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Hca 240 Wk 7 Appendix E


Submitted By madickl
Words 548
Pages 3
Associate Level Material
Appendix E

For this assignment, complete this chart to create an easy-to-read reference that will help you understand how the two forms of diabetes mellitus differ. Maintaining proper levels of insulin is critical for diabetes patients. The means by which insulin can be regulated depends upon which type of diabetes a patient has.

Complete the chart with a 25- to 50-word response for each box.

|Form of diabetes |Age of onset |Defects in insulin and effects on glucose |Risk factors |Prevention and treatment |
| | |metabolism | | |
|Type I: Insulin-dependent diabetes |Usually prior |Insulin is needed so that the cells can use |Some risk factors include a family history of|There is no way to prevent type I diabetes. |
|mellitus |to age 30 |the sugars in the blood for energy. This type|type I diabetes, genetics, viral exposure, |However, researchers are working on |
| | |is caused by the body not manufacturing |having a mother 25 years old or younger when |preventing the disease or allowing further |
| | |enough or any insulin, which makes the |she gave birth to the child, the mother had |destruction of the islet cells in patients |
| | |pancreas stop producing insulin when the |preeclampsia during her pregnancy, having |who are recently diagnosed. Type I diabetes |
| | |immune system attacks and destroys the |been born with jaundice, or having a |treatment is a lifelong commitment to taking |
| | |insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas |respiratory infection just after birth (The |insulin, exercising regularly, healthy weight|
| | |(Zelman, Tompary, Raymond, Holdaway & |Mayo Clinic, 2013). |management and diet (The Mayo Clinic, 2013). |
| | |Mulvihill, 2010, p. 321). | | |
|Type II: Noninsulin-dependent diabetes |Usually after |Type II usually develops later in life and is|Risk factors for developing type II diabetes |Treatment and prevention of Type II diabetes |
|mellitus |age 45 |associated with different degrees of insulin |include a family history of diabetes, aging, |would include eating healthy, weight |
| | |resistance, diminished insulin secretion, and|gaining to much weight, a history of |management, and oral medications. If a |
| | |increased glucose production, and linked with|gestational diabetes while pregnant, an |person cannot control their Type II diabetes |
| | |obesity. It causes the cells to not react |inactive lifestyle, a history of high blood |by managing their diet and weight, and oral |
| | |correctly to the insulin and therefore do not|pressure and high cholesterol, and |medications do not work, they will need to |
| | |use the sugar in the blood correctly (Zelman,|hyperlipidemia (Zelman, Tompary, Raymond, |use insulin injections (Zelman, Tompary, |
| | |Tompary, Raymond, Holdaway & Mulvihill, 2010,|Holdaway & Mulvihill, 2010, p. 322). |Raymond, Holdaway & Mulvihill, 2010, p. 322).|
| | |p. 322). | | |


The Mayo Clinic. (2013, January 23). Diseases and conditions. Type 1 diabetes. Prevention. Retrieved from

The Mayo Clinic. (2013, January 23). Diseases and conditions. Type 1 diabetes. Risk factors. Retrieved from

The Mayo Clinic. (2013, January 23). Diseases and conditions. Type 1 diabetes. Treatment and drugs. Retrieved from

Zelman, M., Tompary, E., Raymond, J., Holdaway, P., & Mulvihill, M. (2010). Human diseases: A systemic approach (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. University of Phoenix.

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