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Going Green


Submitted By markaso1
Words 764
Pages 4
The green year

The Green Year

Imagine an entire year of living green.

Not only would you reduce your carbon footprint by a massive amount, but you could probably inspire others to do the same.

Jodi Helmer's book The Green Year gives you 365 small, inexpensive things you can do to make a big difference in saving the planet and making your home more eco-friendly.

The book features a frugal tip for each day each day plus a space where you can write suggestions that are more practical for your lifestyle. In addition, there's a place for you to check off each action, so there's no losing track of your place on your "green adventure."

Whether you do the tips on the designated days or when it's convenient for you, The Green Year gives you an easy-to-follow green guide that you can refer back to anytime during the year — and years to come.

All it takes is lots of little changes to make a really big difference. Go ahead and do your part, starting today.

Here are 52 inexpensive ways to go green

1 Don't heat an empty house! During the winter, turn down your thermostat to 68 degrees F when you're home and 55 degrees F at night and while you're away.

2 Your computer may go to sleep, but it's still sucking up energy. Turn your computer off at the end of the day. In addition, take steps to create an eco-friendly workplace.

3 Clean your refrigerator coils — vacuum out the dust and wipe with a damp cloth. You'll be surprised at how much nasty stuff accumulates down there!

4 Look into carpooling. Need convincing? Read why your green commute will save you money.

5 Taking a road trip? Rent a hybrid car. Here are a few more eco-friendly travel tips.

6 Add your fireplace ashes to your compost pile.

7 Support green businesses.


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