...Negotiations Getting to Yes is about improving your negotiation skills. First, it goes through the disadvantages of the classic positional negotiating tactic that involves taking a stance and slowly reaching an agreement after each party makes multiple concessions often ending with less than anyone wants and a poor relationship between parties. After that, it discusses principled negotiation which, in short, is focused on separating the people from the problem, focusing on the interests of the parties and not their positions, inventing multiple options that look for mutual gains through brainstorming activities, and basing the end result on objective standards. This is the bulk of the book and there are many examples ranging from insurance adjusters to Middle Eastern treaties. After the in depth explanation of principled negotiation, the last part of the book describes many situations where the other party is using tricky tactics, won’t cooperate, or have a much better bargaining position than you. There are methods discussed to try to lead the negotiation in the direction you want, creating a BATNA, or diffusing the tricky method by calling it out. Overall, this book did not guarantee that this method will win every negotiation, but it will allow you a much greater chance to efficiently go through a negotiation and end up with more than you would have gotten not using this method. After reading this book, I have noticed that for the most part I understood and easily accepted...
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...In class we had our first group negotiation, which proved to be a very challenging exercise. There were two teams, a labor union and factory management. The factory management wanted stricter rules and lower labor rates while the labor union wanted good benefits, higher wages, and less regulation. In addition to having team interests we also had individual interests. For example, I was an employee who worked at the factory 30 years so my interest was to have less regulation and to have higher benefits. Although each of us, had a desire to win, and had our own interests that could have made the negotiation distributive, the best approach was an integrative approach. This negotiation was distributive in nature since it had to do with getting the “most” or “least” points yet it did not have to be. Since my team knew that a distributive approach would not lead us anywhere we decided to use an integrative strategy. For example, the other side was not going to give us a substantial increase in benefits regardless of our options so we needed to find a way to accumulate points a different way. Therefore, we began pushing for higher wages and we were able to get a fifteen cent increase to give us 3 points, we required that we signed the labor clause (+2), slight increase in benefits (+1), weak regulation( -1), and one management regulation ( -1), etc. Overall, as a team we accomplished a gain of 7 points. There was not enough time and the other side was not budging. We tried not budging...
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...Ameya talole 1) What did you learn from this negotiation process? Today’s case study was based on the single negotiation with multiple issues which has included the family issues. Two brothers named George and Ron they were negotiating on the time sharing of their father summer house. And also they were negotiating on father’s personal effects such as stamp collection, ring, pocket watch, bonzo (dog), and club membership As per today’s negotiation I learn how to get into negation if it has multiple issues * Analyse the negotiation space * Don't try to beat the other side * Identify the issues and outcomes. * Avoid single-issue negotiations: identify and negotiate multiple issues simultaneously * Develop a rating system to assess the importance of each of The issues and outcomes * Understand the other party's interests, constraints, and perspective * Negotiate over interests, not positions * Calculate the value of your Best Alternative to No Agreement (BATNA) and alternatives. * Test outcomes using the rating system. What would you have done differently? In this case I was playing role of Ron the elder brother so as per time sharing of the house I decided to split the weeks of the summer season for both the families as both preferred the same time. And the other issue was maintenance of house so we decided to open join account contribute 500$ each month and to pay the maintenance and electricity bill from that joint account. Moreover...
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...tricks and deception to try to get the other side to concede more than you concede; making threats or issuing ultimatums; generally trying to force the other side to give in by overpowering them or outsmarting them, not by discussing the problem as an equal (as is done in integrative bargaining). The goal in distributive bargaining is not to assure both sides win, but rather that one side (your side) wins as much as it can, which generally means that the other side will lose, or at least get less than it had wanted. (Distributive bargaining tactics rarely assume the pie will divided in half.) Often these approaches to negotiation are framed as incompatible. Fisher, Ury, and Patton, authors of the negotiation best-seller Getting to Yes say that integrative bargaining is superior to distributive bargaining in most, if not all, circumstances--even in situations in which something is to be divided up. By cooperating and focusing on interests rather than positions, they argue that the pie can almost always be enlarged or some...
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...Article Review 7.1: Best Practices in Negotiations Article Review HR595 Negotiation Skills Course Instructor: Wendy Chung April 14, 2010 Week 7 Submitted by Bob Figone What is the problem or issue that necessitates such an article be written? This article comes directly out of both textbooks (Chapter 12 in Essentials of Negotiation, page 256 and Article 7.1 in Negotiation – Readings, Exercises and Cases, page 485) we have used for this course. It is a summary of what we have learned about the field of negotiation. It reminds us that negotiation is intrinsic in our lives and confronts us many times each day. This article is a reflection by the author’s using a broad view of best practices for negotiators to focus on in order to improve negotiation skills and techniques. What strategies or techniques are used to solve the problem or address the issue? The article lists Ten Best practices for Negotiators in a table and continues to explain the importance of each. The table from the text is as follows: |Ten Best Practices for Negotiators | |1. Be prepared | |2. Diagnose the fundamental structure of the negotiation | |3. Identify and work the BATNA ...
