insulin. Many people with diabetes use injections that contain insulin to help them stay alive. Insulin is made when a gene is inserted into the plasmid. Then the offspring and the bacterial cell will contain the human gene. The bacteria produce the protein that the human gene codes for insulin. The bacteria produce very quickly, that the insulin is produced in a very short time. Also, gene therapy is done by Genetic Engineering, which is a part of GMOs. Someday Gene Therapy might use genetic engineering to correct some genetic...
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...Genetically Modified Foods Someone out there has probably wondered why their tomatoes which they bought at a supermarket, taste different than the tomatoes at a farmers market. Well to answer that curious person, the tomatoes from the supermarket are most likely Genetically Modified. Genetically Modified foods (GM foods) are organisms in which genetic material (DNA) have been altered in a way that is not natural. Basically they are inserting genes of another species into their DNA, the process is known as biotechnology. 45 percent of corn and 85 percent of soybean are genetically modified. Fulton states that “some 70-90 percent of processed food is genetically modified and has been that way for years” (“Politics Heating Up Over…”). The first GM plant was produced in 1983, an antibiotic resistant tobacco. In 1990 the first GM cotton was produced, from then on scientists and farms have tied to make everything genetically modified. It is important for people to understand what they are eating and how it was made. In the Agricultural Industry, GM foods are one of the biggest debates. There are so many reasons as to why GM foods are very controversial. Not only do they bring upon us many pro’s and con’s and are a well talked about topic in politics. The biggest issue is not whether or not we should genetically modified foods but rather if we should label it. In the United States, it is not a law that one must state if their food product is genetically modified or not. It should...
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... Scientists have developed what they believe is the answer to potential shortages: genetically modified crops. The genetic make-up of these crops is altered, combining genes of multiple organisms such as plants, to produce favorable outcomes such as higher yields. With genetically engineered crops ever-present in our food supply, debates have risen in the media concerning the safety and overall implication of these crops. Conducting research on the topic, I have discovered three different perspectives on the use and implications of genetically engineered crops. One perspective, found in the article “Plant Genetics, Sustainable Agriculture and Global Food Security” by Pamela Ronald, states that genetically modified crops are essential to combat the growing population and other stresses on our agriculture industry. Another perspective, offered in the article “Genetically modified abominations?” by Jakub Kwiecinski, defines these crops as “taboo” and argues that they are ultimately morally unacceptable. The last perspective, presented in the article “Genetically Modified Foods and Public Health Debate: Designing Programs to Mitigate Risks” published in Public Administration & Management, acknowledges that there are risks associated with these crops and that more testing and regulation is needed to increase public acceptance. After review, I arrived at the conclusion that genetically modified crops are needed and that more stringent regulation and public awareness is necessary...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms Capitalism: The Soil Where Food Grows Foods we consume can be looked upon as somewhat vastly different than the foods consumed by our predecessors. Technology and scientific innovation progresses at a staggering and nearly exponentially greater rate from each year to the next, and its reach leaves little industry untouched. Most mass-produced foods we eat today contain some level of preservatives, alterations or other biological modifications. In a sense, it is almost as if we should redefine the simple name of what we eat. Is a carrot still a carrot? What gives the food we eat a name? The debate on genetically modified foods is one that continues to carry stronger and stronger throughout the years. Some crops are modified to prevent insects from eating them, other foods are altered bio-mechanically to provide additional resources or to grow larger. Even so far as farm animals are given treatments that dramatically increase their body size, yielding more meat. To preface the argument food or against genetically modified foods: there is simply no easy solution. The overall scenario of genetically modified foods has many different parameters. These parameters include ethical, religious, legal and environmental ramifications. It would be equally as irrational to say that genetically modified foods were more or less dangerous than they were beneficial. The perspective to the scenario should be taken on both micro and macro levels, and to perceive...
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...Genetically Modified Organisms 88 percent of corn grown in the United States of America is genetically modified. Genetically Modified Organisms also known as GMOs are found in most food products in America. Even though many people think they are bad, Genetically Modified Organisms are good because they have been around for thousands of years, they have a higher yield of crops, but some countries consider them to be unsafe. Genetically modified Organisms have been around for thousands of years. Dating back 7,000 years ago Campsilos.com reports that “Corn as we know it today would not exist if it weren't for the humans that cultivated and developed it. It is a human invention, a plant that does not exist naturally in the wild. It can only...
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...more nutrition and so on. Although it is undeniable that GMO’s (genetically-modified organisms) still have some challenges to overcome including environmental hazards, human health risks and influence on the food chain of our ecosystem, the development of GMO’s will not be stopped since these difficulties are slight. Scientists find that GMO’s promise to meet the needs of a growing population, and has become increasingly popular with producers and consumers a like because of its numerous advantages such as pest resistance, decrease in price, nutritional value and more. But what are GMO’s and GM Food? GMO’s and GM Food are plants that have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content. The enhancement of desired traits has traditionally been undertaken through breeding. Genetic engineering, on the other hand, can create plants with the exact desired trait very rapidly and with great accuracy. For example, plant geneticists can isolate a gene responsible for drought tolerance and insert that gene into a different plant. The new genetically-modified plant will gain drought tolerance as well. Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms also can be used. From what has been demonstrated above, we could conclude that GM food could have desired traits through genetically modified...
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...A genetically modified organism, commonly referred to as a GMO, is an organism whose genetic makeup has been altered using genetic engineering. The general reason that GMOs were created was to attempt to get an organism to display new/different traits. Other reasons include modifications to keep pests and diseases away from the plant, modifications to improve the plant's ability to live in a certain area, as well as modifying an animal, such as chickens, so that they have more meat than they would normally have. These are just a few of many different reasons. One thing that most, if not all, of the reasons for GMOs are for the betterment of the organism as well as the human race. There are several differences between the traditional method with which artificial...
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...Laura Larkin Mrs. Kirby C English 205 6 December 2017 “Say No to GMO’s” Rough Draft 70% of food in an Average American’s diet consists of processed foods and 75% of those processed foods are genetically modified. According to the World Health Organization, genetically modified organisms are “plants, animals, or microorganisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination”. Scientists are creating food in labs to satisfy the growing demand for food around the world and to please powerful corporate food companies. In the United States, “the government has approved GMOs based on studies conducted by the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale” (Non-GMO project). Genetically modified foods are not...
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