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Hcs 212 Orthopedic Awareness


Submitted By Shelliekaye
Words 1102
Pages 5
Orthopedic Awareness
University of Phoenix
Health Care Vocabulary
December 27, 2012

Orthopedic Awareness
After a fall or traumatic injury, there is a need for immediate care by and orthopedic physician. Conservative care, such as time, bracing, or casting or more immediate care like surgical intervention can be just what the physician has to do. Minor injuries or just regular wear and tear can cause pain and problems and over time can lead to other orthopedic issues such as improper body mechanics. Overuse of one side of the body can cause injury to the opposite side of the body because the patient does not treat the immediate issue of getting a knee evaluated for total joint replacement or arthroplasty. The main causes of body breakdown are poor diet, lack of exercise and not getting treatment early enough for minor injuries, which leads to early onset of arthritis. Screening is available to assess bone loss but this test is only available with an order from a physician.
Poor diet and attention to the amounts of food people are consuming is a hot topic in the media and in public schools. The volume of food consumed has risen and people waistlines have expanded as a result. Schools are changing the foods they offer and the number of calories children can eat at lunch. Removing vending machines and extra snacks from their daily choices of food is happening in schools too. There is a diet option that not many people know about that when implemented into children’s diets and an early age and continued throughout life can help with obesity that has a direct link to orthopedic health.
Super foods give other nutrients the body needs in addition to calcium to maintain a healthy body. According to The Joint Pain Institute, “Generally, the best foods for healthy bones are fresh fruits and vegetables and other whole foods, organically grown. Foods

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