...Yoyo 1 Yonia Yoyo Professor Doyle Art 333 20 September 2015 Globalization and the Art Market The expression "globalization" is universal and loose. In any case, it is important to consider what it implies for the craftsmanship market and the most extensive circle of aesthetic creation. According to Manfred B. Steger’s book, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, the term globalization refers to the “expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space” (Steger). In other words, globalization applies to an arrangement of social procedures that seems to change our present social state of debilitating nationality into one of globalist. In the book of Globalization, Steger defines globalization as a “social process through the shifting of human interactions by reaching the goal of globality.” He then explained that by adding the suffix ‘-ization,’ the term globalization means that the process of globality is still under the development towards a new condition of postmodern globality; that globality has not yet been reached. Globalization equivalents to cross-outskirt trade of worth, including monetary action. Merchandise and administrations change hands crosswise over area and ocean and individuals profit. The relationships between the global and the local art market work closely together: examining at the art market in a local scale is the best way for one to look at the art market in a global context. For instance...
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...1.0 Introduction Hospitality as an industry is very broad and ranges from multi-national corporations to single-person enterprises. The hospitality industry in Australia is responsible for over 80 different types of jobs. The various sectors in Australia’s hospitality sector include tourist services, events, travel services, visitor attractions, bars pubs and night clubs, membership clubs, holiday parks and gambling. The country’s hospitality industry has over 13,000 different firms providing more than 400,000 job opportunities to the country’s citizens. The hospitality industry in Australia contributed a total of 2.8% of the country’s GDP in 2013, and the sector employs 3.5% of the total workforce in the country. Tourism, a major sub-sector in Australia’s hospitality industry is made up of both foreign and domestic tourists. Foreign tourists account for 30% of the country’s tourists while the remaining 70% is usually covered by local tourists. 2.0 Market structure Australia’s hospitality industry operates under a monopolistic type of competition. Under monopolistic competition, there are usually many firms offering the same products to consumers. The services and products from firms in a monopolistic competition are usually differentiated to create a competitive edge (CHON & MAIER, 2010, p. 14). Monopolistic competition is different from perfect competition because, goods and services from firms in a monopolistic competition are not usually the same, a case that is the opposite...
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...Globalization Student Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor’s Name Globalization Globalization is defined as the change of social, economic and political structure among the companies, people and government of various countries, a process which is facilitated by investments and international trade enhanced by informational technology (Steger, 2009). This process has several impacts on economic development, environment and socio-economic structure evolving from Old Stone Age period up to this technological period. Globalization is not a new process. The current state of globalization has been facilitated by policies that have created opportunities both domestically and internationally. Different nations have come up with free market economic systems thereby increasing their productivity, creating employment opportunities and international trade among different states (Steger, 2009). Through international unions, many countries have taken advantage of free trade, which has enhanced the movement of goods and services from one nation to another, this has promoted foreign exchange in the global market, and therefore it is an international financial business and industrial structure. Technology has been one of the major contributors to globalization. Advancement in information technology for example telecommunication has fastened the global communication and links among different nations. This has helped to drastically transform many lives and ways of living. Technology has given...
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...started globalization when the idea of relocating to different parts of the world looking for business opportunities emerged. Since then, globalization has been steadily but surely growing. Considering the age of advancement that the world is in now, globalization has increased rapidly. However, as much as globalization has increased in scale and speed, it has had a different impact on different economies around the world. However, before assessing the different impacts that globalization has had on the economy, one must first understand, in detail, what globalization is, in order comprehend the effect it has had on the global economy. For globalization to exist, a few aspects must be put in consideration. First and most important, a business-based environment has to exist in all countries to bring about investors from different regions. With this in mind, globalization during this age and time seem to have increased due to a proper communication channel that have been realized due to the rapid speed in which technology has changed. In many countries, globalization has affected the economy in different ways. While talking about the effects globalization has had on the economy of different countries, one has to look at both the positive and the negative effects. For instance, due to globalization, large organizations are able to invest their money in different countries around the world. This has led to job creations (Berch, 2005). This means that, through globalization, opportunities...
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...informs Vol. 36, No. 3, May–June 2006, pp. 191–193 issn 0092-2102 eissn 1526-551X 06 3603 0191 ® doi 10.1287/inte.1060.0214 © 2006 INFORMS Supply Chain Management: Technology, Globalization, and Policy at a Crossroads Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03768, m.eric.johnson@dartmouth.edu M. Eric Johnson Supply chain management is an important application area for INFORMS, with many opportunities for our community to contribute models and insight. The seemingly relentless forces of globalization and technology continually present us with new supply chain challenges and opportunities for further progress. Over the past decade, researchers and practitioners have developed many models and methods that have influenced supply chain practices. However, as managers and management scientists have embraced these new approaches for improving supply chain competitiveness, these initiatives have slipped into the middle of many important corporate and public debates. Key words: supply chain management; professional: comments on. T he forces of globalization and technology are changing supply chains. In many cases, the supply chains are literally disintegrating. Product designers, marketers, and manufacturers that were previously housed in a single facility are now spread over several continents in organizations with different cultures, languages, and business objectives. For example, not long ago, apparel firms, such as Levi Strauss and Company...
