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Giraffes High Book Report

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Marcia uses glowing woodcuts than an aid in learning the alphabet. As I was flipping through the book I began to see that Marcia is using the alphabets to tell a story. For example, I see two Cats Dancing in red, yellow and black, then to an amusingly strange Elephants Fly? And so on, each double page picture working butterflies into more or less prominent roles. Every turn of the page hits you with a whole new view in a startlingly different key, and one is tempted to describe each one in turn -- the sunset mood of "Giraffes High," the dynamic swirls of "Ice-cold Jumpers" (polar bears), the bold posturing and feathery humor and lovely designs that follow. I love hoe strange the book is but I will not use this to teach my students their alphabets. …show more content…
None of the pages correlate with one another. To me depending on the age of the child, he or she may get confuse. None of it realistic there is no way an elephant can fly. This book seems to be very confusing to me. If I do decided to use a book like this I would only use it to get my students to use their imagination. On every page there is butterfly and it has no relevance to the book. For example, I see a cheetah using a butterfly as a fan to keep the King Lion cool. This is not what butterflies are used for. Butterflies has a particular purpose on this earth. I like the fact that every page has a different story, but some of the illustration does not make any sense. For example, why does an octopus wearing pants. They do not wear pants. In fact they live at bottom of the ocean, and if was to wear pants they would get tangled all the time and they will not be able to use their ink to protect

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