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靈活繳費 理財得心應手 提取部份款項 周轉應急 調整投資策略 輕而易舉 額外獎賞 為您的投資增值 保障您的摯愛 費用及收費一覽表 一般資料 詞彙一覽表 參與機構 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 15 16

雋銘投資保險計劃(「雋銘」)的主要銷售刊物包括本產品說明 書、投資選擇簡介及產品資料概要。本產品說明書與投資選 擇簡介及產品資料概要同時發出,並應一併細閱。

• 雋銘為 安盛保險(百慕達)有限公司 (「本公司」) 所發行的投資連繫式壽險保單,您的投資須承受本公司的信貸 風險。 • 您的投資回報乃參照您所揀選的投資選擇所掛鈎之參考基金的表現而計算。此等投資回報將會受雋銘的費用 及收費所影響,並可能低於相關參考基金的回報。這些參考基金均各具本身的投資目標與附帶風險。 • 您就保單支付的保費,將成為本公司資產的一部份。您並不享有這些資產的任何權利或擁有權。如追討 賠償,您只可向本公司追索。 • 保險費用或會因應您於雋銘所揀選的身故賠償選擇而被徵收。保險費用於徵收保險費用的年期間或會因應不 同原因而大幅上升,包括您的年齡及投資虧損等,並可能會大幅減少您的投資回報或導致您的保單戶口價值 出現重大損失。 • 如您的保單戶口價值不足以繳付保險費用及其他保單費用及收費,您的保單或會提早終止,而您亦可能會損 失您的投資及所有利益。您應向您的理財顧問查詢有關詳情,例如雋銘的費用及 收費將會如何上升及對您的 投資所帶來的影響。 • 提早退保或終止保單可能會導致本金及已獲派發之獎賞蒙受重大損失。 • 除非您已了解本產品並已獲解釋本產品如何適合您,否則請勿購買本產品。最終的決定為您本人的決定。 • 您不應單獨依靠本刊物而作出投資,並應一併細閱雋銘的投資選擇簡介與產品資料概要,以及參考基金的銷 售說明書。本公司備有相關銷售說明書可供參閱。

既要為籌劃子女的未來作好準備,亦要為安穩的退休生活而未雨綢繆,您需要的是具靈活財務安排的保險保單, 助您達致目標。您可選擇撥出一筆資金,並設定目標供款年期,以繳付保費形式把此等儲蓄投資於雋銘。 投保雋銘,您可 • 自選投資年期、投資金額及投入資金的次數; • 決定身故賠償選項; • 尊享獎賞;及 • 享有投資於不同資產類別、國家、區域及環球市場的多項投資選擇。 雋銘為根據《保險公司條例》C類別「相連長期業務」下的定期保費投資連繫式壽險保單。 此保單由 安盛保險 (百慕達) 有限公司 (一家根據《保險公司條例》在香港獲授權的保險公司) 提供。


靈活繳費 理財得心應手

雋銘提供不同的目標供款年期選擇;目標供款年期指您 同意在此期間繳付定期保費。您可選擇的目標供款年期 由10年至20年不等,或可選擇25年或30年較長的投資 年 期 ; 惟 所 選 擇 的 目 標 供 款 年 期 必 須 最 遲 在 您 75歲 ( 按 上一個生日所屆年齡計算)時完結。在申請投保時所確 定的目標供款年期,將不可更改。 目標供款年期屆滿時,您可選擇保留您的保單,並繼續 投資以獲取潛在增長;惟有關潛在增長會受市場風險影 響。目標供款年期結束後,即毋須再繳付定期保費。如 您選擇在目標供款年期後保留您的雋銘保單,則須繼 續支付適用之保單收費,詳情載列於第8頁費用及收費 一覽表。

除港元外,雋銘保單亦可以美元、歐羅及英鎊簽發。 以其他貨幣簽發的保單,其最低定期保費金額將按照 本公司不時釐定的匯率計算。請向您的理財顧問查詢 有關詳情。

• 一筆過投資保費
您可在保單生效期間內,隨時繳付一筆過投資保費以 增加您的投資。您所繳付的一筆過投資保費會預先扣 除7%的保費費用,餘額將根據您所揀選的投資選擇以 名義性質分配單位至保單內。本公司將徵收其他定期 保單收費。詳情請參閱第8頁費用及收費一覽表。 現 時 一 筆 過 投 資 保 費 的 最 低 金 額 為 9,600港 元 / 1,200美元/1,200歐羅/768英鎊。