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...2012 The Internal and External Effects on the Functions of Management The four functions of management include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. These functions of management are necessary for a company, such as Amazon, to be successful in a continuously advancing world. Many external and internal factors influence the performance of the four functions of management within Amazon. Some internal factors include ethics, diversity, and innovation. Ethics affects the leadership and controlling functions of management, while diversity and innovation utilizes the leading and organizational functions of management. Some external factors that affect the four functions of management include technology and globalization. The need of technology and globalization takes organizational planning in order to keep up with the increasing demand of readily available products at Amazon across the world. One major factor to a company’s success is the moral and ethical integrity of Amazon’s management team. Amazon’s ethical stance determines the quality of employees the company is able to retain, as well as maintaining their loyalty to the company. If managers display ethical integrity, the employees would be stimulated to perform well, building leadership within the company. If Amazon does not practice ethical integrity, the employees do not perform to their best. This may cause late shipments, or damaged product. This low quality performance would be hard to turn around since they...
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...increased globalisation on international air traffic activity – past trends and future perspectives. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTE FROM THE SECRETARIAT .............................................................................................................2 THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ACTIVITY - PAST TRENDS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVE ....................................................................................................5 1. 2. 3. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................5 Globalization and internationalization ..................................................................................................5 The Basic Features of International Air Transportation .......................................................................6 3.1 Historical perspective ..................................................................................................................6 3.2 The modern industry....................................................................................................................8 4. The effect of globalization on airline markets...
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... 1.1 Introduction Page 3 1.2 Current State Page 3 1.3 Global Village Page 5 2. Question 2 Page 6 Conclusion Page 7 Sources consulted Page 8 QUESTION 1: Information technologies on which Professor Levitt based his scenario developed at a much faster rate than what he imagined at that time. What is the current state of globalization and do you think Professor Levitt’s scenario will continue until we live in a “global village”? 1.1 Introduction As technology and communication capabilities increase, it may be safe to assume that the world is becoming more connected, with many countries becoming integrated to the world economy. This basic idea is called globalization and with it comes many benefits such as new opportunities in emerging markets and increased access to international trade. To many people, globalization is making the world flat meaning businesses can collaborate and operate across borders without regard to geography or distance in today’s modern technological, transportation and political landscape. Many businesses are beginning to realize the opportunities abroad made possible by an increasingly connected world. 1.2 Current State The current state of globalization can be judged from a dual sided perspective. Different parties and individuals have different views/stances on the good and bad of globalization as it currently exists in today's society. Globalization has created...
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...Week 4 started off with watching the video The Commanding Heights. A very boring film if you asked me but as I spoke up in class I said the video was filled with Propaganda. Propaganda is never good. It was basically speakers who owned big corporations and third-world sweatshops with horrible working conditions. If you enjoy globalization and economics well then this is the video for them. Personally, I feel like people who watch this film can learn a lot more from walking out of their own house and reading up on new things. This documentary left out on a lot of issues. The people speaking who owned the corporations only worried about themselves and that’s how the documentary started. It was basically a paid documentary by those corporations to promote propaganda. Week 5 and 6 we defined and gave examples of our midterm terms and we began to talk about Introduction to Globalization and Business. They both go hand in hand. The impact of the business depends on the effects of the economy. There will always be pros and cons. The conversation in class confused me a little bit. There is so much to Globalization that I didn’t know about. We had a short week 7 but in class we discussed two articles: "More or Less" and "Black Gold,". Black Gold talked about one of the most disturbing things people could sell on the black market …hair. Nonetheless hair that is rat infested, had lice, even sweat and blood. Sad to say, women in India were touching this hair in the worst working conditions...
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...Globalization and me: what impacts could it be? According to Word Power Dictionary, globalization comes from word globalize which means develop (business, society, etc.) so as to make international influence or action possible. Other than that, globalization can be define as the increasing connectivity and interdependence of the world’s economies, societies, and cultures because of advances in communications, technology, trade, international investment movement of currency, and migration. In my opinion, technology is the big roles or function that brings the globalization. Same as Kenichi Ohmea words, globalization as a borderless world seeks to change the world into a single unit only. This process is easier with the advances in communication technology. There are numerous ways in which globalization has impacted the world. The globalization has impacted on education, economic, culture, language, food and others. Globalization also means the phenomenon that makes the world seem smaller in terms of human relations due to the speed of development of information technology. Human easily get information and difficult to filter the negative elements that permeate the hearts and minds. Some terms such as “borderless worlds” and “open skies” make such as trade, the development of political and economic power towards the development of civilization. Education is the process of receiving and giving systematic instruction, especially at school and university. There are positive and...
