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Growing Managers


Submitted By shemistan
Words 5522
Pages 23
Q;1: According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and David McClelland’s acquired needs theory identify and justify which needs dominate the 5 team members and the team leader.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory:

Team Leader | Belongingness Needs | Self-actualization Needs | Justifications | Melissa Richardson | HighlyDominating | Moderate to High | * Richardson had personality more like an agreeable person. She was highly dominated by social needs. In belongingness she preferred friendly environment and her acceptance in team and affection as well. For example she kept thinking of pizza lunches and ice cream in Friday afternoons after achieving sale targets. She also preferred to build good communication with her team. When she came at Phoenix she was expecting a protocol from her group members and her boss Campbell. She was so social and friendly that Ruiz did easily convince her to take his resume for higher designation through his good skill of communication or while conversing friendly with her. * She was moderate to high in self-actualization because she was putting her potential to cope with her job. She had a goal too to achieve, she wanted to make phoenix one of the best sales offices but somehow she distracted from her goal and instead fulfilling the requirement of this seat she was trying to accomplish her goal in other means like building good relations with others. |

Team Members | Self-esteemNeeds | Self-Actualization Needs | Justifications | Alex Hoffman | High | High | Hoffman had conscientiousness personality type; he had reliability, conformity and organization. Instead of being social and friendly he was hard working and put in effort to achieve his goals. * Hoffman was high at self-esteem because he was so confident about what he was doing to get maximum sales. He had also a dismissive attitude about others and he was also egoistic and status conscious because he do not like to tell any kind of information unless asked from him. And he refused so clearly to Richardson about contacting with every little mom-and-pop florist as well. * He was high at self-actualization because he was using his full potential to achieve his targets. Being self-actualizer he was self-directed and was independent and resourceful. He was highly missioned in himself and he also enjoys his own company and feels comfortable being alone. |

| Social Needs | Self-esteemNeeds | Justifications | Gregorio Torres | Moderate | Moderate | Torres personality traits were more like an openness to experience person. He liked to be more creative than following the pre-decided lines of doing work. * Torres was a relaxed kind of person. He always talk nicely with Richardson and quite ready to help her. For example, in June when nobody doing his paper works so she asked Torres to do some of his colleague’s reports for them in order to meet their deadline. Richardson also asked him to meet her and a new big buyer to fulfill demands of this customer. He also had good relations in team and he kept convers them in their Spanish language. * He is moderate at self-esteem needs because he was not status conscious and egoist person but he wanted recognition through getting accomplishments by trying new ideas and was willing to change the old ways to grape customer’s attentions. He was confident about his new idea for website to manage customer’s services. |

| Social Needs | Self-esteemNeeds | Self-actualizationNeeds | Justifications | Nick Ruiz | Moderately dominating | Moderately dominating | High dominating | Nick was an extraverted person. He liked to meet new people and was willing to confront others. * He kept interacting people in other departments and asking about their jobs. He also knew about the product from his conversations with customers. He also built good relation with Richardson and convinced her to take her resume for sales post. * He was moderate at self-esteem because he wanted to get recognized through his ability of having lots of knowledge. He was confident about his knowledge which he took from workers while visiting greenhouse in his free times. He was also had self-confidence. * Nick was high at self-actualization because he was ready to put each and every effort to get sales position no matter whatever it took. His attitude proved refreshing to Richardson. He was ready to use his full potential in work and in return seek growth, achievement and advancement in his career. He was so directed, and resourceful. He was highly purposed as well. |

| Safety and Security Needs | Justifications | Chelsea Peterson | Highly dominating | She had a neurotic personality. She was emotionally unstable and out of control. * She was pessimistic and insecure about her job. She was nervous all the time. She was unable to build good relation with her immediate boss and to build her good impression. She criticized others in spite of having look on herself as being unskilled and inexperienced and still thought herself to be eligible for promotion to sales position. As she was openly hostile to Richardson in her first meeting. |

| PhysiologicalNeeds | Justification | Sarah Vega | Highly dominating | She was moderate at agreeableness personality type. The data given for Sarah Vega was not enough to judge her personality exactly. She was not high in any level of Maslow’s hierarchy except at physiological level. Because she was so unconcerned with her work, she often came late and left soon, kept on texting on mobile. She was so careless that her work was piled on her table but she did not bother to do that. She off and on went on leaves for different reasons. Her sales were so uneven. So she just concerned with her basic needs which were fulfilled from her recent designation and she did not need something more than that. |

