Charastion Was a Young 19 year old enslaved male Who was tried from being beaten And mistreated so he decided to work with his friend named Harriet Tubman. She was also enslaved they made a plan to Free all slaves once in for all.
Charleston runs to Harriet’s at 3AM. Charleston says i gotta be careful! Someone might be watching Chasrition Cuts running through a cotton field. Chasrastion finally makes it to harriet’s Coordoors Charasiton Says harriet wake up it's me Charastion harriet says charastion what are you doing here it's 3 in the morning Charasiton say’s what do you mean what i'm doing here did u forget about the map.
Harriet “says Oh my god i must have forgotten charastion says let's hurry up and start making the map Harriet says