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Hammurabi's Code: The Right To Rule The Kingdom Of Babylon

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Introduction Paragraph Have you ever heard of Hammurabi’s code ? Hammurabi was a king in Mesopotamia nearly 4,000 years ago . He ruled the kingdom of Babylonia for 42 years .Hammurabi’s codes were laws that needed to be followed in his kingdom . The purpose Hammurabi’s code was to protect his people . Hammurabi’s code was just for 3 reasons Family law's , Creation of codes , and Property laws .

Examples of just laws can first be found in the area of Creation of Codes . The first example is “ Below the two figures down in the prologue in which Hammurabi lists the names of the gods , saying that they have given him the right to rule “.This means that all the gods gave Hammurabi the right to rule . This matters to show it is just because

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