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Go To The Netherworld Argumentative Essay

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If you looked up "skeptic" in the dictionary, you'd probably find a nice picture of Keats' face right underneath it. The man could win the gold medal in every sport of the Denial Olympics if they ever held one. Meeting ghosts in the pub? Special effects. Gained powers to go to the Netherworld? A lucid dream. Talking to the dead like it's nothing? Probably going insane, or hallucinating, or you know, maybe both. Oddly enough, despite being bombarded in the face with the evidence that the supernatural is very much real, Keats just shrugs it off like it's nothing, expecting everything he sees to have a solid logical explanation behind it. There's no freaking out, no pulling of hair, no utter shock and awe- Keats, upon seeing something out of the …show more content…
He doesn't hesitate to snark like nothing else if he feels a person is being unhelpful or generally annoying, and he can be horribly insensitive at times. For example, at one part when he discovers a dead body, he doesn't even show any feeling other than annoyance due to the fact that he lost a good source for his investigation. He doesn't seem to want or need any emotional connections to people, and merely just presses others with his questions, trying to find as many clues as he can. At one point, he even clearly states that he is "no sentimentalist" - he will do his best to never let emotions get in his way. Keats is cynical, sarcastic, and doesn't try to sugarcoat things- if there's a brutal truth he needs to say, he'll say it, no matter if it lands him in hot water or not. That being said, he also doesn't really have any fear of going against authority- even when told numerous times in the story that he was a target for helping someone that the Faeries considered an enemy, Keats just shrugged it off every time. He doesn't care- all he wants is his story, and his story he will …show more content…
Quite the contrary. Even if he can be incredibly sarcastic and brutally honest to the point of hurting someone emotionally, he doesn't do it out of ill will towards others. He supports people in very subtle ways, saying things like "don't let down your guard" or gently replying "you won't fail" to a character's worry that they'll not succeed at their task. He doesn't see himself as a knight in shining armor - even if he's saving someone's life, he'll still hang on his own excuses and pretend he wasn't doing it out of the kindness of his own heart. Why would anyone think he does things for anyone but himself? Despite what he says, he still has his heart in the right place, and even goes out of his way to ensure the safety of a girl he barely knows. All in all, he's incredibly reliable, and won't trouble people with his own problems or thoughts- if they want something done, he'll get it done. Hey, you want to go prevent an entire race of beings from unleashing the fear of death upon the world for good? Sure, why not, he'll go along with it if he thinks it's interesting enough. But he won't acknowledge it if you thank him for what he's done. Much like his reaction to the supernatural, any thanks or gratitude will be shrugged off. Okay, he saved the day, but really, it's

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