Application Assignment#1 * I choose Day Spa Business plan because I am interested in this type of business, since I like to go to the Spa and have massage often, so I am interested to know what the process of this kind of business is. * Summary of the executive summary: Pamperzhou day spa offered a new take off of the spa experience by providing a large selection of services such a wide variety of massages (reflexology, sports, and pregnancy massages...) which can be very convenient for the customers and also they offered facial services which include different kind of facials (vitamin C, Revonia’s anti free radical treatment…) Beside the services that the spa offer, Pamperzhou day spa provides a large selection of anti-aging products that can be an additional strengths for the company and an opportunity of the customers who are looking for a place to relax and shop at the same time.
The spa mission is to offer a high level customer service by paying attention to each customer and providing the kind of service that brings people back for regular services.
Pamperzhou strategy to success or attract the audience is first of all the owner big experience in Marketing and sales which can be an attractive opportunity to the audience because having an owner who have the ability to put his knowledge into the business let to a successful company, also the spa location near to hair and nail salon will be convenient for the customers because they can satisfy all their needs without driving from one place to another. On the other hand Pamperzhou spa objectives seems reasonable and rational which are $31.000 in sales the third month and $62.500 the six month which can be realizable if the company have a clear and organized strategy and also by paying attention to every single details because that’s what can make the difference between a successful company and a