McClelland’s acquired needs theory:

| Needs of Affiliation | Needs of Achievement | Needs of Power | Justification | Melissa Richardson | High | Moderate to High | low | * Richardson had personality more like an agreeable person. She was highly dominated by social needs. She preferred friendly environment and her acceptance in team and affection as well. For example she kept thinking of pizza lunches and ice cream in Friday afternoons after achieving sale targets. * She was also moderate to high in needs of achievement. She had a goal to make phoenix one of the best sales offices. But she was a little misdirected towards others aspects like building good relationships with team members. She lacked to focus on the requirements of her new designation and through other ways she wanted to achieve her goal. * She was so low in needs of power. She never thought of herself being an authoritative person. As a good leader she must be moderate in needs of power instead of no need of power. The use of power also needed to reshape and remold the team into her terms. | Alex Hoffman | Low | High | High | * Hoffman had conscientiousness personality type. Instead of being social and friendly he was hard working and put in effort to achieve his goals. He was the top sales man in the company and he had earned every reward and perk ColorTech offered. He achieved his sales goals in any case even he had to make phone sales outside his area. * He was so confident about what he was doing to get maximum sales. He did not like to tell any kind of information to others because he liked himself being authoritative person. Even he refused to follow the Richardson’s terms to make high sales and asked her to deal himself in his own ways. * He was very low in needs of affiliation. He was not social and liked being alone. | Gregorio Torres | Moderate | Moderate | Low | * Torres personality traits were more like an openness to experience person. He always talk nicely with Richardson and quite ready to help her. He also had good relations in team and he kept convers them in their Spanish language. * His needs of achievement were moderate because he wanted to perform well but the communication method with customers was going on in the office did not suit him. He wanted to achieve sales through his own idea of website. * He did not want power or to be authoritative on others directly but he wanted to be distinctive from others so he could be powerful in a different way and had privileged than others. So his needs of power were low because he was just had an idea and no practical work was going on. | Nick Ruiz | Moderate | High | Low | * Nick was an extraverted person. He was moderate in needs of affiliation. He liked to meet new people. He also built good relation with Richardson. He kept interacting people in other departments and asking about their jobs. * Nick had high needs of achievement. He was ready to put each and every effort to get sales position. He was ready to use his full potential in work and in return seek growth, achievement and advancement in his career. He was so focused and ingenious in order to achieve his goals. * He was low in needs of power because he did not want to command on others. | Chelsea Peterson | Low | Low | High | * Peterson had a neurotic personality. She was emotionally unstable. She was insecure about her job. Her needs of power were high because these kinds of personalities want to be in power so that they can feel secure. Same case was with Peterson that she got insecure under Richardson and she wanted to get promoted so that she could be more secured and have control on others too. She also felt more insecure when she heard about the promotion of his colleague from the same designation as she had. * She was so low at needs of affiliation because she was not interested in building good relations with others. And in her very first meeting with her new boss she was so argumentative in her behavior. * She was low at needs of achievement too because he was not putting effort in her work to achieve something she was just criticizing others. She did not have some goals to achieve. | Sarah Vega | Moderate to low | Low | Low | * She was moderate in agreeableness personality. She was just fulfilling her basic needs from this job. She was moderate to low in needs of affiliation/social in the office with boss and her colleagues. She was not concerned more what is going on in the office or with the office work. * She was low in needs of achievement. She was not interested to put special effort to do her work even her work was compiling on her table and she did not bother to complete that. She did not have some kind of goal related to her job. * She was so low in power too. As she did not want growth so no needs of power were existed in her. |

Q.3) Explain and justify how can Melissa Richardson use the Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory to improve her team’s performance, lead them effectively and motivate them?
The Expectancy theory states that employee’s motivation is an outcome of how much an individual wants a reward (Valence), the assessment that the likelihood that the effort will lead to expected performance (Expectancy) and the belief that the performance will lead to reward (Instrumentality)
Effort performance Rewards Individual goals
As given in the case study some of the team members cannot put their efforts for better performance so the following steps should be taken by Melissa Richardson by using victor Vroom’s expectancy theory to improve her team member’s performance. 1. Alex Hoffman: As Hoffman was the top salesperson in the company, and he had earned every award & received every perk ColorTech offered. As a top seller Alex show dismissive attitude and resistance to sell new stem products. So Melissa Richardson should clearly define him objectives and the performance necessary to achieve them and also tie performance to rewards. 2. Gregorio Torres: Gregorio is account representative; he seems uninterested in discussing his sales performance. But he has much creative ideas about customer service website. He also understands product and customer services, so Melissa Richardson can use Pygmalion effect to motivate and improve his performance. 3. Sarah Vega: Sarah Vega is an account representative and was new to sales. Sarah Vega is unfocused and distracted by events outside of the work. She had uneven performance and often late or absent from the office. So Melissa should persuade her to get training to improve her job performance and also making her responsible and motivating her by praising. 4. Chelsea Peterson: Chelsea is a store merchandiser and has hostile relationship with her boss Melissa. She is more interested in sales position when opened, but have no experience & skills. However Melissa can motivate Peterson by telling her that hardworking, capable and a good performer will lead to sales position. So giving her training and helping her would be best for her. 5. Nick Ruiz: Nick is also a store merchandiser. He is very enthusiastic & knowledgeable person. Ruiz had apparently expressed interest in joining the sales team and he is ready for sales position when open. Melissa can motivate him by making him believe that whatever she says she will do.
Giving training those who need, using Pygmalion effect, praising rewarding, helping those who had low performance and making her team to believe her and respect and follow her would motivate her team.

