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Group Experience Paper

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This paper will consist of an overall review of group experiences. It will highlight thoughts, feeling and experiences of a group leader. It also illustrates the thoughts, feelings and experience as a group member. The paper demonstrates different stages of group that was evident in group sessions. This paper reveals the theories, that group members implemented into their sessions, such as Cognitive Behavior, Cognitive Restructuring, Reality and Choice, Adlerian Therapy, and Erickson’s 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. This paper displays various techniques that range from Here and Now, and Homework that was also utilized during groups. This paper provides examples of various stages of group that was evident in group sessions such as, the …show more content…
Although, the group result was positive, there were times in which I had to work through reluctance and anxiety. My theory was Cognitive Behavior Therapy and homework was the technique they were to follow and practice.
Group Member Experience Angela’s topic of discussion was Stress Management, Coping Skills. The topic was interesting, and we covered ways to reduce stress and therefore, the group was engaged. The theory utilized was Cognitive Behavior Therapy and the technique was homework. Ronnie led the group in a discussion on Healthy Eating such as a Vegan Diet. We covered what we eat, how did we develop our ways of eating and what we though of the word diet? Lastly, we learned what type of foods can provide us the proper protein we need. CBT was the theory and again Homework was the technique used.
Doris covered Self Awareness and how we view ourselves and how others view us. She handed out a Basic Self Awareness Assessment and it revealed our strengths and development areas. My thoughts and feelings as a member was instructive, and the group was engaged. The theory, she used was Reality Therapy and the technique was …show more content…
The group discussion took a turn that was compelling, and it was full of emotions, and the women in the group shared experiences due to some type of abuse from a male figure. I think her group theory was Adlerian Therapy and Cognitive Restructuring her technique was Here and Now.
Lacey covered meditation and we completed a meditation technique where we learned how to focus on breathing. He also provided us with a printout of meditation tips. It was refining. Also, his technique was CBT and his theory was Homework.
Donna covered Self Care. We pulled tabs that displayed things we could work on and we shared with each other. It was creative and edifying. Her theory was Reality/Choice Therapy and Homework was her technique as well.
Francine led the group on Erickson’s 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. Her group was illuminative and we all participated as a group and we shared our feelings. We stated where we were as it related to Erickson’s Theory. Additionally, we examined our present stage and determined if we were in the correct stage according to our age. Here and Now was her technique.

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