Maggie Schoendorf Valencia College DEH 2804L: Clinical Dental Hygiene III October 22nd 2024.
I. Patient Assessment Findings Medical/Dental History -The patient, Georgia Ainger, is a 22-year-old Caucasian female who presented to the clinic on May 14th, 2024, for a routine re-care dental appointment. While the patient did not necessarily have a complaint, she expressed that her gingiva had been looking inflamed and wanted to return to the clinic for her overdue maintenance. Ms. Ainger is originally from England and has been coming to this specific clinic since 2023. The patient?s family has a very limited history of dental visits before coming to the United States, which may have impacted the…show more content… A total of 5 photos were taken, including a facial photo. The first location recorded was a centric occlusion, which shows an overview of the patients bite as well as a good view of the visible tissue. The next location was the lingual view of 23,24,25,26, which shows the patients fixed lingual bar with a significant amount of supragingival calculus accumulation. The facials of 6,7, and 8 were shot next because of the red bulbous tissue that was evident. Lastly, the lingual surfaces of teeth 30 and 31 were assessed, revealing a smooth, red gingival margin indicative of inflammation. These photos were shown to the patient who after seeing the calculus and inflammation was eager to start her healing journey and was completely willing to try and change habits to have a different result in her after pictures. Her post photos showed significant improvement in every single location. The calculus deposits on the lingual surfaces were successfully removed, resulting in a noticeable tightening of the tissue. The bulbous appearance of the facial tissue on teeth 6, 7, and 8 significantly decreased, with a marked reduction in redness. Additionally, the tissue on the lingual surfaces of teeth 30 and 31 exhibited improved stippling, appearing less shiny and red. Ms. Ainger was satisfied with the progress shown and gave her confidence that she was improving her home care. Diagnostic models- Impressions were taken with two large triple trays on the third appointment for the purpose of helping with oral hygiene instruction on future appointments. The finished graded model that was returned was only able to be used upon her last appointment for timing reasons. Nevertheless, it was still utilized to better show the anatomy and where the focus should be when brushing and flossing. It showed her areas of extra