...Image one is an advertisement campaign which features a male who is shown, lying down in a poor and rural area. The idea promoted is that the items we buy are a luxury, which can be spent on necessities which could potentially benefit others in a substantial way rather than being self-regarding. This is emphasized by the techniques which are used in the image such as the text, composition and connotations. First, the male is in the center of the image and occupies a substantial amount of the composition size, thus making the viewer, I, focus my attention on the man. We notice the male is very thin and lean which suggests he is poor and starving. At the centre of the image we see in bold capitals, “AFTERSHAVE” with a price tag as 35 Euros. Underneath we see “Basics for a new home” which only costs 6.50 Euro. The obvious underlying message is below the the main bolded text stating “AFTERSHAVE”. This creates an analogy which could suggest that people think that aftershave, a luxury is more important than ‘basics for a new home’ which is a necessity. This is shown by the underlying message being in lower case and smaller text rather than big bolded capitals symbolizing dominance. This advertisement image is also a parody of the stereotypical aftershave campaigns you see on television or billboards. Which generally features a young model lying down in a relaxed position holding the product with a price tag underneath. Well Image one is almost exactly like a stereotypical aftershave...
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...nDfvZmh d[Bhnk GkJh ;kfjp oDXho f;zx nDfvZmh d[Bhnk fbfys GkJh ;kfjp oDXho f;zx gqekÙs GkJh ;kfjp oDXho f;zx Nq;N ¢£-ih, ;okGk Bro, b[fXnkDk ekgh okJhN GkJh ;kfjp oDXho f;zx Nq;N ¡©¤©, ¡©¦0, ¡©¦§, ¡©§§, ¡©ø£ S/thA tko ngq?b ¡©©0 ;sthA tko iBtoh ¡©©¤ w[Zb ¢g-00 fgqzNo L fgqzNt?Zb, 146, fJzv;Nqhnb ø 'eb g[nkfJzN, nzfwqs;o. sseok gqeoD ¡a ¢a £a ¤a ga ¦a §a øa ©a ¡0a ¡¡a ¡¢a ¡£a tuB nozG nZrk j? nk;se s/ Bk;se nekb g[oy dk do; fwbkg nrw nr'uo tkfjr[o{ dh bysk g/yBjkfonK dh ;w fdqÙNsk nfdqÙN fdqÙfNnK dh fp;wkdsk nekb g[oy dh dorkj XowokfJ dh dorkj Boe ;[or iw ns/ iwg[oh woB ;w/H dh iwK dh Mkeh r[ow[yK d/ d[nkb/ u"eh r[ow[yK B{z ihT[ efjD dh cb XowokfJ, fuso r[gs s/ nktkrtB gq/s-T[Xko gzBk j ¡ g ¡¦ ¤¡ ¤¤ ¤g g¢ ¡00 ¡¤g ¡§© ¡©¢ ¢¤0 ¢øø ¢©¢ £¡¢ S/thA tko “nDfvmh d[Bhnk” fJ; 23%36$16 ;kJh˜ ftu gfjbK d' tko ¡©§§ ns/ ¡©ø£ ftu gq?;-NkJhg Bkb Sg u[eh j?. isB eoB s/ th gq?;-NkJhg ftu fes/ Bk fes/ e'Jh ˆbsh Sg jh iKdh j?. n?sehA g[;se B{z ø 'N'-;N?N okjhA SgtkfJnk ik fojk j?. go B?frNt pDkT[D s'A gfjbK ;koh g[;se dh g{oh soQK ;[XkJh ehsh-eokJh rJh j?, skfe nr/ s'A e'Jh rbsh SgD ftu Bk nk ;e/. nfs dh wfjzrkJh ekoB ekr˜, SgkJh s/ fibdK d/ o/N fdB-pfdB tXh jh ik oj/ jB, fi; ekoB g[;se dh ehws gfjbK Bkb'A fes/ tX oyDh gJh j?. go ;kvk isB fJj' j? fe r[owfs gouko B{z w[y oy e/ fJBQK g[;seK B{z bkrs wkso s/ jh f;y ;zrsK d/ g/Ù ehsk ikt/ ns/ T[BQK B{z wkfJnk ewkT[D dk ;kXB Bk pDkfJnk ikt/. ¢£-ih, ;okGk Bro b[fXnkDk ¡£-¦-§0 pbpho f;zx ;eZso GkJh ;kfjp oDXho f;zx Nq;N ...
Words: 36846 - Pages: 148
...RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯K †evW© KZ…©K 2013 wk¶vel© †_‡K mßg †kªwYi cvV¨cy¯Ki~‡c wba©vwiZ evsjv e¨vKiY I wbwg©wZ mßg †kªwY iPbvq cÖ‡dmi W. Awbi“× Kvnvwj cÖ‡dmi W. †`jIqvi gwdR †MŠZg †Mv¯^vgx m¤úv`bvq cÖ‡dmi wbiÄb AwaKvix RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW© RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv-1000 KZ©„K cÖKvwkZ| [cÖKvkK KZ©„K me©¯^Z¡ msiw¶Z] cix¶vg~jK ms¯‹iY cÖ_g cÖKvk : A‡±vei, 2012 Kw¤úDUvi K‡¤úvR Kvjvi MÖvwdK cÖ”Q` my`k©b evQvi myRvDj Av‡e`xb wWRvBb RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW© miKvi KZ©„K webvg~‡j¨ weZi‡Yi Rb¨ gy`ª‡Y : m~PxcÎ µwgK bs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6. 6.1 6.2 7. 8. 9. 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11. cvV wk‡ivbvg fvlv e¨vKiY aŸwb I eY© mwÜ kã I c` KviK I wefw³ m¤^Ü I m‡¤^vab c` kãiƒc we‡kl‡Yi ÔZiÕ I ÔZgÕ kãMVb DcmM©‡hv‡M kãMVb cÖZ¨q‡hv‡M kãMVb evK¨ weivgwPý evbvb kãv_© GKB k‡ãi wewfbœ A‡_©i cÖ‡qvM wecixZv_©K kã w`‡q evK¨ iPbv m‡gv”PvwiZ wfbœv_©K kã w`‡q evK¨ iPbv GK K_vq cÖKvk evM&aviv Abyaveb `¶Zv c„ôv 1-9 10-11 12-17 18-26 27 27-34 34-38 39-40 41-42 42-45 45-52 52-57 58-62 63-67 68-73 74 74-78 78-82 82-85 85-88 88-90 91 µwgK bs 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. cvV wk‡ivbvg wbwg©wZ : iPbv c„ôv 92-110 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 12.1 12.2 12.3 Avgv‡`i RvZxq 92 cZvKv Avgv‡`i MÖvg 93 `k©bxq ¯’vb 94 evsjv‡`‡ki b`b`x 96 RvZxq Kwe KvRx 97 bRi“j Bmjvg Kx ai‡bi eB 99 Avgvi co‡Z fv‡jvjv‡M Avgvi Pvicv‡ki 100 cÖK…wZ Avgvi †`Lv GKwU 102 †gjv GKwU w`‡bi 103 w`bwjwc kwn` wgbvi 105 †Uwjwfkb 106 k„•Ljv‡eva 108 my›`ieb...
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