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Golden State Warriors Case Study

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The Golden State Warriors have the Cleveland Cavaliers right where they want them. The Dubs are up 3-1 in the NBA Finals and will play Game 5 at home at Oracle Arena. The Warriors record at home during the regular season was 39-2, and during the postseason, 11-1.

If that isn’t gloomy enough for the Cavs, no team has ever come back from a 3-1 deficit in the NBA Finals to win the title. So, if history is any indicator, it appears that LeBron James and the Cavaliers are about to lose in the NBA Finals for the second year in a row to the Warriors, which would put Golden State point guard Stephen Curry in an exclusive group of players to win back-to-back regular season MVPs and NBA championships.

James’ record in the NBA Finals stands at 2-4, …show more content…
Excluding free throws, did you know that James and Kyrie Irving took all but two of Cleveland’s shots in the fourth quarter of the Cavs’ Game 4 loss? That looks and feels like desperation and lack of trust.

Dave Hyde of the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel makes the case that this is the team that James chose and built. It was James who wanted J.R. Smith. It was James who wanted Kevin Love. It was James who was cool with David Blatt getting axed in favor of Tyronn Lue. It was James who wanted a younger team in Cleveland that he could mold instead of the proven group of winners he had when he was in Miami.

Hyde makes the compelling argument that James has essentially gotten everything he wanted since returning to Cleveland. Everything that is, except a championship.

It’s not enough to average close to a triple-double in the NBA Finals against one of the greatest teams in NBA history. People want to see James fail. They want to see “King James” fall. We know this.
So what is he supposed to do? I don’t know the answer, and I don’t think James does either. While we marvel at the Warriors’ historical brilliance on the hardwood, let’s appreciate what James has done and remember that it’s not always good to be the

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