Premium Essay

Good Counselor


Submitted By estucker
Words 271
Pages 2
Reflection paper

To be a good counselor you must have the ability to listen by using all of your senses and this is confirmed when taking an online class. There is no verbal communication so you have to open your eyes, ears, mind and heart to what you are reading and listen to what is being described for you. If you are able to communicate in this manner, then you will be successful with a client that can give verbal and physical cues. This class has demonstrated that we come from diverse backgrounds and different experiences, as well as similar ones. I like the idea that we can touch on a subject with different viewpoints that each holds relevance. We do not always have to agree or experience the same things, but we do have to try and understand where the other person is coming from. The first assignment indicated the vast world we live in and the ability to access that world at the touch of a finger. The following assignment allowed us to probe deep into our past and grasp the individuals and circumstances that have influenced our lives. Difficulties and discrimination that we have faced in our lives, whatever the severity, is a valuable tool that can be utilized when we counsel clients. The general goal for me taking this class is to learn how to better understand those that do not have the same cultural background as me. My hope is to become more culturally competent or at least keenly aware of the many beautiful cultures that make up this country, as well as the

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