• 定期保費
各目標供款年期的最低定期保費金額各異;只要您的 定期保費金額符合相關要求,您可自選定期保費的金 額,以設計個人投資組合。您可選擇以每月、每半年 或每年繳費模式繳付您的定期保費。有關詳情,請參 閱下表。 您的定期保費毋須預先扣除保費費用。您所繳付的定 期保費將根據您所揀選的投資選擇以名義性質分配 單位至保單內,但您的保單將被徵收相關定期保單收 費。有關詳情載列於第8頁費用及收費一覽表。 現時的最低定期保費如下: 目標供款年期 (年) 10 – 14 15 – 19 20、25或30 最低定期保費(港元) 每月 2,000 1,500 1,000 每半年 12,000 9,000 6,000 每年 24,000 18,000 12,000

在保單日期起計首18個月後,您可因應個人財務需 要,調低定期保費;惟調低後的定期保費金額仍須符合 載列於第2頁保費類別之相關最低定期保費之規定。於 調低定期保費後,您仍可將有關保費調升至保單簽發時 所定的定期保費金額,惟有關申請需獲本公司批准。若 您希望將定期保費調升至高於保單簽發時原定的金額, 則必須投保一份新的雋銘保單。 調低定期保費並不會減少保單管理費的金額,因為保單 管理費乃根據您在保單簽發時所定的定期保費金額而釐 定。詳情請參閱第8頁費用及收費一覽表。


在保單日期起計首18個月後,您可申請保費假期以暫停 繳付定期保費,惟保單戶口價值必須高於相關的最低戶 口結餘要求。您的保單在保費假期內仍然生效,並須繼 續支付相關的保單收費。 現時最低戶口結餘的金額要求如下: 適用期間 在您所選的目標 供款年期內 在您所選的目標 供款年期後 最低戶口結餘 保單簽發時所定的 每月定期保費 x 18 12,000港元/1,500美元/ 1,500歐羅/960英鎊 無論您有否恢復繳付定期保費,於保單生效期內仍須繳 付相關的定期保單收費。若您的雋銘保單出現於第12頁 寬 限 期 所 載 的 相 關 情 況 , 將 享 有 31天 的 保 單 收 費 寬 限 期。若在寬限期完結後尚未繳清保單收費,保單將予終 止,而本公司將收取提早贖回費。詳情請參閱寬限期、 保單終止及費用及收費一覽表。 在保費假期期間,因暫停繳交保費及仍須 繼續支付保單 收費,導致戶口價值減少,繼而減低身故賠償及長期客 戶獎賞之金額。若您的保單戶口價值不足以支付相關保 單收費,則行使保費假期或會導致您的保單終止。 請注意,行使保費假期可能對您達致投資目標的能力構 成負面影響。因此,保費假期較為適合作短時期使用, 以助您解決暫時性的財政困難或需要。

維持最低戶口結餘在於決定(i)可否行使保費假期及(ii)可 否提取部份款項而不會導致保單終止。若我們對最低戶 口結餘的金額作出任何調整,我們會預先於1個月前向 您發出書面通知。 若您的戶口價值在保費假期期間下跌至低於相關的最低 戶口結餘,保費假期即告完結。屆時,我們會通知您恢 復繳付定期保費。

提取部份款項 周轉應急

您在人生不同階段,或有特定的財務需要。在雋銘保單生 效期內,您可隨時提取部份戶口價值;惟緊隨提取部份款 項後,餘下的戶口價值必須符合相關最低戶口結餘水平。 本公司將不會就提取部份款項收取任何提早贖回費。 然而,倘若戶口價值因為提取部份款項而降至低於相關 最低戶口結餘,保單將予終止;若保單因此於目標供款 年期內終止,將會被徵收提早贖回費。 倘若戶口價值及後因為市場波動而降至低於相關最低戶 口結餘,您的保單將會繼續生效。 現時提取部份款項的最低金額為2,000港元 / 250美元 / 250歐羅 / 160英鎊。 提取部份款項會導致戶口價值減少,繼而減低身故賠償 及長期客戶獎賞之金額。


