...When a citizen wants to buy a gun in the United States, he must pass a background check. When he passes through airport security, he gives up his right to travel freely for the safety of the group. Even while driving for work everybody gives up the right to travel freely. While he may not realize it, the average man is willing to give up some of his freedom to protect himself from everyday dangers. All the time we give up simple rights due to laws put in place to protect the general public. Everyone is restricted by the law, therefore everyone is safer. In the United States, gun control restricts the buyers, which theoretically leads to the prevention of dangerous people owning guns. When anyone wants to buy a gun, the seller is required to run a background check on them. The check searches for any previous criminal record, and the seller will typically determine whether or not to sell to the person based on the check. This is meant to prevent dangerous criminals from owning firearms, which prevents shooting and gun-related deaths. In order to get a hunting license, one must take a certified hunter-safety...
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...wounded 21 others using weapons purchased from private dealers at a gun show. Part of Columbine’s issues should’ve been prevented if the gun laws in Colorado were enforced properly. Although it wasn't entirely Robyn, Eric, And Dylan's fault, the seller shouldn't have sold the weapons to minors because of this the gun laws were not followed resulting thirteen victims being killed. Gun laws in the United States are enforced to ensure safety to U.S citizens. Many states in the U.S are lenient to...
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...The average police response time to an emergency call in Detroit, Michigan, is 58 minutes. Guns are inanimate objects, and it takes a human to pull the trigger, The gun is not bad the human is bad. People should conceal carry guns because the second amendment of the United States constitution, also people cannot always rely on the police to save them right away, and responsible adults who carry guns most of the time are law abiding citizens. First of all, the second amendment of the United States constitution guarantees the right to bear arms. The second amendment says “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The constitution is the base of America. It is what this country is ran off. We all follow the rules of the constitution everyday freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.” The United States 9th circuit court of appeals ruled in peruta vs San Diego by a two to one vote on June 16, 2015, that the second amendment requires states to permit some form of concealed carry for self-defense outside the home. The constitution says people can have guns to protect themselves, which is the whole reason they were created....
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...Today in the media we hear a lot about guns, especially if a tragic event was caused by guns. All of these events start a debate about the rights to bear arms. It's a subject that has become increasingly heated among citizens and the government a like. One problem solver that is discussed by some americans is gun control, but gun control is not the best solution to stop these tragic incidents from happening. There are many people in the united States that have guns and, taking guns away will frighten millions. There will still be illegal guns in the hand of criminals. Instead we should fix the background check system that provides guns to people that should not have them. Guns are here to stay, and will probably never go away. Burrus from...
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...illnesses and some say it is because of gun control. These violent acts would have never happened if there wasn’t a gun involved. Guns are dangerously powerful weapons of mass destruction that take lives. Lives are not something you can get back, once your dead your dead and that’s why America need gun control. The lives taken everyday by that act of gun violence are hideous. School shootings are becoming more and more common today. School shootings are horrible and shouldn’t be happening. School shootings would not be happening if there wasn’t a gun involved. According to German Lopez, who wrote the article “I’ve covered gun violence for years. The solutions aren’t a big mystery.” “The US makes up less that 5% of the world’s population, but hold 31% of global mass shooters”. That is unacceptable and inconsolable, such a small portion of the world shouldn’t hold that high of a percentage of global mass shootings. Lopez also states, “The Marjory...
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...The right to own a firearm has been in the backbone of American society almost since the beginning of the country itself. Yet, as a country we stand divided on the issue of gun ownership. Guns have been used for hunting and protection since the time of the American colonies. There were laws that required at least one male to carry a gun to church and other public meetings. This was an attempt to stop any robberies from other minorities such as Native Americans, and slaves. The constitution was solidified in 1791 where it says it is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”. In the past we have forbidden the sale of guns to Native Americans, indentured Irish servants, and slaves. However, we allowed certain professions such as doctors,...
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...In the United States, gun control should be enforced because it will decrease suicide deaths. According to Jacob Sullum, ¨Limiting access to guns makes each attempt more likely to fail, thus making it more likely that people will survive and not attempt to harm themselves again¨ (Jacob Sullum). Sullum proves that by keeping guns a difficult item to get, the less suicide attempts there would be. Suicide can only be done once, a bullet can kill you only once. By committing suicide with a gun, everything will happen all at once and effectively. Those who want to take their life away would have an easier time using a gun than using pills or a razor. Gun control will prevent people from being able to purchase a firearm and make it harder for them...
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...Gun Control not Controlling Gun control has been a question for many years. It has only become a big issue in the past decade with the number of mass shootings increasing more and more. Beside mass shootings, 289 people are shot every day, according to NBC News. These numbers are very bothersome and should be lowered greatly. In this essay, I will talk about why gun control needs to be stricter, why guns still need to be available, and solutions to making laws stricter. Brady Campaign says a gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense. Very few people who have a gun to be used in self defense don’t use it at the time of action. Less than 1% of victims in a violent crime protected themselves with a firearm. Therefore keeping guns around for self defense is not a very arguable point. Of the 289 people...
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...Wilson DE english 11 Mr. Edwards 08 March 2018 Gun Control When there is a bombing, society blames the bomber. When there is a drunk-driving accident, society blames the driver. Why, when there is a shooting does society blame the gun? Recently there was a school shooting in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, where a 19-year-old male began shooting at students and faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Nikolas Cruz, the shooter, used a semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle. Cruz obtained this weapon legally in the state of Florida. Which he then used to fire off in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Although this school shooting was a tragedy, the United States does not need to approve more gun control laws. Gun control laws should no be put in place due to the following reasons: banning assault weapons (like the one used in the Douglas shooting) will not reduce crime, gun control laws will not...