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...Problem in a negotiation does not lie in the conflicting positions but in the interest. Why this statement is important and true in negotiate? And what is true for an individual is equally true for groups and nations? However, how to convert positions to interests? If negotiator is takes the extreme position and mere ego may prevent coming to an agreement. When you dig more into positions less attention will be given to understanding the real underlying issues and will stand on positions that are far apart from what are really going to agree and waste so much of time and energy. The more you clarify and defend your position from attack; you become more committed to your position. A position is a one-dimensional point from a much wider range of options. If you focus on position, the potential answer is quite limited. Focusing on the substantive issue helps both parties discuss the underlying factors. Therefore, reconcile interests rather than compromising between positions leads you to options that could never be considered if you focused on your concrete positions. Dealing with actual concerns than position and expands the potential options for resolution. Perhaps behind opposed position lie shared and compatible interest. Maybe, options are not rigid objectives; they are potential solutions that would satisfy most, if not all, interests that people have if they want to solve a problem. Example in Malaysia there is three main races – Malay, Chinese and Indian. Each one...
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...ORGB3201 Teddy Lee Barbara Larson 2/19/14 Integrative Negotiations As a recruiter, there are a few things to negotiate and take into considerations. Most newly hired candidates will most likely negotiate their salary, work schedule and company benefits. During the process of negotiation, it is extremely important to be aware of my BATNA and know when to walk away. If the requested value is at least within the ZOPA, a decision can be made where both parties will benefit. When negotiating salary, the first thing I will do is ask the counterparty what he values most in a company and what he hopes to get out of working at the firm. I would not want someone to work for the company for only financial purposes. I would negotiate the lowest possible amount to determine if they are still interested in the job position. In this situation, I would try to keep within the ZOPA, because if the salary is too low, the candidate might deny the job offer. This can be seen as the barrier. While negotiating work schedule, it should be assumed that they are able to work forty hours per week. During the negotiation of the work schedule, it is important to ask if they are available to work over time and how many personal days they need. If the candidate requests more days than what is actually offered, I will tell them that the company only allows a specific amount of personal holidays for a full time employee. Therefore, the personal holidays are non-negotiable. In the event...
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...packaged as extreme political positions.” Near the end of 2012, the government made an important move towards negotiations with the Maoists, promising to put in place Crisis Management Groups (CMG), which are essentially teams to negotiate hostage situations in Left Wing Extremist (LWE) States. Clearly, the two high profile Maoist kidnaps of last year — Collector Alex Paul Menon at Chhattisgarh and the Italian tourists at Orissa — created much national distress. But as we embark on combating a new year of conflict, let us reflect for a bit. Capturing hostages is believed to be the only way for Maoists to get the government to lend them their ears. So by agreeing to talk only when kidnapped, are we not asking to be held at gun point? Getting the parties to the table is not the main problem, however. Recall the Committee for Concerned Citizens (CCC) — a group of former bureaucrats, journalists, intellectuals and fellow citizens who convened the 1994 Andhra peace talks. The CCC had earned enormous legitimacy as a result of the records of the victims of...
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...“Getting To Yes” is an excellent book that is very easy to read. Every chapter has some excellent points that can always help negotiate an agreement without giving in completely. I am a manager of a directional drilling company in Midland. I have 39 employees that are under me. By reading this book it has given me plenty of tools to talk to my guys in situations where both of us need to compromise to get what we want. The first chapter talks about not bargaining over positions. Most people negotiate by staking out extreme positions in the beginning and then negotiating towards a middle ground compromise. This is a bad idea because right from the start both sides are committed to their position and will defend it to the end. This chapter talks about a new way of negotiation by negotiation on the merits. This is where you separate the people from the problem and focus on the interests not the positions. Then you invent mutual options for personal gain and insist that the results be based on some standard. The next section I enjoyed talks about separating the people from the problem. When negotiating you must make sure that both sides are involved in the negotiations at every state so they will know what is coming in the deal so the feel like they are making the decision and not being dictated to. When my employees come to me for a problem I have learned to talk it out with them and try to make them see it from my side as well. This has really helped because it...
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...2012 Doing business in a more transparent world C O M PA R I N G R E G U L AT I O N F O R D O M E S T I C F I R M S I N 1 8 3 E C O N O M I E S © 2012 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05 A copublication of The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818...