Q.4) Using the Reinforcement theory of motivation explain and justify which reinforcement technique(s) Melissa Richardson should use to motivate each of the 5 team members. What might be the pros and cons of using a particular reinforcement technique for each team member?
Richardson should communicate to the team about the desired behaviors expected from them and undesired behaviors they should avoid.
Alex Hoffman Reinforcement Techniques | Ways to Motivate | Pros | Cons | Positive reinforcement Avoidance Reinforcement | As he is the go-getter top sales person in the company and has always achieved his sales targets he should be motivated by giving him praise, promotion, increased status and increasing the control over the job which offers challenge, or bonuses.Although he was a top sales person yet he has a dismissive attitude and used to ignore Richardson and never showed respect towards her. He was unpleasant, rude and argumentative. To increase the desired behavior Richardson can do so by setting strong routine rules, warning him that his negative behavior will be documented in his reviews, reprimanding or nagging him until he shows the desired behavior. | * He will tend to repeat the same behavior in order to gain appreciation & reward because he is driven by commissions. * It’s the best motivator that would increase his productivity & performance. * It will build his confidence. * Will increase the employee morale. * Nagging, and reprimanding may generate and improve his work performance & behavior. | * Too much positive reinforcement can lead to fatigue or praise overload which can diminish the desired results and performance expected from the Hoffman. * Positive reinforcement that is administered haphazardly can also cause problems, as the employees receive the same signals no matter what they do, which reduces the power of the signals. In case of Hoffman he used to behave as he wants. * It does not encourage employees to strive beyond the minimum levels required. * Creates a stressful environment for the employee. | Punishment | As Hoffman deliberately defies Richardson and chooses to disobey a direct order, and not to contribute his fair share of effort to the team Richardson can Motivate him to listen to her and follow her directions by cutting down his incentives, fining, taking away the perks. | * Cutting down the incentive may correct his behavior, so here incentive acts as a catalyst to change the behavior of the employee. | * More Hostile attitude towards the manager. * He will be less motivated when he will be not receiving any incentives. * He can quit his job. |

Gregario Torres Reinforcement Techniques | Ways to Motivate | Pros | Cons | Positive Reinforcement Avoidance Reinforcement | As he was innovative and has so many creative ideas Richardson should motivate him for that by giving him praise and appreciating him, encouraging him, accepting his idea and creativity.As his sales were low Richardson can motivate him through avoidance reinforcement too by pressurizing or nagging him to achieve his sales targets in a given time periods and telling him if he does so he will receive a reward. And if he continues to underperform she can also punish him. | * It’s the best motivator that would increase his productivity & performance. * It will build his confidence. * Appreciating him would drive him more towards the success and will increase the employee morale. * He will try his best to achieve the sales targets and will improve his performance to seek a reward. | * Appreciating him just on his ideas can make him not achieve his sales target. * This will create a negative condition in which he will be subjected to an unpleasant situation. |
Nick Ruiz Reinforcement Techniques | Ways to Motivate | Pros | Cons | Positive Reinforcement | He was a merchandizer who is a capable person, enthusiastic and knowledgeable his performance was good, based on the performance Richardson can motivate him by giving him a sales position or rewarding him on his performance through bonuses etc. | * He will tend to repeat the same behavior in order to gain new position and growth. * It would increase his confidence, productivity, morale & performance * He can come up with creative ideas. | * Giving him a sales position or promoting him can arise conflicts among the team members on the basis of seniority and tenure issues. |