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...It is shocking and depressing to ever hear stories about accidental gun deaths or suicide. However, these stories could be diminished with gun laws that make it harder for people to have access to or be around the deadly weapons. There are more than twenty-two million children currently living in homes with guns in the United States. This number becomes a problem when children are uneducated on gun safety and their dangers. Nearly 1,500 children younger than eighteen die from shootings each year. A majority of these death are accidental deaths in a home with a gun (Schaechter). Suicide could also be reduced with tighter gun control. Some gun control laws would make it harder for people with mental health issues to come into possession with...
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...donating money to the National Association for Gun Rights. A website that was made to help stop gun control. The people who have made this website have been working really hard for many years to stop gun control so help support them and many others who are trying to stop gun control and help spread the news. I want everyone to keep their firearm. I want all of you to understand this situation and spread the news. This project will take a long time until we stop getting firearm ban threats. I am hoping that we can all raise money to stop and spread the news about firearm bans Most of us use guns for hunting and target practicing, which we enjoy doing. Most of us own a firearm or want to. We use firearms to put a meal on the...
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...two main points of view when it comes down to gun control laws. There is the side that is for gun control laws and one that is against gun control laws. Many of you may not have had bad experiences with guns and neither have I. What I do know is that we have all heard of the sad stories that have happened near us that include guns. We may not think much of it but, we need to put ourselves in the shoes of those who have lost love ones to the deadly weapon. Now imagine. Your having the best day ever. Nothing has gone wrong with your day, you've aced all your test, your passing your classes. When all of a sudden the office sends a call slip for you, you are leaving school something has happened, your mother? your father? your siblings? What has happened? Your younger siblings school has had a gun attack. Your Little Brother or sister fallen victim. Their in the hospital fighting for their life because of a loose maniac with a gun. Now who was this man?, we don't know. He has a gun licence, does that make it legal? Does it make it okay? NO! Why would an innocent person who has a gun licence shoot elementary school children? Anyone can be murderer! there is no such thing as true safety with a guns. Even having a gun licence doesn't necessarily mean its okay....
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...Farah English 3 Part 2: Why gun ownership should be held more strictly: I, Omar Farah, certify that I have personally completed this assignment based on my own personal efforts. I understand if I use outside sources, I must properly give my source(s) credit using the APA format and my paper should not include more than 20% of direct quotes from other sources. I understand if I do not provide proper credit to outside sources, I will be documented for plagiarism and be required to resubmit a new assignment. I will not divulge the content of this assignment or any of my work, generally or specifically, to any current or future James Madison High School students. 1/4/2015 I chose the topic “Why gun ownership should be held more strictly” because most of our daily news flashes say at least someone was shot and killed or shot and injured. I don’t like this; it is senseless and very sad. We are losing people every day, because someone is using their gun recklessly or leaving it where someone else has access or easily found. I don’t get why people kill people it is just inhumane and against our morals. Guns have very high danger to our country as well as other countries. That is why I pick or chose to write about this topic for my persuasive essay because that is what I see in guns and want people to see it too. I have one question to my reader; do you think guns should be under a stricter law? Honestly, I believe that we should have more stringent gun laws that tell people; that...
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...Gun Control Essay 1 Gun Control Essay 06/14/2015 The right to bear arms is guaranteed in the constitution by the Second Amendment. Many politicians are looking to amend the constitution any way they can to ban handguns or at least Gun Control Essay 2 restrict sales. The argument between pro and anti gun control has been debated for years, both with valid points. Many studies and factual data shows that strict gun control only removes guns from law-abiding citizens, but does not actually help reduce crime. Studies have shown that gun control cannot stop people from committing the crime because if a handgun ban were issued, there is evidence that citizens would not comply with the law, strict gun control does not reduce homicide rates, and studies have found that high crime rates have stimulated purchasing of guns rather than high gun ownership stimulating crime. While the Founding Fathers of this country were developing the system of government, as set forth in the Constitution, many feared that a standing army controlled by a strong central government would leave them helpless. The Federal Constitution contained no provisions to prohibit a standing army or allow states to create their own militias. The Constitution was signed by thirty-nine men from the twelve states represented at the Constitutional Convention on September 17 1787; three delegates refused to sign because of the absence of a bill of rights. Two years later, the First Congress agreed on...
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...Give our police guns! Guns and police do not mix Summary: Arming the police is an idea which has caused much contradiction in many discussions. In the article ‘Give our police guns!’, John Q. Public (2009) argues that police officers need to be armed while doing their duties, however, Miranda Wright (2006) claims that there is no need to arm the police in the article ‘Guns and police do not mix’. This essay will evaluate several main ideas in both of these articles. Firstly, Public points out that arming the police does help protect people. When citizens see police who are carrying weapons, they probably feel safer. Nevertheless, Wright believes that there will be an increase in the amount of weapon usage on duty if police are armed. As a result, police may not use less dangerous ways to catch criminals. Secondly, Public mentions that police needs to have weapons to protect themselves. They mainly use them as a tool to defend rather than to injure criminals. Conversely, Wright emphasizes that it is possible to neglect some fundamental issues of society, so detective work and policing strategies need to be concerned about more than arming the police. Discussion: In these two articles, there is a contradiction between the authors’ ideas. While Public seems to fail to argue the idea about the protection for citizens, the point about police’s self-defense may be persuasive. However, Wright’s explanation about the increase in using weapons is unconvincing while there may be...
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