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German Women Under Nazi Ideology

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The focus of this Historical Investigation is ‘How significantly were the changes in the lives of German women under the Nazi system driven by Nazi ideology?’.

The origin of the first key source are extracts of a 1936 speech given by Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, who was chosen by Hitler to be the leader of the National Socialist Women’s League. This source is relevant to the investigation due to its direct link to Nazi Ideology and the expected role of women in Nazi Germany. Her speech is valuable as a resource as she states, in her role as a top Nazi official, that ‘The woman, besides caring for her own children, should first care for those who need her help as mothers of the nation.’ (Bytwerk,1936) Within her speech, at the beginning of 1936, Scholtz-Klink expounds official Nazi policy to German women in alignment with Nazi Ideology. The limitations of the origin were that Scholtz-Klink, though the head of a huge organization, was ranked very low in the Nazi Hierarchy and was only a figurehead within a system guided by men. (When Hitler’s perfect woman came to call, 2018) …show more content…
It was critical of the ‘… bad fourteen years between 1918 and 1933’ and urged women instead to be ‘strong’and ‘cheerful’.(Bytwerk, 1936) whilst recognizing their unique role that was to bring new life to the German Nation. The value of this source is that it highlights the main aims of Nazi policy – to create a Volksgemeinschaft (People’s Community). Whereas the limitation to the speech’s purpose is that it is clearly a vehicle for Nazi propaganda. As Hitler was present in the audience of the speech giving it would not be difficult to believe that Scholtz-Klink followed a script that had been previously approved by the Nazi Propaganda

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