Chelsea Peterson Reinforcement Techniques | Ways to Motivate | Pros | Cons | Positive reinforcementAvoidance Reinforcement | Although she has a low performance and lacked the skills and experience she can be motivated by taking training courses to gain skills and improve the performance, and continuous motivation and encouragement by the manager to work hard can make her perform well.She is a pessimistic person hostile in behavior and don’t pay attention towards the direction given by Richardson. So Richardson can motivate her by reprimanding her to change her behavior and be cooperative with the team or also she can nag her to complete her tasks. | * Performance can increase. * Employee morale will increase. * Negative attitude can end * She might change her hostile behavior to avoid more severe consequences and punishment. | * Even after taking training courses she might not be able to develop the skills and increase the performance. * she might only do the work just too attain a reward or perk and when anything is not given to her then she won’t pay attention to work * She will tend to exert the minimum effort necessary to keep herself out of trouble. * It does not encourage employees to strive beyond the minimum levels required. * If negative reinforcement involves excessive anger, or threats, the person who's responsible for it could face legal repercussions. |

Sarah Vega Reinforcement Techniques | Ways to Motivate | Pros | Cons | Avoidance ReinforcementPunishment | As she was totally non-serious about her work and used to come late and take leaves more often. Richardson can motivate her by reprimanding or warning her and telling her to come on time and get serious about the work. Having strong rules about the work timings can make the employees to come in time. Also she can warn her about “writing her up” and documenting lateness (i.e., give a negative response to the employee no one wants to be written up), telling her if she completes her targets and work overtime within the five days of the week then she can get a day off.Even after warning if she doesn’t come on time and stays non serious towards her work then Richardson can motivate her by cutting her work hours (i.e., take away money/income from the employee), taking away $1.00 per minute late from her paycheck, giving her a “bad” work shift or putting her on overtime. (i.e., give a bad thing to the employee: a late at night or when the employee doesn’t want to work, a time when no customers come in, etc)” or can fire her. | * She will come on time and will improve her performance. * She might change her attitude and becomes serious to avoid the danger of losing job. | * She will tend to exert the minimum effort necessary to keep herself out of trouble. * She is least bothered even after warnings. * Hostile attitude towards the manager. * Creates a stressful environment for the employee. |

Q.6: What did Melissa Richardson do right when she started her new job? What mistakes did she make? What might have helped Melissa Richardson get off to a better start?

Richardson did right when she started this job:
When she came and joined the Phoenix office which was headquarter of the ColorTech company, she did so many things right. 1. When she reached the Phoenix office she took stock of her office and the supplies she would need, and made a few notes of them. 2. The next that was Saturday she returned to the office to order everything in her office so that when she will be on work at Monday she could officially start the office. 3. On the Friday when she was near to leave the office, Richardson took a quick tour of the area where her salespeople worked. Nobody was at work that day and it was only four o’clock except for the receptionist and a few administrative staff. So she got an idea at the very first day that her team needed to get into shape. 4. On the Saturday when she was arranging her office for the Monday Richardson assembled some basic information on her team that could be helpful for her to better understand her team and would be beneficial for the effective communication for reshaping her team. 5. She was so enthusiastic in doing her work at the new place as a sales manager in Phoenix. So she didn’t waste her time to call for a meeting with her team and to tell them what her goal was. 6. Then she arranged one on one talk with her each team member for better communication and after that she made some more notes on her team members about their personalities and interests. 7. She had been reading leadership books on her own and started to develop her vision and ways to share with her team.
Richardson’s mistakes she made:
As she did lots of good things she also did some mistakes at Phoenix. 1. From the very starting day she got to know that her team is not in shape but she didn’t took any steps to reform their behaviors. 2. The second mistake she did that she arranged a meeting in urgency at the very first day without informing in advance even after knowing that her team was not in shape and ordered. 3. She conducted a bad presentation because she could not transfer her goal to her team. 4. Another mistake she did was that she had not noticed the product ready for the customers was placed in wrong pots. This mistake would mean the team would be charged for emergency repotting costs as well as discounts offered as compensation for delayed delivery if they did not act quickly. 5. She did not have “we” perspective so that her employees could feel that they are on the same side. 6. Richardson was accused for the gender discrimination at the working place and this was claimed by Chelsea Peterson, one of her store merchandizers. And this was might be due to the communication gap between a leader and her team members. 7. She did not get any kind of knowledge about paper work and management issues which was required for this sales manager’s seat. 8. When she was given to prepare a quarterly report she took a previous quarterly report as a reference and then rebuked by her regional manager Campbell for this act. She did not take information on it because her predecessor was fired from this seat due to falsifying these reports by using previous data. 9. She was not focused on her goals instead focusing other unimportant work. 10. She did not decide the means to achieve goal in three month time period. 11. She did not have some kind of preparation for contingency situations. 12. She was not democratic at all. She did not have guts to take her member to move with her to achieve goal.
Some steps which might help Richardson get off to a better start: 1. She should have taken some steps in the start to reshape the team member’s behavior so that she could remold them into her interests and for the good of the office reputation at phoenix. 2. She should inform to the receptionist on Friday for meeting so that receptionist could convey the message to the members. And consequently all could be at meeting in time. In this way she might be able to communicate with them in an effective way. 3. If she went through each area which was in her supervision she could save herself and her team members from extra costs that was charged from repotting in emergency and discounts offered as compensation for delayed delivery. Because each big-box customers received plants in plastic pots that showed its unique bar codes for price scanning and inventory management. 4. After misunderstanding with Chelsea Peterson about job promotion she that this kind of misunderstanding existed in the environment than it should be clarified at the spot and should pay equal attention to all the team members, but there was a lack from the Richardson if she covered it ingeniously she could save herself from accusation on the gender discrimination. 5. From the start if she kept focused on the goal and decided the way that how to achieve that goal and assign duty everyone in a more leadership style that definitely help her towards a better start towards success. 6. If she already understood her job requirements like paper work, management issues and process covered in the classes then she would be able to better handle paper work assigned from her regional manager. 7. If she would have an authoritative and leadership attitude with her team members then she could be able to move to betterment in achieving goals and for her job too.
So she could prove herself a very effective sales manager after performing her role ingeniously. But in the she pictured the Friday afternoon pizza lunches and ice cream cart celebration she would sponsor when they exceeded their quarterly sales goals. But as a leader she should have to do something more right and important then thinking about a treat was reasonable.