調整投資策略 輕而易舉

雋銘為您提供多項投資選擇,助您涉足不同行業和市 場,網羅不同資產類別,包括股票、債券和貨幣市場, 讓您既可輕鬆地透過不同市場分散投資,亦同時為您的 投資組合平衡風險。有關現時提供的投資選擇內容已載 列於投資選擇簡介。 您可因應個人投資計劃而訂立獨有的組合分配。根據現 時規定,您可揀選高達10項投資選擇;惟每項投資選擇 的最低分配比重為投資額的10%。本公司保留日後更改 投資選擇數目上限及最低分配比重限制之權利;屆時, 本公司會預先於1個月前向您發出書面通知。 您所繳付的保費於扣除7%的保費費用(只適用於一筆過 投資保費)後,會根據您最近期的投資選擇分配指示, 投資於各投資選擇之相關參考基金。以保費購入的資產 乃由本公司擁有。您並非投資於此等參考基金,亦對此 等參考基金並無任何權利或擁有權。 在您的雋銘保單內,就投資選擇分配於保單內的單位屬 名義性質,僅用作釐定您的雋銘保單之戶口價值。 投資選擇 的單位價格及投資表現乃參照相關參考基金的 價格及投資表現而計算。 雋銘的回報將受雋銘的保單收費所影響,並有可能低於 參考基金的回報。如參考基金表現欠佳,或會進一步擴 大您的投資虧損,而一切收費仍將被扣除。 雋銘所提供的各個投資選擇的特點及風險狀況或會有很 大差異,部份可能涉及高風險。您應當仔細閱讀載於參 考基金的銷售說明書中的風險因素、投資及借貸限制, 本公司備有參考基金的銷售說明書,可應要求以供參 閱。

本公司可不時新增投資選擇。投資選擇亦可暫停或終 止;有關理由包括(但不限於)參考基金的投資經理終止 參考基金或參考基金不再提供參考基金的單位價格。 在此等情況下,我們將按照監管規定而向您發出書面通 知,讓您能夠轉換投資選擇又或將新保費調配至其他可 供選擇的投資選擇。 若我們在書面通知指定的日期前並未接獲您的轉換指示 或新分配指示,我們將會代您選定一項或多項投資選 擇,並把受影響投資選擇中的單位調配至我們所選定的 其他投資選擇。我們將揀選的投資選擇屬於投資選擇簡 介所載短期債券及貨幣市場類別;揀選該類別的原因, 乃其波幅較其他資產類別為低,加上其所需承受市場、 貨幣及其他風險水平亦相對較低。

您可能需要不時調整您的投資策略。為配合您不同需 要,只要您的雋銘保單符合下列條件,您便可靈活調配 投資選擇的投資分配比例,或更改所選定的投資選擇: 1. 現時最低轉換金額為2,000港元/250美元/250歐羅/ 160英 鎊 。 本 公 司 保 留 日 後 更 改 此 最 低 轉 換 金 額 之 權利。屆時,本公司會預先於1個月前向您發出書面 通知;及 2. 現 時 , 每 份 保 單 在 轉 換 投 資 選 擇 後 的 投 資 選 擇 數 目 上 限 為 10項 。 您 所 選 擇 轉 入 之 每 項 投 資 選 擇 的 最 低 分 配 比 重 為 轉 出 金 額 的 10%。 本 公 司 保 留 日 後 更 改投資選擇數目上限及最低分配比重限制之權利。 屆時,本公司會預先於1個月前向您發出書面通知。 本公司目前豁免收取轉換費。然而,本公司保留日後收 取不高於轉出金額1%的轉換費之權利。屆時,本公司 會預先於1個月前向您發出書面通知。


