Everyone has a family member or a good friend that gives good advice that should be followed. For me that advice comes from my Dad. Normally when my dad gives me advice that I should follow, Its something I should consider. There is one piece of advice that I took to heart and that was” Everyone has friends or best friend, but your true friends are the ones that will stick with you when your life is falling apart, so keep them close”. This advice helped my through a lot of my tough times in life. like one time all my friends and even my best friends were disrespecting me and being rude to me behind my back. They completely shut me out of their lives, That's bad for my because I have a very tight close of friends. With them shutting me out…show more content… During Mitch's first vistes with Morrie said” the culture we have does not people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesnt work dont buy it”. The understanding of this quote is… People always want to have or look the coolest. And to only do so they have to change them self. By doing this, it may not be the great feeling because it's not them. So when Morrie stated about culture can make people feel bad about themselves, he’s saying that they have to act himself and not what others are doing. This advice helped me become more likeable to others because I took Morries advice and acted myself around others. For example The friends I have now is very different than what I had before them. In my elementary school years and part way in my first middle school year, I tried becoming more of a joc by hanging out with the people I thought were jocs. Sure I became more of joc and a better athlete, but their personality wasn't what I wanted and I dislike it. So I decided to change myself and acted more like myself, and then my friends now showed up. Me and them are more in common because we act like ourselves and that benefited our