Q.7) Critique Melissa Richardson’s first meeting. How could she have made a stronger impact on her team that first day? Recommend some ways which will help Melissa Richardson build her team effectively?
We all know that Richardson first meeting wasn’t effective at all firstly her team members were informed of the meeting just an hour before. She should have informed them early or in advance like when she visited her office on Friday she could have told the receptionist to inform every one of the meeting that would held on Monday morning. Because as Campbell wasn’t there to introduce her to the staff. She should have come more prepared with a more detailed speech instead of short speech that would have made a stronger impact on the members. But due to her short unproductive speech no one was interested whatever she was saying and she felt a tension in the air. She should have taken an orientation or should have asked for it. Initial team meetings are where expectations are set, a feeling process occurs, and opinions get formed. She could have made a stronger impact on the team if she would have set a supervisory tone, established initial credibility, clearly communicated confidence in the new position and moreover first meeting is not about telling your team things — it’s about you asking your team questions and listening so instead of just speaking and telling she would have made her team members speak and listened to them and asking them about * The individual and team goals * Most important things for them to achieve this year * Hurdles that would come in their way to achieve their goal * Challenges they are facing * Their expectations and their sales strategies
By doing this she would have made a strong connection with the members because this way she would have involved them in her speech and discussing goals and if any person didn’t have clear goals for the year, she should have planned on establishing them fairly soon. It’s way easier to manage people if they have clear goals. And knowing each everyone would have helped her to achieve success.
Recommending ways Richardson can build her team effectively:
As a manager, Richardson is to make her group more productive than it would have been without her. Focusing her energy from the first day on the things that only she, as a manager, can do. She is the leader. She is responsible for training and developing her people and for building them into a team. To build her team effectively and have a positive impact on the team it only takes insight into three key areas: Alignment, Motivation, and Performance. * Team should have a sales process and set goals, but it works best to align those organizational goals to the team. * Setting general routine rules and guidelines for the team members would make them more efficient and effective. For example Richardson didn’t say anything to Sarah when she used to come late there should be strong rules of coming on time and sharing ideas. * Relationship building is the most fundamental element of leadership. Establishing strong relationships with people enables them to trust and respect you, in turn giving them a reason to follow your lead. * Inspiring employees to work together to develop solutions to company problems. A manager who does not promote teamwork develops a staff that is apathetic toward working together. * Stressing teamwork and cooperation; emphasizing open and candid communication both ways; and the no surprises rule (if they have problems or Difficulties, they should be brought to the new managers attention). * Appraising the team as a whole and individually. And reward them in a social format that brings out the best in them in a way that inspires everyone. * The most important part of her job is to motivate her employees. Start that from day one. She should find numerous ways to motivate the team members. Give them positive feedback when she can and negative feedback only when she must. * Placing a high priority on coaching will build confidence and drive production for the team better and faster than any other single practice. * Give flexibility to team members on how to meet their work goals, encourage employees to make suggestions and give creative ideas. * Learning how to deal with problem or resentful employees.