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...Help using this PDF claim form In this PDF form we have introduced a special feature that lets you save it in Adobe Reader 8.1.2 and later. This means that you no longer have to complete the form in one session. This form will only work if you: • save it to your computer, then � • open it in Acrobat Reader version 8.1.2 or later. � The form will not work in: • older versions of Acrobat Reader • other pdf readers, for example Preview on a Mac or Foxit on a PC • your web browser window. If you are having technical difficulties: • downloading the form • Navigating around the form, or • printing the form Please contact the eService helpdesk. Phone: 0845 601 80 40 Minicom (textphone): 0845 601 80 39 Email: eservicehelpdesk@dwp.gsi.gov.uk Opening hours Monday to Friday: 08.00am - 09.00pm Weekend: 08.00am - 04.00pm Closed on all Public and Bank Holidays. For help and advice on the information you need to put on the form or about the benefit you want to claim, contact the office that deals with the benefit. Go back We would like your feedback about this PDF claim form We would like your feedback about this form. We will use any comments to improve future versions. Please email your comments to: forms.feedback@dwp.gsi.gov.uk HCTB1 notes 04/13 Housing Benefit Notes for filling in the claim form for Housing Benefit • • • • • • • • • About this form About Housing Benefit Local Housing Allowance Proof Filling in the form If you need help to fill in the form What to...
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...playing for the San Diego Chargers football team. Yes it's pretty in what he want's to be and what he wants too do no maybe not because he's pretty old to to get in the NFL Yes if he can get bigger and stronger and faster no he's undersize and small and in the late 30s No he has two years until training camp,so he have enough time to get into football shape Jie has always been underweight and wants to improve her health and stamina by gaining 5 pounds. Yes it's a simple goal to gaining 5 pounds and improving her health Yes just have to eat more during every meal after working out. Eating baked meat may help her gain weight and still be healthy Yes gaining 1.5 pounds is achievable , staying active and eating a little more then her usual routine Yes taking more vitamins will help her immune systems and not get sick often so she can workout and stay healthy No maybe in 3 months because she her body needs more vitamins and staying healthy before she can gain that weight Lawrence wants to purchase a second vehicle for his family so that his wife and children have more freedom to do things while he is at work. Yes he has a set milestone goal in saving the money to get the car in a year from now Yes he set up his plan by saving $300 a month for 12 month Yes if his savings plans goes as plan it's attainable Yes with the time frame he set on getting the car he...
Words: 565 - Pages: 3
...School Attending: ____________________________ Graduation Year: _________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Age: ________ Height: _________ Weight: __________ 1. Did you know that you can join the National Guard as a high school junior and get paid while in High School? Yes or No 2. Did you know that the National Guard can guarantee your training in your contract? Yes or No 3. Did you know that you get instant super cool points for being in the National Guard? Yes or No 4. Are you interested in getting more information about the Michigan National Guard and learning more about getting your college education paid for? Yes or No 5. Do you have any past or present medical problems? Yes or No Explain yes answer: ______________________________________________________________ 6. Do you have any past of present law violations even if you were told it would not be on your permanent record? Yes or No Explain yes answer: ______________________________________________________________ 7. Would you consider joining the Michigan National Guard’s Team? Yes No Maybe What career benefits interest you? _____...
Words: 288 - Pages: 2
...Ethnicity- African American d. Marital status single (divorced, remarried and widowed) e. Living arrangement – nursing home f. Place of birth - Atlanta g. Number of siblings (2, she has survived 5 other brothers and sisters) h. Number of children (8, from three marriages, only five are alive) 2. Perception on aging a. Do you think you are getting old? Ans: At 68 years, I am getting old. But I don’t think I am really old. Look at me, I can still do things for myself, if I am given the chance. But they don’t allow me because they think I am old. b. What age do you think you will consider yourself as being old? Ans: (She smiled and looked at researcher calmly) I don’t know what age I think I will consider myself old. But when I feel it, I will know. May be I will say when I am 80 years old or more, then I will take myself to be old. Age is in the heart. c. What make(s) you feel you are getting old? Ans: What makes me feel I am getting old? (She paused for a while). I think when I can no longer feel anything or see the need to live again. I think I will say when I can’t do anything for myself, like clean my own back, then, I am really getting old. Until then, I am not that old. d. How do you feel when you are treated as being old? Ans: I don’t like to be treated as being old. I am not an old woman. When these children try to make feel like one, I tell them I am still current. (Touching her hair) She said, I still make my hair. I like to look good. So when I get treated like...
Words: 1900 - Pages: 8
...question I. Self 1.How often do you: 1.1 study your lessons a. Almost always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Never 1.2 Find difficulties in your studies a. Almost always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Never 1.3 Take your studies seriously a. Almost always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Never 1.4 Maintain your grades at a high level a. Almost always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Never 1.5 Mind getting a fail, or even a fair, grade a. Almost always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Never II. Studies 1. Reading 1.1 Do you like reading a.) Yes b.) No A. If yes how many times in a day do you read a book a. 30 - 60 min. b. 2 – 3 hrs. c. 4 – 5 hrs. d. seldom e. others please specify _________________ B. If no why? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Studying 2.1 When do you usually study ...
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