額外獎賞 為您的投資增值

為答謝您選擇投保雋銘,於保單生效期間,只要您的每 月定期保費不少於1,500港元(或同等幣值的美元/歐羅/ 英鎊),我們會於每次收訖首年定期保費後,把首年獎 賞存入您的保單。 首年獎賞的計算方法為定期保費乘以首年獎賞百分率。 首年獎賞百分率如下: 每月定期保費 (港元) 1,500 至

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...Google 1 Google Modern Business 07.12.2013 Jawaher Al Maari Rana Al Khunini Ghalia Al Othman Fahdah Al Jebali Nada Al Jeraisy Hanan Al Yemni Supervised by/ Miss Ghada Al Mazroa 2 Google Table  of  Contents   3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 INTRODUCTION PRODUCT  SERIES GOOGLE  SEARCH SEARCH  FEATURES  DEVELOPMENTS TIME  LINE GOOGLE  THE  COMPANY ·  1995 ·  1997 ·  1998 ·  1999 ·  2000 ·  2001 ·  2002 ·  2004 ·  2005 ·  2006 ·2007 ·2008 ·2010 ·2011 ·  2012 ·  2013 15TH  BIRTHDAY GOOGLE’S  CHALLENGES GOOGLE’S  TRANSLATION  PROBLEM GOOGLE  FIXED  THE  PROBLEM OUR  OPINION CONCLUSION REFERENCES Google 3 Introduction Google Inc. was born in 1998. Larry and Sergey the founders of “Google” named Google a play on the word “googol,” the mathematical term 1 followed by 100 zeros. (Google inc. ) Google Company went through a lot and began in a noticeably young life. Ever since Google was founded, it has grown to serve Millions of users around the world. Product  Series   When Larry and Sergey were only a Ph.D. students at Stanford University. They combined Google as a private owned company. However, an initial public offer took place afterwards on August 19,2004. Afterwards, Google moved to Mountain View, California. Their head office was placed there with the nickname Googolplex. It grew intensely since incorporation has triggered...

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...Company Overview In the beginning, Google was nothing more than a research project developed by two Stanford graduate students. In 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page had developed a search engine with a unique method of ranking search results. As the need for a relevant search engine on the internet became clearer and clearer, Brin and Page registered the domain in 1997 and officially formed Google, Inc. on September 7, 1998. Google had an advantage over other search engines at the time because their search results were ranked in a relevant manner; based on the number of sites linking to each specific page. Because of the high quality search results and their simple approach to searching, Google’s popularity has grown substantially over time. Along with their growth in popularity, Google has grown to employ more than 10,000 people worldwide, while also being ranked as the best company to work for by Fortune Magazine. The term ‘google’ was derived from a misspelling of the word ‘googol,’ which refers to 10100, and the name stuck. Also, due to the popularity of the world ‘google,’ Merriam-Webster added the term to their dictionary defining google as “to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet.” As ‘googling’ things became more commonplace, Google’s revenues grew tremendously through the use of advertisements. Although Google’s advertising revenues have risen every year in the past five years, Google went public on August 19, 2004...

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...Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics Google: searching for value Ronald Kuntze The University of Tampa Erika Matulich The University of Tampa ABSTRACT Google is a company well known for providing a unique work environment for employees that provides plenty of benefits. However, these benefits come at a significantly higher cost structure. Are these costs worth it? How does providing value to the employee also provide value to the firm and to the customer? Can employee value be sustained during recessionary times? Keywords: Google, value, employee benefits, human resources Google: Searching for Value, Page 1 Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics Introduction The Google search engine has become so popular that it is now listed as a verb in the dictionary (Merriam-Webster 2009). The American Dialect Society members voted “Google” as the most used word of the year 2002 (Google, Google Milestones, 2009). Co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while students at Stanford University, Google was incorporated as a privately held company in 1998 (Google, Google Milestones, 2009) and is a textbook example of modern ‘employee-centric’ policies and benefits. Google has come a long way from its modest beginnings as a university project called the Backrub (Google, Google Milestones, 2009) to a billion-dollar company; but they have retained the collegiate vision of creative campus-like corporate environs and unparalleled employee perks...