Q.8) In your opinion who is at fault for Melissa Richardson’s poor performance as a Sales manager and Team Leader?
The team leaders are those who can lead and direct without misuse of their power. They must be able to inspire others in a direction or greater good. They must be strong enough to stand firm in decision making and leading others without an egotistical attitude. A great team leader will encourage others to brain storm and contribute to the whole. They also lead by example and intelligently. However, with reference to case study Melissa Richardson is not a good team leader as she did not know how to lead, direct or inspire her team members. For example the behavior of Alex Hoffman is very rude towards her but she did not take any action. Some as the one of other team member Sarah Vega who did not pay full attention towards her work and much busy with her cell phone. She also comes late on work but Melissa didn’t do anything for her this type of behavior. The sales manager is the person responsible for leading and guiding a team of salespeople. A sales manager's tasks often include assigning sales territories, setting quotas, mentoring the members of her sales team, assigning sales training, building a sales plan, and hiring and firing salespeople. Because a sales manager's compensation is tied to how many sales her team makes, she's highly motivated to get her salespeople producing. This often leads to a scenario where she micromanages her sales team, hanging over their shoulders and constantly asking for updates. As a sales person, Richardson had not been exposed to many of the management issues, paperwork, and processes covered in the classes of the manager training course. Legal issues related to human resource had been stressed repeatedly, but Richardson had little confidence in her understanding of the risks and requirements. One of the other reason of her poor performance as a sales manager is that her regional manager didn’t give her information about the duties and responsibilities of her new job. Due to all above issues she shows a poor performance as sales managers.

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...from Australia, South Africa and California. Their strengths are: better marketing, lowercosts, modern production techniques and increasingly good quality. Château Margaux has to reinforce its position if it wants to stay one of the leaders on the prestigious market of wines. China seems to be an alternative to Château Margaux. There is a keen interest in food and wine in China. The consumption of wine is massive and the development of the wine industry could be very promising. Indeed, Paul Pontallier, general manager of Château Margaux, said China is the world's fastest ever growing wine market and the company aims to position Château Margaux at the very top. What we plan is to position Château Margaux as a luxurious wine leader in China. For future, what we expect is that China represents Château Margaux’s second largest market the first next year and may become the first one from the two next years. Moreover, Gao Ming, vice president and Shanghai general manager of Ruder Finn Asia, claims that China is looking for prestige and luxury, that’s why Chinese luxury consumers would appreciate such a prestigious brand. (By: Erica Ng, China – Shanghai, Published: Aug 03, 2010) Château Margaux will keep the high quality and wine characteristics that make its famous reputation. It has to keep its French image, so like this it will be associated to French values and gastronomy, which are really seeking by rich Asiatic people. Some will buy because they are connoisseurs, others because...

Words: 327 - Pages: 2

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...Case study: Warbings Office Systems Plc Background Warbings Office Systems is small but rapidly growing company, focusing on delivering and supplying office based products to a target market of small businesses in the U.K. and, increasingly, Europe. As the trend for homeworking continues much of their new business is in supplying office materials to individuals working from home. Currently offering some 18,000 different product lines in store and 39,000 via catalogue ordering, it intends to double its product turnover in the next three years by increasing its web-based ordering capabilities. With the marketing strapline ‘you need it we’ve got it’, Warbings aims to make office supply shopping as easy as possible for customers. Priding itself on being a ‘thoroughly modern company with old traditions,’ Warbings has used technology to evolve into a customer-focused business, striving to give each customer a ‘personal service second to none,’ with a variety of different, but easily accessible, ways of ordering and receiving products tailored to their individual needs. The more cynical of their staff occasionally reflect that the customers even dictate the lavatory breaks and bedtimes of the Warbings’ employees. Graffiti on one of the depot walls, that intriguingly reappears every time it is removed, says ‘you need it we bleed it’ and occasionally ‘Wosp stings’. The Warbings CEO is passionate about delivery and customer care and he is convinced that the way in which...

Words: 2614 - Pages: 11

Premium Essay

Promoting the Wrong Employees

...Lines. They offer widespread services in residential relocation, international moving, office moving, warehousing and distribution, delivery services, and custom logistics solutions to data backup and record storage services to motorcycle transportation. They have multiple locations throughout Central Illinois, St. Louis, MO, Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL (Federal). The Federal Companies corporate headquarters is where the marketing, accounting/finance, billing, human resources, executive management, and information technology departments are located. The key decisions regarding personnel and promotions are decided by the human resources manager and his or her superiors when a position becomes available. When a new management position becomes available, notification is sent to the human resources department from the department manager and research is conducted if there are any internal candidates or if an advertisement is...

