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Gregor Mendel Research Paper

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Gregor Mendel was a genius of a scientist. He is considered the man who discovered modern genetics. Mendel discovered this 'genetics' one day while working in his garden. He was growing peas in 1856 and he worked with 7 characteristics of pea plants. All including pea shape, pea color, pod shape, pod color, flower color, plant size or height, and position of the flowers. These experiments lasted until 1863. Mendel bred his peas by taking pollen from both of the pea plants and cross breeding them. He has terms as well. "Recessive" and "dominant." The green peas being recessive and the yellow being dominant. He was never a type of person wanting to be recognized for fame. Three decades later, in 1900, three scientist who were doing agricultural research, came across his paper from 1866. …show more content…
Many years later, after Mendel's death, in the 19th century, a man by the name of Charles Darwin came up with an equally wrong theory. This thoery was called pangenesis. Pangenesis is the theory meant that the genetics can change depending on what a person does in his or her lifetime. Therefore, a person's trait can change throughout generations. The reason that Mendel picked pea plants for his experiments was because pea plants can be grown in large numbers all at once while they grow fairly easy. That and their reproduction can be munipulated easily. As a result, the pea plants can either self-polinate, or they can be cross-bred by people. Mendel was able to cross breed the plants as desired and watch them change over many generations. This is how he came up with the idea of the genetic inheritance. With the pod color, in the first generation between yellow pod plants and green pod plants, the pod plants came out green for the F1 generation. In the F2 generation, the yellow pods were in a quarter of this pod plant

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