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Gke Task 3

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sk 3: Efficiency and Market Failure:

1. The marginal cost for Java Joe's to produce its first cup of coffee is $0.75. Its marginal cost to produce its second cup of coffee is $1.25. Its marginal cost increases by $0.50 for each additional cup of coffee it produces. Suppose the market price for coffee is $2.25. Construct a graph showing the producer surplus for each cup of coffee Java Joe's will sell. How many cups of coffee will Java Joe's sell? What is the value of the producer surplus Java Joe's receives for each cup of coffee it sells? Java Joes will sell 3 coffees before it becomes a market price. Therefore the calculated producer surplus would be the area under 4 cups sold. Therefore (2.25-0.75)/2 * 3 = 4.5
2. According to Graph: At Equilibrium At price of $5 …show more content…
How does a public good differ from a quasi-public good? In your answer give an example of each type of good and why you believe it to be either a public or quasi-public good.

A public good is a good that is provided to all members of a community without profit by the government and/or a private organisation, for example clean air is a public good as it can be accessed by all and is not restricted. A Quasi-Public good is a near-public good that is provided to the public but can also be restricted such as roads as they are a public good that could be restricted by adding a toll.

5. Using a supply-demand diagram, demonstrate how a positive consumption externality, vaccination, leads to market inefficiency. Using a supply-demand diagram, demonstrate how a negative supply consumption externality, pollution, leads to market inefficiency. Make sure you describe the diagram in words as

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