Words: 2669 - Pages: 11

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...consultant on a short term basis to set-up appropriate systems in a network. She hasheard about various technologies and the efficiency achieved by computer systems and would welcomeadvice on the acquisition of hardware, software and network items to augment her existing systems inorder to meet the company’s growing needs. The company has a budget of £100,000 for this project. The company currently consists of the following departments (all located in the same open space office): The sales Manager who is responsible for dealing with Maritime companies. She is assisted by asales assistant, equipped with a laptop but with no ability to access the web. This department iscurrently the only one with a connection to the Internet and with access to the company’s commonemail.  The General Manager who is responsible for the general operation of the company. She tradeswith suppliers all over the world in order to ensure the best prices of goods for the company’sMaritime shipping clients. For client communication, she uses plain telephone services and a faxmachine. She keeps all the clients’ invoices in an Excel file that has no access to the web or anybackup devices. The manager recently hired an assistant who was given a modern laptop, butagain with no ability to access the web. The company recently obtained funding to expand its operations. They will soon start hiring more people,and expand in an additional office that is located beneath their current...

Words: 545 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Amgen Analysis

...Summary This case, written by Bill George and Andrew McLean, discusses the company Amgen, a pharmaceutical company based out of Southern California. The company, under its CEO Kevin Sharer, was experiencing high growth, during 2005, and Kevin was looking at ways to keep his company growing into the future. Some of the things he was looking at was shifting the company from a science based pharmaceutical company to a marketing based one, what risks he would have to take to continue high growth, could his executive team keep up with company growth, and how would his leadership style have to adapt to continue growth. Most of all, he was thinking about who would succeed him as CEO. He had spent seven years understudying the previous CEO before taking the reins and he had to start to think about who would be capable enough to takeover for him and led the company into the future. Personal Takeaways - I enjoyed the quote from Kevin Sharer about MCI, “MCI was a highly political place where you had to be a good knife fighter, which I’m not.” I thought the quote was an interesting and maybe extreme take on office politics - I found it interesting that Kevin went to Amgen because he had no experience in the biotechnology field and he openly admitted that it took him his first five years on the job to really learn the technology that the company was producing. - I was impressed with Kevin’s commitment level to his job at Amgen. He had to completely change his ways in order to fit in...

Words: 465 - Pages: 2

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Rec Star

...After taking the Emotional Intelligence Quiz the results indicated an above average score. By definition of the test it claims that the score means better than average scorers may tend to be better at understanding others emotions. When social and emotional conflicts arise a manager who scores in the better than average range handle a stressful and dramatic situations easier. In doing so the manager is in control of the problem. Using personal experiences to help their team cope with a problem could be one of the results as well. Catastrophic events happen to employees and a manger must be there to comfort, listen and put their selves in the employee’s shoes which will show and gain others trust over time. Applying Results as a Manager Some managers seem to forget how it is being at the bottom of the food chain. They tend to get a big head and ego which can result in bigger problems. Being able to relate to your team and understand each individual will only build trust, higher productivity and boost morale. A common problem in a workplace may deal with a manager not getting to know their team which can result in miscommunication and negativity growing among others. From personal experience having a manager who lived in another state who never kept in contact built up a wall of mishaps, less productivity and teammates not getting along. With...

Words: 403 - Pages: 2

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Kudler Fine Foods

...Kudler pretends to continue expanding her business throughout California, although, KFF has been confronting some difficulties lately which are preventing to grow. They are due some lack of strategic plan and not effective management. Furthermore, the company has geographic limitations, high payroll, and elevated cost of inventories for perishable products. Besides all problems cited, the biggest issue in this company is the concentration of administrative tasks held by Kudler such as ordering and selecting products, running to the cash register, hiring and firing employees, and sometimes even stocking the shelves. Consequently, in order to analyze the issues of her organizations, she spends much time doing a job that could be done by a manager. Another issue that is evident in KFF is the geographic limitations which prevent the increase financial chances. The stores (La Jolla and Del Mar) are not apart from each other (just 35 minutes on the freeway) considering that specific market; thus, sometimes they compete by themselves. Despite La Jolla continues being profitable, Del Mar hasn’t been able...