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...Google mission and Business model Google mission statement is very simple and clear. “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. Their vision for google is to make the search engine commanding so that understand “everything in the world” (Google) Google’s business model is Business Model Canvas. This model provides key information on the strategy of Google’s business. Google who is recognized as one of the top leading technology company in the world and one of the most widespread search engines on the internet that is used by many. Because Google is one of the most widely used search engine which attracts advertisers to Google services in order for them to reach a higher populated online users. According to, Google reported consolidated revenues of $18.10 billion year ending 2014. The network paid clicks are ads served on Google relating to ads increased 14%. Another stream of income that Google generates is from Cost-Per-Click which is when advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their advertisement. This also increased by 6 percent in the 4th quarter of 2014. Google will continue grow and revolutionize its business model as technology consistently change and people become more creative. The people who work for Google are those that do not have a single mind set. They must have the capacity to manage different task and those that have the potential to be future leaders....

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...3/3/2016 Google: The World’s First Information Utility? ­ Springer 4 How Google innovates Innovation at Google has been internally focused on building an IT infrastructure that is robust and enables easy creation of new products and services. Going forward, the information utility will require more externally­ oriented innovation focused on supporting external developers and customer applications. But how does Google foster the innovation that leads to new applications? This is an important question because most companies cannot expect to imitate its IT infrastructure, but they can imitate its innovation strategies. Google uses the following four strategies. 4.1 Explicit focus on R&D Google’s extraordinary revenue enables it to have a luxury few firms can enjoy today – an R&D lab that focuses on developing revolutionary hardware and software ideas along with complementary services. More than one­half of the company’s employees are engineers and scientists, and there might be hundreds of projects in development at any given time. Many prototypes are made available on the lab’s website for the interested public to download and try in the beta stage. By launching these beta products and services publicly to be tried out, Google can see which ones take off, get feedback, and incrementally improve them without having to scrap a product that might take off with further development. 4.2 Acquisition of talented people Google is among the most active high­tech companies in hiring top ...

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...Google Google is founded by two Stanford University Ph.D. students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google the search engine original named is BlackRub. It takes the name from a play on word Googol- the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, a reference to huge amount of data online. Google mission was: “to organize the words information and make it universally accessible and useful.” In recent year, Google had expand to many different field and become a multinational technology company that specialize in Internet-related services and products. Which is include online advertising, search, cloud computing, and software. Advertising is one of its main source for profit. Google’s is well positioned in demographics because it has a relatively young userbased. Nowadays, when people asking someone about something that they don’t know, the first word that come to their mind right away is “Google.” This is like a magic that will solve most of the problem. Even when I’m doing most of my research paper, Google is the place that I will go to. Google’s recent stocks are relatively low in a few weeks. However, Google are not really affected by this because most of it profit are coming from the advertising. We can said that Google is well-positioned compared to the downturn of the economy. Google’s political and legal is not going well with some legal issue. Google has faced concern on copyright issues because the company stores copies of third party web pages and images on their servers. In order...

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...Google is probably the most popular search engine used these days. However, are you familiar with the personal data Google collects about people? According to Google’s privacy policy, they collect user data, like personal information that users give them, sign up information, such as, name, email address, telephone number and credit card information, as well as information about the devices that are used to log onto their systems. They also collect information about the services used and how they’re used, as well as IP addresses, and events of use like system errors. Google may also ask you to generate a publicly visible profile which may include your name and photo. However, according to Ian Paul, of PC World Magazine, it is not that simple, Google has our day to day habits, by having access to our calendars, as well as our locations and voices. I’m sure after reading the information above, you were unaware such detailed information was being collected. Well one positive note, Google freely admits, they gather this plethora of information, how they gather it, and how they will use it. Google also satisfies our worries, insuring this information is secure. Google states “we work hard to protect Google and our users from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information we hold” (Policy). According to Dan Rowinski, of Read Write, “Google has one of the largest and most secure clouds in the entire industry” (Rowinski). So how does Google...