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...Daniella Fajardo CULT 320 February 12, 2015 Reading Summary #1 The idea that some people are better than others is almost nature. What this means is that if a person sees herself as superior than another person, it does not mean that she is actually superior but that is how she defines herself, therefore defining the other person as inferior. This is not necessarily intentional but it does tend to happen to many people. However, this example of superiority is not limited to individuals but it also involves neighborhoods, communities, cities, states, countries, etc. This concept of us vs. them, the west being better than the east, the poor vs. rich, pretty vs. ugly, developed vs. under developed, better vs. worse, superior vs. inferior, and so on, has been taken in history and been analyzed in many different levels of population, but more specifically on an article written by Said. On it, he states that “Orientalism is never far from what Denys Hay has called the idea of Europe,' a collective notion identifying "us" Europeans as against all "those" non-Europeans, and indeed it can be argued that the major component in European culture is precisely what made that culture hegemonic both in and outside Europe: the idea of European identity as a superior one in comparison with all the non-European peoples and cultures (Said, pg 7).” Said argues some facts that tie in with the other readings. Those readings have aspects and concepts that can still apply to the way people view...
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...NDU Economic Globalization By : Elias Barakat Instructor : Dr Queen Salame Outline : 1- Introduction , Page 3 2- The effects of economic globalization on developing countries , Page 4 3- Advantages and disadvantages of economic globalization , Page 6 4- History of Globalization , Page 9 5 - Factors Contributing to the Rise of Globalisation in the Early 1980s , Page 11 6- Conclusion , Page 14 Index , Page 14 Introduction: Economic globalization is a worldwide phenomenon wherein countries’ economic situations can depend significantly on other countries. Many allied countries would supply resources to each other that the other countries do not have. These resources can cover imported products, technology, and even human labor. Many people have observed that this phenomenon may lead to a “one-world government,” which consists of a centralized government for all nations. The nature of globalization and global economic change has been a subject of immense academic research during the past two decades. It is more a phenomenon in need of explanations than a universal cause of empirically observable outcomes in the so-called globalization theory.1* 1*Check references page The effects of economic globalization on developing countries 1- Increased Standard of Living : Economic globalization gives governments of developing nations access to foreign lending. When these funds are used on infrastructure including roads, health care, education, and social services...
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...Multinational Companies 2 Introduction 2 McDonalds’ Introduction 3 Globalisation and McDonald’s 3 Globalisation strategy of McDonald 5 1. Think Globally but Act Locally 7 2. Pricing 8 3. Advertising/Promotional strategies 8 4. Social responsibility 9 Challenges for McDonald 10 Conclusion 11 Reference 12 The Impact of Globalisation on Multinational Companies Introduction Globalization is a term used to describe the trend of growth; trade practices between undertakings perform beyond the geographic and economic boundaries, so that they exist (Waters, 2001 Brinkman, Brinkman, 2002). Globalization is used to describe the nature of the dominant international trade and business, as they are no longer limited to serving specific groups of consumers in the country (Levy, Hammond and Gross, 2003), the globalization of the increase is due to the expansion of economic and capitalist drive to achieve growth, and taking existing resources , improve the degree of efficiency of the operation. Thus, globalization is also very closely related to the outsourcing companies seeking to existing units, the production moved to another country, economically sensitive wage labour. A typical example of this is the first McDonald's in 1955 as a company in California, opened in 2013, is now in 195 countries and has more than 30,000 restaurants. This process, because it is difficult to control, some multinational companies responsible for the operation of globalization, it is obvious that...
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...Analyze the Effects of Financial Globalization on China's Financial System Introduction With the development of financial globalization, the free flow of international capital contributes a lot to the development of the world economy, however, many short-term speculative capital wandering around the world with rapid speed and complex means have impacted on developing countries’ financial markets, which constantly induce financial instability and crisis. And fluctuations due to capital flows also makes the international financial turmoil have a huge ripple effect and zoom effects. Financial globalization has exacerbated the instability and the risk of global economy and financial development, so financial security is increasingly becoming an important part of national security .In this essay, we are going to talk about the impact of financial globalization on China’s financial market and what the measures will be taken to ensure the security of China’s economy. The main performance of financial globalization 1. Globalization of capital flows is the most prominent manifestations of financial globalization. Since the 1980s, the scale of international capital flows has continueally expanded, while financial technology and financial innovation and the development of various financial derivative helps accelerate the speed of cross-border flows of international capital. By using computer and modern finncial technology, on one hand hundreds of millions of funds can move...
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...Emirates vs. Arabia airlines vs. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statements 4 Comparison 5 Evaluation and Critique 5 Title of the proposed company and a description of its business/service 6 Mission statement 6 Business Model 6 Business Strategy 7 References 9 Introduction The world of the 21st century is progressing at a rapid pace, on the line of fast change and tremendous development. It is important to highlight that the fast change of the current century are being powered on the lines of highly connected telecommunications technology that has advanced in a tremendous way in the recent past. It needs to be mentioned that throughout the previous decade. There was a tremendous surge in the penetration of internet - based connectivity in various parts of the world. Because of the rise of a internet based connectivity, it needs to be mentioned that the world has transformed into a single connected global entity. This has increasingly paved the way for easy synchronization of various trends related to globalization that are emerging from the different corners of the world. (International, 2011, p. 32) It needs to be mentioned that because of the trends of globalization, there is a tremendous amount of demand for new kinds of product and services that are emerging from various new as well as well established countries and economies around the world. As a result of this surge in demand, there is a high amount of business opportunity that...
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