Words: 708 - Pages: 3

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Hbr China

...universities, this amount was growing massively in the period between 1978 and 2012. In 2012 4 million more students enrolled in China than in the United States. This information is really useful but we believe something is missing. There is no explanation of how this could happen and why this growth was so rapidly. So we think that the authors should have explained this part more detailed. In fact, they should have explained what the differences where in the beginning in China compared to the United States and compared that to the differences later. With the help of this information we could have seen why the growth in China was so rapidly and why Chinese people started to enroll at universities. Secondly, we do not agree with the statement: “the best leaders are those with the broadest education in liberal arts”. Liberal arts is education that is not focused on specializing but on the entire package of management. We think that if every manager knows a little bit of everything that the quality of products and services would be relatively low because the managers do not have sufficient knowledge about specialized things, so without that knowledge they are not able to run the company or a specific division. So we think that managers should have specialized knowledge of their division or they should have sub managers who have that knowledge. Because if employees have difficulties or questions they should be able to ask their manager but if the manager is not specialized in that...

Words: 651 - Pages: 3

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Indian Literarture

...\\ ANDHRA PRADESH BEVERAGES CORPORATION LIMITED HYDERABAD RTI ACT INFORMATION HAND BOOK A.P. BEVERAGES CORPORATION LTD., 9 & 10, Proh. & Excise Complex, M.J.Road, Nampally, HYDERABAD-1. 1 ::1:: ANDHRA PRADESH BEVERAGES CORPORATION LIMITED 1.0. INTRODUCTION: The Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited (APBCL) was established in the year 1986 as a fully owned undertaking of the Government, with the main objective of supplying hygienic packed arrack to the licensees and is incorporated under Companies Act,1956. The Corporation had set up 22 field units for carrying arrack operations at capital outlay of Rs. 32.65 crores, various district locations with a total which includes buildings and civil works. The various fixed assets like Plant and Machinery other than buildings valued at Rs. 24.70 crores were transferred to the Corporation in the form of Debt and Equity in the ratio of 2:1. The authorised share capital of the Corporation is Rs.10 Crores and the paid up share capital as on date is Rs.833.37 lakhs. The erstwhile Arrack Bottling units are converted into IML Depots for the wholesale trading activities of IML & BEER. 2.0. OPERATIONS: 2.1. ARRACK PACKING OPERATIONS: (from 1-1-87 to 30-9-93) The Corporation commenced its commercial operations on 1-1-1987 and successfully handled the arrack packing operations from 1.1.1987 to 30.9.93 i.e. till the imposition of ban on arrack by the Government. 2.2. WHOLESALE TRADE OF IML & BEER: (from...

Words: 6218 - Pages: 25

Premium Essay

Situation Analysis

...Campbell and Bailyn’s Boston Office: Managing The Reorganization Situation Analysis Ken Winston, the regional sales manager for the Boston office of Campbell and Bailvn, prepared presentation at the annual year-end meeting of the bond division’s leadership team. Because Boston office was the second largest office in the company, its sales group was used as a bellwether in the new products and management ideas. So, Winston put forward two changes about the company – Key account team (KAT) and a division-wide performance management. Based on these two changes, many salespeople in his division thought they’re unnecessary, even though it may not be work. Campbell and Bailyn’s fixed income division of sales and trading business was the fastest growing unit. It sold three types products. One of the products was the taxable bonds which were the biggest segment and sold mortgage-backed securities, high yield corporate debt, bond futures and options, government securities, and derivative products. Every division has different specialization salespeople. Also, salespeople had powerful customer relationships. Winston’s team included nine salespeople: five generalists and four specialists. Usually, generalists had large expense accounts to nurtured relationships. Specialists managed smaller accounts. Winston wanted to change the generalist team because it lost business to their competitors – lack of detailed product expertise. So, Winston created KAT, it not only increased effectiveness...

Words: 310 - Pages: 2

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Warnings Case Study with Notes

...Case study: Warbings Office Systems Plc Background Warbings Office Systems is small but rapidly growing company, focusing on delivering and supplying office based products to a target market of small businesses in the U.K. and, increasingly, Europe. As the trend for homeworking continues much of their new business is in supplying office materials to individuals working from home. Currently offering some 18,000 different product lines in store and 39,000 via catalogue ordering, it intends to double its product turnover in the next three years by increasing its web-based ordering capabilities. With the marketing strapline ‘you need it we’ve got it’, Warbings aims to make office supply shopping as easy as possible for customers. Priding itself on being a ‘thoroughly modern company with old traditions,’ Warbings has used technology to evolve into a customer-focused business, striving to give each customer a ‘personal service second to none,’ with a variety of different, but easily accessible, ways of ordering and receiving products tailored to their individual needs. The more cynical of their staff occasionally reflect that the customers even dictate the lavatory breaks and bedtimes of the Warbings’ employees. Graffiti on one of the depot walls, that intriguingly reappears every time it is removed, says ‘you need it we bleed it’ and occasionally ‘Wosp stings’. The Warbings CEO is passionate about delivery and customer care and he is convinced that the way in which...

Words: 2640 - Pages: 11