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...manage innovation and a balanced scorecard of a business innovation model that describes inputs, processes, outputs, and outcome from generating ideas (Module 5, 2013). The innovation process will be ineffective if leaders attempt to measure the wrong things at the wrong time. Yet innovation has to be measured or else it cannot be managed (Davila, Epstein & Shelton, 2013). A closer look at Google Corporation will be done showing what innovation metrics are relevant to their organization and why. Google Corporation Inputs. Tangible and intangible elements that are devoted to a company’s innovation effort are considered inputs (Davila, Epstein & Shelton, 2013). Google has a very unique corporate culture that’s main goal is to keep employees happy and maintain productivity. It has been documented that a large portion of what Google does is based off of data (Bulygo, 2013). Google has created tests that they use to create an environment that facilitates happiness. This is important because happy employees tend to be more creative and productive. An example of this is at Google every employee is served free breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They tested to see what the optimal lunch line is; it was found to be about three to four minutes. If the line was any longer then employees would be wasting time, any shorter then there was not enough time for employees to meet new people (Bulygo, 2013). Processes. According to Davila, Epstein, and...

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...Executive Summary - The Google IPO The presentation will demonstrate the different types of fund raising process, and focus on the Dutch Auction as why Google chose such method and why our study object chose such method, then illustrate the result by comparing the latest stock price with the original offering price and demonstrating the purpose of raising the equity with the current performance of the company. Case background and Introduction to IPO Google started out as a research project of determining the importance of a website’s based on the number of pages, importance of those pages and number of backlinks by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996. By 1998, the two genius incorporated Google as a privately held company. Along the years of rapid growth of the company, Google decided to go public and released IPO in 2004. IPO process can be divided into 6 stages namely preparation, planning, pre-marketing, marketing, IPO and aftermarket stage. In preparation and planning stage, issuing firm hires an investment bank as a lead underwriter which aligns with other firms to form syndicate in order to bear the risk. During the pre-marketing stage, underwriter put together a prospectus which describes full business disclosure, management team and strategy of the firm as a key document when marketing the firm. The IPO price and share allocation occurs once the key investors’ expressed their interest in terms of their intended price and quantity of shares. During the IPO stage...

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...Google: New-Product Innovation at the Speed of Light 1. Based on the information in this chapter, identify major similarities and differences between the new-product development process at Google versus that found at most other companies. Google follows only five of the eight steps of the new product development process, which are: idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, and commercialization. The new product development process at Google is characterized by being fast, fluent, and without limits. Google encourages their employees to think outside the box and come up with new innovative ideas (idea generation and idea screening step). Then, once they have an idea proposed they send it to testing and start developing their product right away. They are not into having 2-year production and design plans (concept development and testing, and product development step). After this, they try to put a product into use no more than 6 months after development has started (commercialization). In the case of Twitter, they also come up with new ideas and some of them may be put to market without taking too much time developing the product. Similar to Google, Twitter keeps their innovations within the company. Nike is very different to Google. They do follow the eight steps in the new product development and take longer than Google to develop their products. Nike takes longer developing their products because they analyze and study what innovations their...

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...Google has announced its entry into the Mobile Virtual Network Operator and there are a lot of questions and talks around it. This project can have various outlooks to it. Some can argue that it a possible disruption in the industry as Google will refund, in the form of a credit, any money spent on data you didn't use. That's a significant change from the major carriers, whose revenues depend on charging a flat monthly fee for big buckets of data. Introducing this pay as you go service takes data fees into a new territory. But paying only $20 a month for Fi basics and each additional GB of data at $10, is only worthwhile if you already posses a Nexus 6. Project Fi does not offer any contract model so that means you will have to pay $649 for a 32 GB model, to obtain services of Project Fi. One of the main factors which I observed can play a role in Porject Fi’s adoption rate can be the compatibility with other devices and not only one smartphone. Another factor, which can play a role in Google Fi’s adoption rate, is the connectivity itself. Google has planned to start its project in the United States, and for the areas of the northeastern, which has excellent coverage from T-mobile and Sprint, it is a great deal. But if you move to regions like Montana then coverage can be a problem and hence it can play a role in customers adopting to the service. Another factor which can play a role in the adoption rate of this project is the cloud service offered by Google’s Fi as it...

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