Premium Essay



Submitted By sportsguy
Words 453
Pages 2
Gun Control- Pro

Gun control is the control of firearms so that crime will go down. Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Most of these, 67 percent or 10,886 were committed with firearms. Even though people have the right to bear arms, as said in The Bill of Rights, there should be laws in place to limit the amount and types of firearms people can own. ( Crime rates in the United States are way too high with most crimes such as robberies, assaults, and murders being committed with a gun. Kids have easy access to most guns that are in the house because they are not properly locked away. Kids may be interested in how the gun works and do not properly know how to use it. Some sort of accident happens where it fires and possibly kills someone . In 1994 Governor Weld of Massachusetts signed a law that banned handguns for anyone under the age of 21.The crime rate in Boston decreased . There needs to be laws in place to restrict the availability and types of guns that are legal to regular citizens. ( Gun Control relates to governmental issues because of the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution. There are two Principles of Democracy that gun control directly is related to, first is Individual Rights and Freedoms because it is a persons right to own any firearm that they so please. It also involves Limited Government. Many people will argue that people have the 2nd Amendment protecting them with the issue of gun control. The 2nd Amendment states that, “we as citizens of the United States of
America have the right to bear arms”; it however ,does not state what type of firearms. Others use the argument of self protection. Statistics show that there is only one cop for every 23,000 people in the United States ( People who are for gun control do

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