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Submitted By OGPanja
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jack jones
English I
11 August 2014 Bleachers
By : John Grisham
1. Ever since Neely Chrenshaw was a little kid he always dreamed about becoming a football superstar. Coach Eddie Rake was going to help him become that. But he wasn't just a regular coach, he would always go hard on the guys, and that's why he won so many games. Because of him Neely Chrenshaw became the best quarterback, and he played for the Messina Spartans. The years have passed, and Neely decided to move somewhere else.
After fifteen yeas Neely comes home to Messina to show his respect to Coach Eddie Rake even though they didn't like each other. Everyone that was on the team, and that was alive wanted to go to the bleachers. Where they were waiting for signal, that was saying that Eddie Rake passed over. Neely wanted to finally forgive his coach, and get that off his chest, so he can move on with his life.

2. The reason that I liked about this book is the details because we can actually feel how the characters felt, and how the writer actually detailed the football game it was so amazing.
The reason that I didn't like this book is because I'm not into these types of books. I prefer scify and mythology.

3. My favorite character is Coach Eddie Rake, because he is such a determined person, he also fights for what's his, and he is such a great person. But not everybody knows that, because he doesn't want to express his feelings dowards others. His passion for football was amazing, and he was best at it.

4. The quote that I really like is from Sherif Mal Brown and he says “You got a lot of friends around here. Ain’t right to run away”. This is not really a moto but I think that this is really important. Because I think that the home is where your friends are. The friends are like your family, there are some that are bad, and there are some that are really amazing.

5. My strongest reason for recommending this book is that if you're a big fan of football you will really like this book. And also if you are a fan of books that have a loot of details in them.

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...computers is being used for many criminal activities such as cybercrimes. Cyber crime is any criminal act dealing with computers and networks. It also includes traditional crimes conducted through the Internet. For example, hate crimes, telemarketing and Internet fraud, identity theft, hacking and credit card account thefts are considered to be cyber crimes; when the illegal activities are committed through the use of a computer and the Internet. It is no longer a place of security, but a place of great vulnerability. Hacking is one of the most common cybercrimes. Hacking is when someone intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access for their personal benefit. Most of the time they get a thrill out of hacking, the more they hack the more fun they have. Hacking is just another way to receive a buildup of adrenaline in the body. Hackers will receive the thrill and chills of the rebellious act and then have all that adrenaline, making themselves feel really good. They also gain many possessions from hacking. One thing that they gain is knowledge. Not just knowledge of how to hack, but knowledge of the systems that they are hacking into and knowledge of different security precautions that people take to try to keep hackers out. There are a vast number of different systems that hackers have to know in order to hack into them. Hackers will read up on the different...

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