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Green Mountain Resort Case Study


Submitted By moverby
Words 597
Pages 3
Running head: Turnover Problem

Green Mountain Resort (Dis)solves the Turnover Problem

Introduction The beautiful Green Mountain Resort was a doomed business from the beginning. As the developer failed, the investment bank took it over to fix it up and resell it to at least get their money from it. However, they fell in love with it and made the decision to create a first class operation. The manager and part owner Gunter had a vision of the first class resort. The one thing that was halting this vision was the problem he faced with turnover. The resort was located in the poorest area of the state. That being said, it is hard to find and keep good help when there is little to choose from. When he did find some great help they quickly moved on for better opportunities, because he just did not have much more than entry level positions being a small business. So the problem he faces is what the turnover creates. Gunter cannot expect to provide outstanding service as he seems to be constantly in training mode. The great employees that he wants to have on staff end up leaving for more opportunity. Case Questions
Change Images used by each

Gunter’s change image was that of a coach. The image or reputation of Green Mountain became that of being an excellent place to obtain training to advance one’s career. Gunter mentors those that provide outstanding service and helps them to become even better.
The hospitality literature’s change image was that of the navigator. It described the turnover as a chronic problem and that something needed to be done to stop the turnover or the resort would fail.
The consultant’s change image was that of the interpreter. He helped Gunter to see the turnover issue as a possible positive instead of a negative. Now the resort attracts and helps develop further highly motivated people which is a win win for both Gunter

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