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Submitted By tlehnen
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In the play, “Dutchman and The Slave” by Imamu Amiri Baraka, there is a lot of manipulation and also a clear struggle for power. In addition to Baraka’s play, the short stories “Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and “Harlem” by Langston Hughes they also illustrate the struggle of power and how society of that era were manipulating the minds of Africa Americans into believing that their dreams weren’t worth anything.
Imamu Amiri Baraka introduces Lula, clearly a bipolar racist. Lula has a unknown problem witnessing African Americans strive towards a dream, that she feels they don’t deserve. Her motives throughout the book/movie were to become superior or have power by manipulating young African American men. The way Lula behaved was sure to get a rise out of anyone with some sort of sanity. Shirley Jackson also showed the power role by introducing her character in “Lottery”. Mr. Summers was not only manipulating, but he applies a fearsome amount of power over the village, power that seems to have been assigned to him at random. Much like Lula, Mr. Summers now has complete control in determining who dies.
The villagers show a type of blind-trust in Mr. Summers which the author never illustrates why their trust is so strong. The village just seems to accept the ritual without a thought of change. That trust was also shown in the Dutchman, how Clay trusted Lula by sharing inviting conversation, and kind gestures. Lula was symbolized in Dutchman as the white devil.
Ephesians 6:11; The Trickery of the Devil, “He lies to us, wants to trap us, discourage us and snare us. He will do anything he can do with cunning satanic variety to weaken us and destroy us. He goes to work daily to produce discouragement, confusion, indifference and imbalance. He is our chief enemy, but deals in trickeries and schemes.” First, Lula mentions the fact that she lies a lot. Throughout the movie Dutchman, the author clearly shows how Lula tries to discourage Clay by talking about his job and personal life. She snares at him nearly the entire time trying to weaken him and ultimately destroy him. Just the like the Bible definition, Lula the white devil in disguise, would go on this train daily and produce all things the devil would through her schemes and trickery.
Lula’s view on life was that dreams for African Americans should be restricted beyond a certain point. Much like Langston Hughes, author of Harlem, only he illustrates images of “waste” to represent the fate of black men. To some losing site of a dream could mean, in Clay’s case, death. Lula’s vital goal was to get black men to understand what a dream deferred really meant. Harlem is merely a presumption about the future of a black man’s dreams. Lula brings the poem to reality by proving she is in control of as many dreams as she can.
The images used in both the movie Dutchman, and the poem “Harlem”, were fruit. The apple and raisin can be represented by dreams. Lula goes through these apples as if they were nothing, much like she did with the black men. The dreams may seem sweet to the thought, but society in comparison to Lula would turn such a sweet grape (dream), into nothing more than a shriveled idea (raisin).
Society controls the extent of dreams, and during their era, African Americans were not given a fair chance to dream. In reference to slave ships back in the 1800’s, Jackson and Baraka both illustrate the ease of transition from murder to reality. The passengers on the train were predominantly white. In comparison to The Lottery the witnesses of such heinous crimes proceeded on with their day as if nothing happened. Clay was stabbed in front of a dozen passengers and nobody blinked an eye. Tessie was stoned to death by even her own son and the village carried on like it was normal.

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